How to Identify and Control Japanese Beetles

A close up horizontal image of a Japanese beetle feeding on a leaf pictured on a soft focus background.

If you live in eastern North America, you’ve probably encountered Japanese beetles. They appear in summer and skeletonize the foliage of dozens of favorite garden species. They can be hard to deal with but control is possible. Learn how to identify and manage these common pests in this guide. Read more now.

How to Prevent and Treat Root Rot in Houseplants

A close up horizontal image of rotten roots on a houseplant.

Root rot is all too common in houseplants and can kill your plant quickly. It can cause yellowing and wilting foliage while underneath the roots are rotting away. Taking swift action to address this condition is vital if you want to save your plants. Learn how to identify and treat root rot in houseplants in this guide.

The Buzz About Bees: 19 Ways to Help Bees in Your Backyard

A close up horizontal image of a bumblebee (Bombus lucorum) feeding from a yellow flower cluster, pictured on a soft focus green background.

Bees are critical pollinators in our food systems and key members of our ecosystems. Yet these flying insects are in danger due to habitat loss and climate change. To help them, you can create a wildlife oasis in your backyard to offer food and shelter. Learn 19 ways to help bees in your landscape in this guide. Read more.

13 Common Beet Pests: Identification, Control Tips, and Prevention

Image of a beet plant growing in the garden with leaves wilting in the sun and damage to the roots by soil-borne nematodes.

Beet pests can completely derail your harvest. From maggots that chew up the roots to miners that tunnel through leaves, there are plenty of bugs to watch out for that can quickly destroy a healthy plant. This article will arm you with the knowledge you need to identify and eradicate the most common beet foes.

How to Identify and Treat Pecan Stem End Blight

A cluster of immature pecan nuts still in green casings growing on the tree surrounded by foliage in light sunshine on a soft focus background.

Pecan nuts that start to turn black and fall off the tree may be suffering from stem end blight. This fungal disease is spread by insects feeding on your trees and can cause severe damage to your crop. Fungicide treatment may be necessary if your trees are infected. Learn how to identify and treat this serious disease.

5 Reasons Your Pumpkin Vine Isn’t Blooming

A large pumpkin patch with abundant, large leaves but no flowers.

You’ve nourished and cared for your pumpkin seedlings, and they’ve grown vines and leaves. Flowers should’ve appeared by now, but you don’t see any blooms – and no flowers means no fruit. Did something go wrong? Read more now to learn the top 5 reasons why your pumpkin vine isn’t blooming, and what to do about it.

How to Identify and Treat Diseases of Turnips and Rutabagas

Close up of a turnip plant with diseased leaves.

Fungi, bacteria, and water molds cause multiple types of diseases on the leaves or roots of turnips and rutabagas. In addition, turnip mosaic virus is a debilitating disease. You can prevent many diseases by using clean or heat-treated seeds. Read on to find out what symptoms to look for on your crops.

How to Identify and Prevent White Rust on Turnip

Brassica leaf showing signs of white rust.

White rust infects cruciferous plants, including turnips, around the world. It produces white pustules on the leaves and can distort the flower heads. However, this organism does not kill the plants. Read on to learn how to prevent white rust using cultural control methods.

How to Keep Slugs Off Cabbage and Other Cole Crops

A slug eating a cabbage leaf. Close up photo.

Although slugs can be highly serious pests of cabbage and other cruciferous veggies, there are a variety of techniques that you can use to control these land mollusks. Read on to learn a number of ways to banish slugs from your garden. You have options ranging from barriers to traps to predatory slugs and bait.

How to Control Turnip Mosaic Virus

Close up of cabbage leaves infected with the Turnip Mosaic Virus.

Turnip mosaic virus affects cabbage and a broad range of cole crops along with many other types of plants. Weeds serve as reservoirs for the disease, which is spread by aphids. Read on to learn how to control this potentially devastating disease.

How to Identify and Prevent Apple Cork Spot

An apple hanging from a tree with signs of cork spot.

If your apples have green dimples on them, they do not have a fungal disorder. Your fruit lack calcium and have apple cork spot. You can prevent this from happening in the future by liming your soil or spraying your trees with calcium. Read on to find out how to diagnose and prevent this physiological disorder.

How to Control Cabbage Worms on Brassicas and Cole Crops

Imported cabbage worm (Pieris rapae) larvae feeding on a brassica leaf.

Cabbage butterflies live throughout the US and southern Canada. While you can handpick the cabbage worms if there are just a few, large numbers can kill your cabbage plants and many other cole crops and crucifers. Read on to learn how to control these voracious caterpillars.

How to Fix Wilting Pumpkin Plants: 11 Common Culprits

A close up horizontal image of wilting pumpkin foliage in the vegetable garden pictured in bright sunshine.

Many common factors can cause pumpkin plants to wilt, ranging from soil that is too dry or wet to a number of potentially devastating disease pathogens and insects. Purging infected plants from your garden and controlling pests can help to save your pumpkins. Read more now to learn how to troubleshoot in your garden.

How to Prevent Southern Blight on Your Tomato Plants

A close up horizontal image of the dying foliage of a tomato plant infected with Sclerotium rolfsii aka southern blight.

A scourge that can kill homegrown tomato plants in days, southern blight is caused by a fungus that multiplies in hot, humid weather. It can survive for years in garden soil. In our guide we cover preventive measures that include keeping the garden debris-free, properly spacing plants, and rotating crops. Read more now.

How to Identify and Prevent Catfacing of Tomatoes

A large red beefsteak tomatoes chow catfacing abiotic disorder with deep cracks and crevices in its skin.

Catfacing of tomatoes is a physiological disorder that causes deformities in the developing fruit, caused by stressful cultural conditions. Steps you can take to prevent this condition include planting resistant varieties and ensuring your plants are not subjected to cold weather. Read on to learn more about catface.

How to Identify and Manage Cat and Dog Fleas

A close up horizontal image of a Labrador puppy sitting in the grass itching its neck as a result of a flea infestation.

Fleas are a nightmare for your cats and dogs and not much fun for you, either. Not only do they leave behind itchy, irritating bites, but they can also spread diseases and tapeworms. These pests can jump long distances and have multiple hosts. Find out how to identify and treat an infestation in this guide. Read more now.

Blossom-End Rot: What to Do if Your Tomatoes Rot on the Bottom

A close up of a hand from the bottom of the frame holding a green, unripe tomato that is suffering from a condition known as blossom-end rot where the bottom of the fruit turns black and watery.

Ripening tomatoes sometimes develop a dark, sunken spot at the blossom end, known as blossom-end rot. But this damage to your crop is not a sign of disease – it’s due to a lack of calcium in the fruit. Read on to learn about the measures you can take to keep your tomatoes safe from this physiological disorder.

How to Identify and Control Cutworms

A close up horizontal image of a cutworm resting on a large green leaf.

It’s a nasty surprise to discover your seedlings are dead thanks to cutworm damage, with all the hard work of getting your plants started undone in just one night. Don’t let them destroy your garden. Our guide will show you how to identify these pests and get rid of them so you can enjoy the harvest. Read more now.

How to Prevent and Control Powdery Mildew on Apple Trees

An apple tree branch complete coated in a Podosphaera leucotricha fungal infection showing the characteristic white powder-like coating on the leaves.

Do you have a white powdery coating on the leaves of your apple trees? Are trying to figure out what it might be? It’s likely powdery mildew and it needs to be managed. This disease is found in every region of the world that grows apples and damages leaves, limbs, fruit, and may even make an apple harvest impossible. Read on to learn how to recognize this pernicious disease and how to treat it.

How to Identify and Control Garlic Pests

A close up of freshly harvested garlic bulbs with the roots and foliage still attached set on soil.

Garlic’s pungent smell repels many pests, but there are a few bugs out there that love to prey on garlic. If you want to know what they are and how to fight them, this article will reveal the top five bugs that plague garlic. Plus, you’ll learn what you need to know to keep your garlic healthy. Read more now.

How to Identify and Control Cucumber Beetles

A close up horizontal image of a yellow and black cucumber beetle on a yellow flower pictured on a soft focus background.

Your cucumbers and other cucurbit crops are at risk of infestation via cucumber beetles, which can defoliate them, reduce their yield aesthetics, transmit diseases, or even kill the plants entirely. In this guide, you’ll learn how to identify these pests, and how to prevent and control them in your garden. Read more now.

How to Prevent and Manage Aster Yellows

Close up of a green deformed coneflower infected by aster yellows.

Aster yellows can infect more than 300 species of plants and produce symptoms such as leaves growing out of flowers and other deformities. Read on to learn how to spot the various symptoms of this disease and manage the aster leafhoppers that transmit it.

Understanding, Treating, and Avoiding Rust on Daylilies

A close up of two daylily flowers, growing in a border beside a wooden deck, with bright yellow flowers contrasting with green, upright foliage.

The daylily is generally a robust flower that blooms all summer long. However, when the growing environment is too wet, it can succumb to a condition called rust. It is not easy to treat, and one affected plant may spell disaster for the rest. Read on to learn how to identify, treat, and prevent daylily rust now.

How to Identify and Control Common Zucchini Diseases

A close up of a Curcurbita pepo plant suffering from a disease called bacterial wilt, pictured growing in bright sunshine in the garden.

Zucchini is a must-have in any veggie garden because it’s tasty, prolific, and easy to grow. But zucchini can be plagued by some nasty diseases that can reduce your harvest, or even kill your plants entirely. We’ll show you how to deal with diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, and viruses – and how to prevent them in the future.

How to Identify and Treat Hydrangea Diseases

Close up of splotchy leaves of a hydrangea bush with a fungal disease.

Numerous fungi and viruses can infect hydrangea shrubs. In addition, two types of bacteria can also cause important diseases. You can treat most of these diseases and save your plants. Read on to learn how to diagnose and treat diseases on hydrangea.

How to Manage Root Rot in Fruit, Nut, and Landscape Trees

Tree roots infected with root rot.

Phytophthora and the fungi Armillaria, Phymatotrichum, and Xylaria can all cause devastating cases of root rot on fruit, nut, and landscape trees along with woody shrubs. Prevention is the best way to manage these diseases. Read on to learn the best ways to avoid these diseases and biocontrol agents and fungicides that may help with Phytophthora root rot.

How to Identify and Control Zucchini Plant Pests

A close up of a large green leaf infested with small black insects, with a garden scene in soft focus in the background.

Have you spotted an insect on your zucchini in the vegetable patch and don’t know what to do about it? Or maybe your plants are failing to thrive and you’re wondering what might be the problem. Learn how to identify and control 9 common zucchini pests. Read more now.

How to Prevent and Treat Early Blight of Tomatoes

A close up of the foliage of a plant suffering from Alternaria solani, causing black spots to develop on the leaves, pictured in light sunshine on a soft focus background.

Tomato plants are commonly infected by a fungus that manifests as spots shaped like bull’s-eyes on the leaves and fruit. Your plants are likely to have early blight, caused by the fungus Alternaria. This disease is not usually fatal, but it can ruin your harvest. Read on to learn how to manage this ubiquitous disease.

Yellowjacket Identification, Facts, and Control Measures

A close up horizontal image of a yellowjacket wasp looking at the camera, pictured on a soft focus background.

Although yellowjackets consume a large volume of agricultural pests, they are very aggressive when protecting their nests and cause most of the stinging deaths in the US. Read on to learn how to manage these inhospitable guests on your property.

How to Control Pavement Ants

A close up of three light brown pavement ants with large bulbous heads on a white background.

Pavement ants make their nests in concrete slabs under houses or in foundations. You can tell an infestation by the tell-tale piles of soil or sand near the colony. Fortunately, they are fairly easy to control once you know how. Learn how to identify and treat a pavement ant infestation in your home. Read more now.

Problems with Growing Zucchini: Troubleshooting 11 Potential Issues

A close up of a healthy courgette plant growing in the garden with dark green fruit and soil in soft focus in the background.

Zucchini are famously prolific, but that doesn’t mean they’re without their share of potential issues. You might be facing yellowing leaves, falling flowers, or pest problems. If you’re having trouble with your zucchini, learn about 11 common problems, how to identify what’s going wrong, and what to do to fix it.

How to Identify and Control Currant Fruit Flies

A close up horizontal image of bright red gooseberries growing in the garden.

Currant fruit flies can ruin a gooseberry or currant harvest in a hurry. That’s why it’s essential to know how to identify and get rid of these devastating maggots. Each larva can eat through an entire berry and each fly can lay hundreds of eggs. This guide has all you need to know to keep them under control.

How to Control and Eradicate Flea Beetles

Three green flea beetles crawling on a wheat stem.

Do you have an infestation of flea beetles? These nasty little critters attack all kinds of produce and ornamentals, particularly nightshades and brassicas. Learn how you can defeat these little insects through various organic methods, or chemical herbicides if worse comes to worst. Read our comprehensive guide now!

Ground & Wood Nesting Bees: Learn to Identify Common Species

Macro photo of a bumble bee on a red clover flower.

Do you ever watch your backyard bees? Busy collecting pollen and sipping nectar, these benign little creatures pollinate our crops and flowers as they peacefully fly about. But when they nest nearby, it’s a smart idea to know how they’ll behave around your home. Join us now to learn about some common native species.

How to Identify, Prevent and Treat Gummosis on Fruit Trees

Close up of gummosis on an apricot tree trunk.

Is your apricot, peach, plum, cherry, or apple tree oozing a lot of gum? If so, it may be infected with the fungus Leucostoma that causes apricot gummosis and cankers. This fungus only infects stressed trees and enters through wounds, so you may be able to avoid it entirely. Read more about how to prevent this disease and ways to treat it.

How to Battle Colorado Potato Beetles in Your Garden

A Colorado potato beetle perched on a leaf.

Are Colorado potato beetles devouring your potatoes, tomatoes, or eggplants? Left unchecked, these pests can destroy entire crops. Learn natural ways to stop an infestation with help from the experts at Gardener’s Path, plus tips on how to use pesticides against these beetles as a last line of defense. Read more.

How to Identify, Prevent, and Control Cedar Apple Rust

Cedar apple rust fungus on a juniper tree.

Although cedar apple rust won’t kill the junipers or apples and crabapples it infects, it can surely debilitate them. What can you do if you are faced with this complex disease? Read more now on Gardener’s Path to discover how to identify and learn how to control cedar apple rust on either of its hosts.

How to Identify and Treat Anthracnose on Hydrangeas

A close up of a hydrangea leaf suffering from a fungal infection called anthracnose causing dark brown lesions to appear on the foliage.

Hydrangeas can fall prey to anthracnose, a virulent fungal disease which can cause damage to the leaves, flowers, and even the stems. This fungus spreads quickly in hot, wet weather, but there are steps you can take to limit an infection. Read on to learn how to prevent, diagnose, and manage anthracnose in hydrangeas.

What Causes Yellowing and Thinning of Kale Leaves?

Close up of kale leaves turning yellow while growing in a veggie garden.

Although kale plants are usually healthy, yellowing and thinning leaves can be signs of potentially fatal bacterial infections. These diseases rapidly spread to nearby plants and can destroy whole fields. Read on to learn how to prevent leaf spot bacteria and black rot from infecting your plants.

How to Stop Carpenter Bees from Attacking Your Home

A carpenter been sitting on small branch that has had a hole drilled for nesting.

Carpenter bees are docile insects with the important task of pollinating our food supplies. But they nest in old wood and often choose inappropriate sites – like our fences, garages, and homes. If you’re experiencing problems with an infestation, join us now for a look at how to prevent and be rid of existing nests.

Integrated Pest Management: What It Is and How to Use It

Close up of a human hand holding a soybean leaf that has been damaged by insect activity.

Interested in finding out how to grow more while doing less? Want to encourage biodiversity to flourish alongside your favorite plants? Read on to find out all about what Integrated Pest Management is and how it could help you in your garden!

What is “Damping Off” and How Do You Prevent It?

Close up of seedlings dying from damping off.

“Damping off” is a phrase that is enough to strike fear into the heart of any grower. A must-read for anyone wanting to grow their own seedlings, learn everything you need to know about this devastating disease and how you can prevent this pathogen from pestering your seedlings, check out our guide now!

How to Identify and Manage Glassy-Winged Sharpshooters

A close up horizontal image of a glassy-winged sharpshooter (Homalodisca vitripennis) resting on a branch pictured on a soft focus background.

The glassy-winged sharpshooter is a sap-sucking pest that feeds on over 300 types of plants. Its presence in the landscape poses a fatal threat to them all. Discover how this sapsucker can be responsible for the death of crops and ornamental species. Learn how to recognize it, deter breeding, and treat an infestation.

How to Identify and Treat 9 Common Rose Diseases

A close up of a rose bloom suffering from botrytis blight. The petals are going brown and drying out. The background is soft focus.

Lovely as roses are, they are prone to disease, and knowing what to do early on is key to protecting the health of your plants. Our guide describes the common rose diseases you are most likely to encounter and offers effective treatment plans for each. Check out our solutions to your roses’ woes now in this guide.

How to Control Fruit Flies in the Garden and Indoors

A close up horizontal image of an apple sliced in half set on a glass plate on a wooden surface, infested with Drosophila fruit flies.

Fruit flies love fruits, no surprise there. One species targets rotting produce indoors, and another ruins perfectly healthy fruit in the garden by laying eggs inside the sweet flesh. This guide covers everything you need to know about these tiny, brown, red-eyed flies and strategies you can use to control them. Read more.

How to Use Eggshells in the Garden for Soil, Compost, and as Pest Control

A close up of shells of eggs mixed in with rich, dark soil in the garden.

Want to use eggshells in your garden? Learn the best techniques for breaking them down in your compost and using them as a soil amendment. And find out the truth about whether eggshells really repel garden pests. To learn more about turning eggshells into garden amendments instead of landfill waste, read more now.

How to Tell Fungus Gnats and Shore Flies Apart

A close up horizontal image of an adult shore fly on the surface of the soil.

Have you noticed little dark-colored flies hanging around your plants? If you’ve had trouble identifying which of the common nuisance insects they are, you may have noticed fungus gnats and shore flies are difficult to tell apart. From how they fly to how the larvae look, here’s how you can distinguish between the two.

How to Use Trap Crops as Decoys to Control Insect Pests

A close up horizontal image of mixed plantings in the vegetable garden.

Trap crops are plants that are more attractive to pest insects than your crops are, luring the bad bugs away from your vegetables, fruits, and flowers, and preventing damage. Once on these decoys, the pests are easy to find and kill, meaning less insecticides are needed. Read more about trap cropping in this guide.

How to Identify and Control Fungus Gnats on Houseplants

A close up horizontal image of a yellow sticky trap used to catch fungus gnats.

Houseplants and fungus gnats go hand in hand, but one of them is not welcome in your home. Though usually just a nuisance insect, the larvae can turn from feeding on organic matter to chewing on plant roots. This guide covers everything you need to know about these tiny flies and strategies you can use to control them.

Treat Powdery Mildew Using Homemade and Organic Remedies

A close up horizontal image of a leaf infected with powdery mildew.

Powdery mildew is a chronic problem in temperate climates throughout the world. Fortunately, it does not usually kill its hosts, but it can debilitate them. You can treat this fungal infection with a range of certified organic products and homemade treatments. Read more now to learn how to use these remedies in your garden.

How to Identify and Treat Common Viburnum Diseases

A horizontal image of a large viburnum growing in the garden.

Viburnums are versatile, low-maintenance shrubs that are usually disease-free, but under certain conditions, you may face issues. Many of these are fungal in nature, causing damage that is merely cosmetic, though others may be more serious. Learn how to identify and treat common viburnum diseases in this guide. Read more.

23 Beneficial Insects and Other Creepy Crawlies That Your Garden Will Love

A close up horizontal image of ladybugs on yellow flowers.

Did you know that not all insects are pests? Many beneficial varieties may already be living in your gardens, helping to control populations of bugs that enjoy feasting on veggies, herbs, and flowers. Read on to discover who your friends are, and how to encourage them to work and thrive in your yard.

How to Identify and Control Beet Armyworms

A close up horizontal image of a beet armyworm on a leaf.

Hardly a garden vegetable is safe from the hungry moth larvae known as beet armyworms. They chew leaves, burrow into crowns, and can kill seedlings. This guide covers everything you need to know about Spodoptera exigua, including their life cycle, preferred food, and a variety of strategies you can use to control them.

Identify and Manage 5 Common Chestnut Tree Diseases

A close up horizontal image of the diseased foliage of a chestnut tree.

Are your chestnut trees looking a little, shall we say, under the weather? Maybe you’ve noticed wilting leaves, or nuts that rot in their shells. Learn how to identify, prevent, and manage five common diseases that may afflict chestnut trees, with recommendations for selecting resistant varieties. Read more now.

How to Identify and Manage Common Chestnut Tree Pests

A close up horizontal image of chestnuts opening up on the tree.

Want to grow your own chestnut trees? A variety of insects and other types of wildlife would adore the opportunity to much on a leaf, or a tasty nut in the fall. Read our guide now to learn which pests to be on the lookout for, and how to prevent or control an infestation and protect your hard-earned harvest.

How to Deal with Mosaic Virus in Cabbages

A close up horizontal image of a cabbage head infected with turnip mosaic virus pictured on a soft focus background.

Mosaic viruses are more common in cabbages than you might think, with some estimates saying 10% of plants are infected. There’s no cure, and mosaic virus can spread – and completely ruin your crop. That’s why prevention is so important, and knowing what to watch for is essential. #cabbage #mosaicvirus #gardenerspath

Tips to Address Beet Cercospora Leaf Spot Disease

A close up horizontal image of freshly harvested beets set on the ground in the vegetable garden.

If you don’t know how to manage an outbreak of Cercospora leaf spot, it can ruin not only this year’s beet crop, but those for years to come. It renders beet greens inedible and can affect neighboring vegetables in the garden, like chard and spinach. Read on to learn how to deal with this destructive fungal condition.

13 Common Pests That Attack Swiss Chard

A close up horizontal image of Swiss chard that has been eaten by pests.

Your garden is full of pests waiting to chomp on your Swiss chard. Before you can nab your harvest to use it in the kitchen, bugs like aphids, blister beetles, and cutworms are creeping around, just waiting for the opportunity to strike. A little knowledge and the right tools are all you need to prevail. Read more.

9 Diseases That Can Destroy Your Swiss Chard

A horizontal image of colorful Swiss chard growing in a garden border.

Homegrown Swiss chard does double duty with its beautiful stems and incredible flavor. But disease can ruin its appealing appearance and its fantastic flavor, denying you the harvest you’ve worked so hard for. A little prevention goes a long way, but if disease still takes hold, there are things you can do. Read more.

Common Issues with Coneflowers: 11 Plant Diseases and Pests

A close up horizontal image of purple coneflowers growing in the garden pictured in light sunshine.

Coneflowers are pretty darn tough. They can withstand a lot, including drought and most pests and diseases. But when problems impact your echinacea, you want to take swift action to protect your precious plants. This guide shows you what to watch out for, how to prevent these issues, and what to do if they turn up.

How to Identify and Control Pomegranate Pests and Diseases

A close up horizontal image of ripe pomegranates growing in the garden.

Pest infestation and disease are unfortunately common among fruit trees, though pomegranates manage to dodge a large number of both. While you’ll need to remain vigilant for signs of distress, you can treat many common issues that may arise. Learn what to look for and how to intervene to help your pomegranates thrive.

Insects Chewed Holes in my Homegrown Greens! Are They Safe to Eat?

A horizontal image of lettuce leaves with holes from insect pests.

Are leafy greens with bug holes okay to eat? They might be, but this is not the case if mammals have been nibbling on your crop. Shockingly, eating a raw slug or snail can also impact your health in rare cases. Read more now to learn when it is okay to eat greens from the garden that have been damaged by insects.

How to Identify and Prevent Common Lettuce Diseases

A close up horizontal image of a lettuce head rotting in the garden.

If you’re growing lettuce for fresh salads, there’s nothing more frustrating than finding your crop has been ruined by disease. From bacteria to viruses, there are a number of potential pathogens to contend with. In this guide, we take a look at some common lettuce diseases and offer tips for prevention. Read more now.

How to Identify and Control Common Cabbage Pests

A close up horizontal image of a cabbage eaten by pests.

Any pests in the garden can be a real pain, but especially those that target cabbage, as they can destroy your crop and spread to other brassicas and garden plants. The list of animals and insects to be on the lookout for is quite lengthy, so it’s best to be prepared to deal with them expeditiously once they appear.

Crown Rot Identification and Tips for Treatment

A close up horizontal image of the base of a tree suffering from crown rot.

Crown rot can appear out of nowhere and cause your plants to collapse, or even die. While the symptoms are usually similar, various pathogens can cause this ailment. Identifying the specific pathogen involved can help you to treat or prevent crown rot disease. Learn how to tell these pathogens apart in this guide.

How to Identify and Manage Common Brussels Sprout Diseases

A close up horizontal image of brussels sprout plants growing in the garden suffering from disease.

No one wants to lose their harvest to pathogens. Brussels sprout diseases can range from cosmetic to deadly, and knowing which is which and how to deal with them is key to a successful harvest. This guide helps you handle the most common diseases, and includes tips on how to avoid them in the first place. Read more.

Common Brussels Sprout Pests: What’s Eating My Plants?

A close up horizontal image of small cabbage white caterpillars on a brussels sprout leaf pictured on a soft focus background.

As any adult knows, brussels sprouts are absolutely marvelous. Sadly, pests seem to agree. They won’t hesitate to take a nibble out of your plants. Not only can they threaten your harvest by harming your sprouts, they can spread diseases too. Don’t let it happen to you. We’ll show you how to identify and stop them.

How to Prevent Soggy Breakdown Disorder in Apples

Oblique view of Honeycrisp apples that have been sliced open to show soggy breakdown disorder.

Soggy breakdown disorder is a particular problem in Honeycrisp apples, and the fruit can be hiding this issue even though it looks fine on the outside. Read more now to learn how to prevent soggy breakdown in your homegrown harvest by conditioning the fruit before storing it at the proper temperature.

What’s Killing My Broccoli? 13 Common Diseases

A close up horizontal image of a broccoli plant growing in the garden suffering from a disease on the foliage.

Broccoli is delicious and nutritious, which is no doubt why it’s so popular in home gardens. The trouble is that pathogens seem to love broccoli as much as we do. Whether it’s fungi that will ruin the foliage or bacteria that can wipe your plant out, there are lots of problems to watch for. These are the most common.

How to Identify and Control Woolly Aphids

A close up horizontal image of a colony of woolly aphids (Eriosoma lanigerum) on the branch of a tree pictured in light sunshine on a soft focus background.

Woolly aphids are plant-sucking insects that cover themselves with a fluffy, waxy coating, making them look like little cotton balls. They feed on shrubs and trees, and are mainly a cosmetic concern. This guide covers everything you need to know about these pests, including the strategies you can use to control them.

How to Identify and Control White Grubs in Your Lawn and Garden

A close up horizontal image of a disgusting looking lawn grub, the larvae of a chafer beetle, on the surface of the soil.

White grubs, also known as grub worms, are beetle larvae that feed on plant roots. They are especially problematic for our lush green lawns, and they can be hard to control. This guide will help you learn all you need to know about these pests, including identification, monitoring, and the available control methods.

How to Recognize and Manage 9 Common Cauliflower Pests

A close up horizontal image of rows of cauliflowers growing in the garden.

Cauliflower is a cool-weather cole crop that can be temperamental, even under the best of circumstances. When insects feed on it, a whole new set of challenges arises. Read on to discover nine of the most common cauliflower pests that feed on foliage, heads, and roots, and learn about effective treatment options.

Diatomaceous Earth: Effective Natural Pest Control

Keep pests at bay with your new best friend - DE. |

Diatomaceous earth is a wondrous powder made from the crushed bodies of prehistoric fossils, with many modern garden uses! Get tips for application as a natural pesticide. Plus, learn how to use it in your home and on your poultry flock in this guide from Gardener’s Path.

Why Are the Stems on My Dracaena Turning Black?

A close up horizontal image of a Dracaena marginata plant pictured from below, growing in a pot indoors.

Despite the hardiness of most Dracaena plants, these houseplants are susceptible to infections that cause their stems to turn black. This is usually due to fungal root rots that occur from overwatering. Read more now to learn how to diagnose black stems on Dracaena and what to do with an infected plant.

How to Identify and Control Squash Bugs

A close up horizontal image of a squash bug (Anasa tristis) on the edge of a leaf pictured on a soft focus background.

Are you struggling to combat a squash bug infestation in the garden? Anasa tristis is a pesky insect that resembles a stink bug in its adult stage, and these pests can cause damage and wilting in your squash plants and other edibles. In this guide we offer tips that can help to save your cucurbit harvest. Read more now.

Common Broccoli Pests and How to Control Them

A close up horizontal image of two hands holding a broccoli leaf that is displaying pest damage.

Caterpillars, beetles, aphids, and more are all waiting for a chance to chomp on your broccoli plants. While some pests are just a nuisance, others can kill your broccoli before you get a chance to harvest and enjoy it. We’ll help you to identify, manage, and prevent infestation by the most common broccoli pests.

How to Identify and Control Gypsy Moth Caterpillars

A close up horizontal image of gypsy moth caterpillars on a leaf pictured on a soft focus background.

During population outbreaks, gypsy moth caterpillars, with their colorful spots and skin-irritating fuzz, chew on and can defoliate trees and shrubs. Our guide covers all you need to know about these pests, including their biology, natural enemies, and the strategies you can use to prevent infestation and control them.

How to Identify and Control Peach Twig Borers

A close up horizontal image image of an orchard growing a variety of fruits on a cloudy sky background.

Peach twig borers (Anarsia lineatella) start by infesting the shoots of stone fruit and almond trees, moving on to the fruit once it matures. These insects can cause serious losses, and aggressive control measures may be necessary to eradicate them. Read on to learn how to identify and control this pernicious garden pest.

How to Identify and Control Lace Bugs

A close up horizontal image of an infestation of lace bugs on the surface of a leaf.

Lace bugs, with their intricately designed wings, feed on trees, shrubs, and grasses, and are mainly a cosmetic concern. But when it comes to ornamentals, their damage can be ugly. This guide covers everything you’ll need to know about these strange looking pests, including the strategies you can use to control them.

How to Identify and Control Root Weevils

A close up horizontal image of a root infested with root weevils pictured on a soft focus background.

Root weevils are snout beetle larvae that feed on a host of common garden plant roots, especially ornamentals. The long-nosed adults also snack on plant leaves, causing cosmetic damage. This guide will help you to learn all you need to know about these pests and the strategies you can use to control them. Read more.

How to Diagnose and Prevent Phony Peach Disease

Close up of small peaches infected with Xylella fastidiosa that cause phony peach disease.

Every type of peach (as well as almond and apricot) is susceptible to phony peach disease, which results in compact bushy trees that stop producing fruit. There is no cure, and you will have to destroy your tree if it’s infected. Read more now to find out how you can prevent this insidious disease from affecting your home orchard.

How to Control a Whitefly Infestation

A close up horizontal image of whiteflies infesting a leaf pictured on a soft focus background.

Adult whiteflies and their nymphs are tiny plant-sucking insects that cause speckles, yellowing, and leaf drop. They are notorious pests of vegetables and some ornamentals, and can vector serious viral diseases. Learn all you need to know about these insects and the variety of control options available to you now.

How to Identify and Control Scale Insects in the Garden

A close up horizontal image of insects in various stages of development infesting a branch pictured on a soft focus background.

Dealing with scale in the garden? These minute, ancient insects can cause major stress to some plants by sucking out their vital nutrients. Typically kept in check by their natural enemies, ecological disruption can lead to unexpected infestations. Learn about the varieties of scale and pest management techniques now.

How to Identify and Control Root Maggots

A close up horizontal image of a root maggot in the soil.

Root maggots are small fly larvae that tunnel into the roots of a variety of common garden plants, such as cabbage and onions, causing wilting, chlorosis, and root rot, and ruining harvests. Learn all you need to know about the species you might find, the crops they attack, and the control options available to you now.

How to Identify and Prevent Late Blight of Tomatoes

A close up horizontal image of a tomato plant suffering from a bad case of late blight caused by Phytophthora infestans, a nefarious water mold.

Late blight can rapidly devastate entire tomato crops under favorable conditions. Experts advise checking plants at least twice a week to monitor for this infection, and you can consult local resources to find out if it is active in your area. Read more to learn what to look for and how to prevent late blight.

How to Identify and Control Common Lettuce Pests

A close up horizontal image of a head lettuce growing in the garden with water droplets on the surface of the leaves.

If you’re growing lettuce it can sometimes feel as though all the animals and insects in the neighborhood want to share your homegrown harvest. In this guide, we’ll cover the most common lettuce pests, both large and small, and provide tips on how to identify the culprits, prevent, and control them. Read more now.

How to Identify and Control Common Bergenia Pests

A close up horizontal image of the bright pink flowers of a bergenia plant growing in the garden pictured in bright sunshine.

Although bergenia is a low maintenance plant that is rarely bothered by pests, there are exceptions. Black vine weevils can chew notches on the leaves and damage the roots. Slugs can be a problem in plants that have decaying leaves on them. Read on to learn how to control these pests on your bergenia plants.

Understanding and Avoiding Black Smut Fungus

A close up horizontal image of an ear of corn growing in the garden that has been infected by a black smut fungus pictured on a soft focus background.

Smuts are fungi that ruin crops like corn, rice, wheat, and onions, as well as lawns and ornamentals. They are characterized by growths called galls, and foliar and fruit disfigurement. In this article we discuss different types of smut fungus and ways to avoid them in the home garden. Read on for all you need to know.

How to Recognize Common Disease Symptoms in Bergenia

A close up horizontal image of a bergenia plant growing in the garden with some spots on the foliage.

Although bergenia typically resists disease, specialized fungi can attack these plants. The most common disease is anthracnose, which can cause spots on the leaves and stems, and more rarely, crown or rhizome rot. Fortunately leaf spots are treatable. Read on to learn how to recognize and control diseases in bergenia.

How to Identify and Control Leaf Miners

A close up horizontal image of a leaf damaged by leaf miners pictured on a dark soft focus background.

Leaf miners are tiny larvae that burrow between leaf layers, leaving behind silvery tunnels filled with dark frass – especially unattractive and unappetizing on ornamentals and leafy greens. Learn everything you need to know about these miniscule immature insects and the variety of control options available to you.

How to Eradicate Tent Caterpillars (and Whether You Should)

A close up horizontal image of tent caterpillars swarming on a tree pictured on a soft focus background.

Wriggly masses of tent caterpillars on a tree can be a pretty scary sight. Not only can they completely defoliate a tree, but they look like something out of a horror film. This guide will help you learn how to identify and get rid of these common pests, but it also explains why you might want to leave them be instead.

How to Eliminate Wasps from Your Home and Garden

A close up horizontal image of a wasp on the side of a glass pictured on a soft focus background.

Even though most wasps are harmless and beneficial, the few aggressive, social species out there give the group a bad name. When they decide to build a nest near your home or garden, you may decide to eliminate them. Learn all you need to know about how to identify problem species and the control options available now.

How to Detect and Control Spider Mite Infestations

A close up horizontal image of a spider mite colony and its web on the stem of a plant pictured on a soft focus background.

Spider mites are common unwelcome pests that suck on foliage, leaving light-colored spots and covering plants with ugly webbing. Luckily, there are a lot of mites and insects that love to snack on them. Learn all you need to know about these arachnids, how to identify them, and the control options available to you now.

How to Control Aphids on Roses

A close up horizontal image of pink rose aphids infesting a flower bud pictured on a soft focus background.

If you seem to spot aphid congregations every time you look at your rose bushes, you’re probably feeling frustrated. How do you keep them under control? Can you do this without harming beneficial insects? And can beneficial insects help get rid of a bad aphid infestation? Find out in this guide. Read more now.

How to Identify and Control Mealybugs

A close up horizontal image of long-tailed mealybugs feeding on a green leaf.

Mealybugs are notorious pests of indoor flora, including your precious houseplants. They suck the sugary juices from the leaves and stems, excrete honeydew and can even vector diseases. Learn all you need to know about these insects, their biology, identification, and available control options in this guide. Read more now.

How to Identify and Control Thrips

A close up horizontal image of a thrip insect on a green leaf.

Thrips are miniscule, common, unwelcome garden pests that leave scars on flowers and fruits, distort leaves, and vector pathogens, including a couple serious plant viruses. Learn all you need to know about these tiny, cigar-shaped insects, how to monitor for them, and the variety of control options available to you.

How to Use Beneficial Nematodes to Reduce Pests in Your Garden

Top down view of various beneficial nematodes view through a microscope.

Beneficial nematodes may be used to control soilborne insects in their larval and nymph stages. These tiny, worm-like organisms penetrate the body of their host, introducing a strain of bacteria that kills the host insect. Learn how to use beneficial nematodes for garden pest control in this guide. Read more now.