How to Identify and Control Mealybugs


One minute you’ve got a happy, healthy succulent and the next you notice a clump of white fluff or some small, odd looking insects wedged in a crevice of your precious plant. They seem to appear from out of nowhere.

When a sudden infestation of mealybugs occurred on my mom’s houseplants, though, everyone knew where to put the blame: on the cuttings I’d brought home from my university’s tropical greenhouse.

A close up vertical image of mealybugs infesting a stem of a plant. To the center and bottom of the frame is green and white printed text.

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Slow to spread on their own, once you introduce them into your space on new plants, tools, or supplies, these pests can be notoriously hard to manage.

Luckily, there are options available to help you decrease their numbers and minimize the success of their invasion, and we’ve got it all laid out for you below!

Here’s what we’ll talk about:

What Are Mealybugs?

Mealybugs are insects of the Pseudococcidae family, and there are about 275 species that inhabit the United States. They share their superfamily, Coccoidea, with soft scales.

Many of the common species are in the Pseudococcus and Planococcus genera, including Planococcus citri, the citrus or greenhouse mealybug, and Pseudococcus longispinus, the long-tailed mealybug.

A close up horizontal image of a colony of mealybugs infesting the underside of leaves pictured on a soft focus background.

Pseudococcidae species love to congregate in protected areas between plant parts, such as crevices, narrow spaces between touching fruits and leaves, on stems near the soil, and in the case of root feeding species, nestled between the roots and the soil.

These insects will feed on most ornamental species, including woody and herbaceous perennials, flowers, trees (especially citrus trees), grapes, orchids, succulents and cacti, and even some grasses.

They are common in greenhouses and indoor spaces, as they love warm, moist climates.

These insects suck plant juices straight from the phloem with their piercing-sucking mouthparts, which are basically like sharp straws.

The phloem is the part of the vascular system that transports the sugary products of photosynthesis (photosynthates) around the plant.

Therefore, you can often find them clustered on leaf veins and midribs, happily slurping up the plant’s hard-earned food.

Like aphids, they secrete a sticky, sweet liquid known as honeydew from their abdomens. Black sooty mold grows on these excretions, which makes a plant look quite ugly. Learn how to deal with sooty mold here.

A close up horizontal image of ants protecting a cluster of mealybugs on the stem of a plant.

Ants love the honeydew treats so much they’ll protect the mealybugs from natural enemies, and even carry them to fresh plants.

Not only are plants infested with mealybugs, covered in sooty mold, and crawling with ants quite unsightly, but they will also have reduced vigor.

A close up horizontal image of brown withered leaves after a mealybug infestation with two frangipani flowers to the bottom of the frame.

If flowers are attacked, there may be poor fruit set. And fruits covered in feeding, fuzzy insects and black mold are not only unappetizing, but the fruits may drop or shrivel on the tree as well.

While feeding, Pseudococcidae pests can serve as a vector for viruses that can cause yellowing and necrosis (death).

Grapevine leafroll virus, for example, is vectored by both the long tailed and citrus mealybugs. It causes leaves to turn red or yellow, thick, and brittle, and eventually they roll up.


As a family, you can think of mealybugs as small, generally one centimeter long, oval shaped, white to gray, segmented, wax covered, wingless insects.

A close up horizontal image of different types of mealybugs.

Often helping with identification between species, some grow filaments that look like long white legs down the sides of their bodies, or that resemble two to three waxy tails on the end of their abdomens, while others don’t grow filaments at all.

This description covers older nymphs and adult females from many species, though there are a variety of color shades.

Male adults look like gnats, with two wings and four eyes.

A close up horizontal image of a male mealybug in its flying form on a green leaf.

Nymphs of both sexes are flat and come in pale shades of yellow, orange, or pink. The early instars don’t have a waxy covering.

Pink to yellow eggs are laid in white or cream cottony wax-covered sacs known as ovisacs.

A close up horizontal image of the egg sacs of mealybugs growing on a stem pictured on a soft focus background.

P. citri, the citrus mealybug, is the most widespread and damaging greenhouse species.

These have a gray stripe down the length of their bodies and don’t grow long filaments. When they feed, they inject toxins which deform the plant.

A close up horizontal image of a citrus mealybug set on a green leaf.
Citrus mealybug.

P. longispinus, the long-tailed mealybug, grows long filaments from the end of its body, and instead of laying eggs like most species do, gives birth to live young.

A close up horizontal image of a long-tailed mealybug on a green background.
Long tailed mealybug.

Rhizoecus species are root feeders. These have sac-shaped bodies, produce live young, and grow a long filament from the end of their abdomens.

It’s easy to confuse them with cottony cushion scales (Icerya purchasi) or woolly aphids (subfamily Erosomatinae).

Cottony cushion scale females have a red-brown body color and a plume of white fluff extending from their bodies.

A close up horizontal image of cottony cushion scale on a green leaf.
Cottony cushion scale.

Aphids, including woolly aphids, tend to be more active, and will sometimes have wings, feed on leaf undersides and on stems, and are not as worried in general about finding a crevice to hide in.

A close up horizontal image of a fiddle-leaf fig that is infested with wooly aphids.
Woolly aphids.

If you see something on your plant that looks like a fungal or mildew infection, take a closer look to make sure it’s not a Pseudococcidae infestation, as the two can look quite similar!

Biology and Life Cycle

The life cycle varies by species, but in general, females will lay up to 600 eggs in ovisacs in protected areas on plant crowns, leaves, bark, or fruit.

Alternatively, some species give birth to live young, as mentioned above.

Eggs take six to 14 days to hatch, emerging as tiny nymphs. For most species, the females go through four instars, which are the stages between each time they molt as the insect develops. Males have five instars.

A close up horizontal image of the stem of an orchid infested with mealybugs pictured on a black background.
Nymphs and adults.

During the nymph stage, they are known as crawlers and are very mobile. Adults have legs as well but tend to be slow moving. They don’t typically move far, and prefer to settle in one spot to feed.

Early on in their lives as crawlers, nymphs lack that protective waxy covering, and this is the best time to implement organic and chemical pesticide control methods.

Once they mature into adults, the waxy coating repels moisture – as well as any chemicals that may be carried along with it.

Males are rarely seen, as they are tiny, only live for a few days, and don’t feed. They aren’t always even needed, as many species have females that can reproduce asexually.

This is known as parthenogenesis, where the embryos develop without fertilization.

Depending on the species, they can complete two to six generations per year. Those braving the great outdoors usually finish two and will overwinter as eggs or early instars under bark.

Indoors, and outdoors in warm climates, you’ll be able to find all stages at one time.


As they are small and love to hide in protected places, it’s easy to miss a few mealybugs that are sucking on your plant. That is, until they’ve completely taken over.

Regularly check all crevices as well as leaf and flower whorls, examining for egg masses, nymph or adult aggregations, or individual crawlers.

Use a hand lens to help you see the difference between these bugs or other insects and fungal infections.

A close up horizontal image of a gardener holding a magnifying glass to inspect a citrus fruit suffering from a pest infestation.

Check any outdoor plants before bringing them inside for the winter.

Favorite hosts include many of the various soft and juicy plants that we like to spruce up our homes with, such as orchids, and various types of cacti and succulents.

Certain outdoor ornamentals and fruiting plants are commonly affected as well, such as hibiscus, citrus trees, and grapes.

A close up horizontal image of the rootball of a garden plant heavily infested with mealybugs.
Root infestation.

If you notice yellow or wilted foliage, check the roots for underground infestation by removing the pot and gently knocking soil away from a section of root if the roots aren’t visible.

Organic Control Methods

These insects are notoriously hard to control.

They hide in protected areas, grow a waxy coating which shields them and repels chemicals, spread easily on new plants as well as tools and pots, and can survive without feeding on live material for up to two weeks.

Luckily, there are a variety of options for homeowners, including some efficient and hungry natural volunteers.

Using an integrated pest management (IPM) approach is your best option, as this will optimize and protect the natural enemies of these pests while providing effective control.

You can find out more about IPM and how to design a good program for your garden here.

Biological Control

There are many natural enemies in the landscape that like to make a meal out of mealybugs. Outdoors, and when introduced into greenhouses, these beneficials can keep populations at tolerable levels.

Parasitic wasps, ladybugs, green and brown lacewings, spiders, minute pirate bugs, and predaceous midge larvae can launch an impressive assault on Pseudococcidae species.

A close up horizontal image of a ladybug attacking a citrus mealybug on a leaf.

The mealybug destroyer (Cryptolaemus montrouzieri) is a shiny, rotund lady beetle with a red-orange head and thorax, black wing covers, and an appetite for Pseudococcidae.

You can purchase these predators at Arbico Organics and introduce them to your greenhouse!

Leptomastix dactylopii are small amber colored wasps which parasitize older instar nymphs or adults by laying their eggs in the bodies of these pests. The resulting larvae eat the host’s body from the inside out, turning it into a hard yellow mummy.

L. dactylopii is particularly effective against the citrus mealybug and is commercially available for greenhouse growers.

P. longispinus is targeted by none other than the long-tailed mealybug parasitoid, Anagyrus fusciventris.

A close up square image of a parasitoid wasp (Anagyrus fusciventris) attacking a mealybug.

Anagyrus fusciventris

This tiny wasp not only parasitizes pests in the older life stages, but the adult wasps also puncture and feed on those in the young stages.

You can find these predators available at Arbico Organics.

Cultural Control

Since the females can’t fly and don’t move quickly when they do decide to use their short legs, these insects don’t rapidly disperse on their own.

If they spread, it’s probably the fault of the plant owner. (Or in my mom’s case, a well-meaning daughter bearing cutting gifts…)

So, it makes sense that the best way to protect your plant babies is to carefully inspect any new introductions before you bring them home. Check your tools and pots too, especially under rims and in grooves.

Clean up debris and remove any loose bits of bark, as these make good overwintering sites.

Destroy heavily infested plants.

Avoid unnecessary fertilizer applications, as excess nitrogen can cause plants to grow too quickly, resulting in weak, soft growth that is more susceptible to damaging insects.

Plus, it can cause an increase in mealybug egg production as well.

Physical Control

If you have the time and good eyes, you can handpick mealybugs off your plants to physically remove aggregations or individuals, especially if there aren’t many yet.

Alternatively, spray plants with a hard jet of water to dislodge egg sacs, crawlers, and adults.

Organic Pesticides

You may need to resort to using spot treatments if there are no natural enemies present in your greenhouse or home.

Use a cotton swab soaked in isopropyl alcohol to kill aggregations and egg masses.

A close up vertical image of a gardener wearing gloves cleaning an infected succulent root with a cotton bud.

Sprays can be ineffective, as their protected locations make them hard to reach. Plus, thanks to the moisture-repelling waxy coating, eggs and adults are safe from most contact sprays.

With several applications and good coverage, insecticidal soaps can be effective against those in the crawler stage.

A close up vertical image of a plastic spray bottle of Bonide Insecticidal Soap RTU isolated on a white background.

Bonide Insecticidal Soap

Find insecticidal soap products such as Bonide Insecticidal Soap at Arbico Organics, or Garden Safe Insecticidal Soap at Home Depot.

A close up vertical image of a plastic spray bottle of Monterey Horticultural Oil RTU isolated on a white background.

Monterey Horticultural Oil

Apply horticultural oil, such as this product from Monterey, available from Arbico Organics, or neem oil to knock down pest populations before introducing a beneficial insect species like Cryptolaemus montrouzieri or lacewings.

A close up horizontal image of two ladybug beetles feeding on cotton mealybugs pictured on a soft focus background.

Allow these products to dry on the plants and start taking effect before releasing beneficials. Be aware that neem oil can be toxic for pollinators such as bees, so use early in the morning or later at night when they aren’t present.

Chemical Pesticide Control

Pyrethroids such as bifenthrin, available at Home Depot, will kill mealybugs.

But keep in mind that pyrethroids can harm beneficial insects, so scout for the presence of natural enemies before using, and use with caution!

A close up vertical image of a bottle of concentrated Indoor / Outdoor Insecticide isolated on a white background.

Indoor Outdoor Insecticide with Bifenthrin

Systemic insecticides are more effective than contact insecticides, as they course through the plant itself and will be sucked up by any insects that are feeding on it.

Be sure to follow all package instructions for safe use if you choose to apply these products.

Neonicotinoids such as imidacloprid and dinotefuran are sometimes used by commercial growers to control outbreaks, since they don’t require multiple applications. And, being systemic, reach places on the plant that contact insecticides wouldn’t.

Pestered Plants

Whether you realize you’ve got them or not, mealybugs are not welcomed by plant owners or plants.

These tiny, soft, alien looking insects suck sugary life blood, excrete sticky honeydew which grows ugly sooty mold, and can vector disease.

A close up horizontal image of long-tailed mealybugs feeding on a green leaf.

Someday, when I’m sure my mom’s forgotten who introduced mealybugs to her plant collection in the first place, I’ll carefully approach the subject of how she treated them.

Until then, have you ever dealt with a mealybug infestation? Tell us about where you believe it originated and what strategies you had success with in the comments section below!

And while you’re at it, learn how to protect your garden and houseplants from other sucking insects beginning with these articles on common garden pests next:

Photo of author
Sylvia Dekker is a nature-inspired creative with a bachelor’s degree in agriculture, a history of Canadian province-hopping, and a life filled with brown thumbs, bee stings, and tan lines. When Sylvia travels, on mountain or steppe, she harvests knowledge, experiences, and honey, goes starry-eyed over each tiny plant, and writes about it all.
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Barbara (@guest_14196)
2 years ago

I first found them on my baby lime tree. I used soapy water several times but they kept coming back. Now I found them on my hibiscus plant and I took no mercy. I used neem oil and it seems to be working, however I will be vigilant in reapplying the neem oil for a few weeks.

Lyndy (@guest_16717)
2 years ago

I have been dealing with mealy bugs I believe on my succulents and I do know where they came from a Walmart reduction plant did not notice them on them at all a couple of weeks later I did notice so I just threw the plant out well they must have laid eggs I have got a bad infestation and evidently I am allergic to the honeydew stuff I’m still trying to battle them and I wondered if anybody had any any suggestions I’ve used rubbing alcohol I am now just wiping things down put away all knick knacks or… Read more »

Lyndy (@guest_16718)
2 years ago

Oh yes and I have a banana tree indoor drawer of banan tree and I have used neem oil and it does seem to work I’m going to use that for a systemic also but I’ve got a bad infestation and they are bothering me horrible there seem to be a bunch on a little silky thing that will land on me and I immediately Hive up a little bit and then the point where the mealy bug is hit that is a white little thing it goes inward
Can anyone help me

Jennifer (@guest_21172)
1 year ago

Rinsing the plant off thoroughly in the sink. If it is a delicate succulent, wiping them off with a damp paper towel. Neem oil spray

Ashley (@guest_26519)
1 year ago

I found what looks to be a mealy bug on my string of turtles but there hasn’t been any sticky white residue on the plant. Did I catch him early on? He was huge!

Clare Groom
Clare Groom(@clareg)
Reply to  Ashley
1 year ago

Hi Ashley, I managed to retrieve your picture which uploaded but didn’t attach. Yes, this is a mealybug, have you checked the plant to see if there are any more?

Screen Shot 2023-03-14 at 3.20.43 PM.png
Donna (@guest_27810)
1 year ago

I used to flush mealy bugs off my citrus trees, then I realized (after research) that a baby mealy bug destroyer looks almost exactly like a mealy bug when seen at a distance. Turns out I have both. Be careful you don’t wash away these precious bugs when inspecting and treating for mealy bugs!

Jennycinfrance (@guest_34072)
10 months ago

Hello. Being driven demented failing to control aphids on my herbs only to discover a new infestation. What are these? On the under leaves of my potted lemon tree. Looks like eggs and a almost white Diamond shiny material. Help please 🙏 🙂

Allison Sidhu
Allison Sidhu(@allison-sidhu)
Reply to  Jennycinfrance
10 months ago

A different variety known as woolly aphids may be the culprits here. Try dislodging the white clusters from your plants with a strong spray of water from the hose and find more tips for treatment in our guide. White crystallization on plants may also sometimes be due to guttation, a physiological phenomenon rather than a sign of pest infestation or disease.

Last edited 10 months ago by Allison Sidhu
Marianne Viviano
Marianne Viviano (@guest_35819)
9 months ago

Can these get under human skin and become infested like lice (parasites )?

Rose Kennedy
Rose Kennedy(@rosekennedy)
Gardening Writer
Reply to  Marianne Viviano
9 months ago

Hello Marianne,

I can see where mealybugs do look like something that would burrow into human skin. Mercifully, they don’t, although contact with them does cause some people to develop red, itchy skin.
I hope you’re not someone who’s sensitive to contact with them, but at least you can rest assured they won’t harm humans–except by making them sad when they infest houseplants.
Thanks for reading and commenting.

Christiana G
Christiana G (@guest_41447)
5 months ago

Forget the darn plants! I want more Google tips on helping me! It’s been so frustrating looking like I’m crazy. These bugs are attacking me and I can see them infesting my countertops, clothes, spreading all in my drawers. I can’t wear anything no matter if I wash them. They’re on all my surfaces & floors in the house even though I’ve thrown all my plants away. I’ve changed my air filters, sprayed neem oil all over the house, also sprayed dawn, vinegar & rubbing alcohol all diluted some. My face is irritated like I have some kind of dermatitis… Read more »

Kristine Lofgren
Kristine Lofgren(@kristinelofgren)
Gardening Writer
Reply to  Christiana G
4 months ago

Hi Christiana, I’m sorry to hear you’re going through this. Mealybugs need plants to survive and they congregate where plants are. If you no longer have plants in your home, they should die off pretty quickly. They also move extremely slowly and don’t travel too far, so it would be unusual to have multitudes of them in your house without having lots of plants nearby. They can certainly cause an allergic reaction if you are sensitive to them. I would suspect that it is some other species of critter. Is there any chance you could grab some with some tape… Read more »

Valerie (@guest_46472)
12 hours ago

A plant from a large hardware store. They were going to throw it away and I said I’d buy it. They sold it to me for $1. Worst purchase ever!!! 😭