How to Identify and Control Japanese Beetles

A close up horizontal image of a Japanese beetle feeding on a leaf pictured on a soft focus background.

If you live in eastern North America, you’ve probably encountered Japanese beetles. They appear in summer and skeletonize the foliage of dozens of favorite garden species. They can be hard to deal with but control is possible. Learn how to identify and manage these common pests in this guide. Read more now.

How to Start a Worm Farm at Home: Learn About Vermiculture

A close up horizontal image of a mass of earthworms in a worm farm in moist soil.

Vermiculture is a smart and easy solution for turning daily kitchen scraps into nutrient-rich compost to feed your house and garden plants with. A small space for a bin setup, some shredded paper, food scraps, and a few select worms can get you started. Learn how to start a worm farm for rich vermicompost in this guide.

7 Tips for a Luscious, Healthy Lawn

A horizontal image of a view over a perfectly manicured lawn with shrubs and hedges in the background.

A vibrant, green carpet of grass undoubtedly enhances your landscape. But how do you properly cultivate a healthy and visually aesthetic lawn? Our guide provides simple tips for growing a luscious lawn, from seeding and watering to fertilizing and mowing, so your grass will look its best. Read more now.

9 Benefits of Raised Bed Gardening

A close up horizontal image of a large wooden raised garden bed with herbs and vegetables growing in neat rows.

Raised bed gardening is an efficient way of growing an abundant vegetable harvest, reducing the need for back-breaking labor and the use of synthetic fertilizers. Learn more about this simple but elegant growing practice and discover 9 top benefits of raised bed gardening in this guide. Read more now.

How to Prune Blooming Plants in Spring

A close up horizontal image of a hand from the bottom of the frame holding a pair of pruners and cutting the branch of a flowering shrub.

Spring-blooming perennials add much-needed color to the landscape after the cold winter months. These plants will require careful pruning at the proper time and in the correct way to avoid interfering with the floral display. Learn how to prune plants when accentuating their flowers is the top priority. Read more now.

Best Ways to Garden in Small Spaces

A horizontal image of a small patio outside a cottage planted with a variety of flowers and shrubs.

Designing a garden suited to a small balcony, patio, or miniature yard is easy and affordable using repurposed containers, square foot gardening methods, and vertical arrangements. Make the most of every square foot with creative ideas and advice for growing flora in small spaces in this guide. Read more now.

How to Grow Your Own Cut Flower Garden

A close up horizontal image of a gardener's hands holding a bunch of cut flowers from the garden and a pair of pruners, pictured in light sunshine.

Do you enjoy fresh bouquets and floral arrangements? Do you want to grow your own flowers for cutting? In this guide we share how to establish a cutting garden, explore the best species to choose for your needs, and provide tips for making the most of your blooms. Learn how to start a cut flower garden now. Read more.

21 of the Best Salt-Tolerant Shade Perennials

A horizontal photo of a mixed shady garden borden filled with hostas and astilbe plants.

If you are facing challenges like road salt destroying plants and more shade than you would like, read on for 21 of the best salt-tolerant shade perennials to grow in these areas. From foliage like coleus and hosta to bulbs like iris and daylily, you will find specific varieties to meet your unique gardening needs.

Tips for Landscaping With Boulders

A horizontal image of lush lilac flowers growing among large stones outdoors.

Well-placed boulders can add structure, texture, and earthy aesthetics to your landscape. But choosing the right boulders and placing them correctly is essential. In this guide we discuss everything you need to know about boulders, how to select the right ones, and ideas for how to place them to provide maximum impact.

A Beginner’s Guide to Using Cold Frames

A close up horizontal image of melon plants spilling over the side of a brick cold frame.

A cold frame is a powerful addition to your gardening toolkit, allowing you to extend the growing season. Smaller and cheaper than a greenhouse, a cold frame has multiple uses including starting seeds, hardening off plants, and overwintering perennials. Learn how to use a cold frame in this guide. Read more now.

How to Get Started With No-Till Gardening

A horizontal photo of a home garden with several wooden raised beds with crops growing. In the aisle between the beds is a wheelbarrow filled with straw to be used for mulch.

Tilling garden soil for planting is time consuming, labor intensive, and harmful to the beneficial bacteria, fungi, and insects in your local microbiome. An easier way to prepare rich, humusy soil, and reduce weeding and watering chores, is with a no-dig garden system. Learn how to get started with no-till gardening now.

When and How to Start Seeds in a Greenhouse

A close up horizontal image of a greenhouse with a variety of plants growing inside it and in containers on the ground around it.

Starting seeds early in a greenhouse is the ideal way to get a jump on the growing season and up your propagation game. With their warmth, light, and humidity, greenhouses help to extend the growing season and so you can enjoy a productive summer. Learn how to use a greenhouse to start seeds in this guide. Read more now.

Your Spring Garden Checklist to Start the Season Strong

A close up horizontal image of flowers and herbs growing in the spring garden.

Spring is a busy time for the gardener. And to get everything done in a timely manner, it’s easiest to plan maintenance, propagation, and growing projects for early, mid-, and late season. Then relax and enjoy, knowing everything’s in place for a pretty and productive year. Here’s your spring garden checklist.

How to Prevent and Treat Root Rot in Houseplants

A close up horizontal image of rotten roots on a houseplant.

Root rot is all too common in houseplants and can kill your plant quickly. It can cause yellowing and wilting foliage while underneath the roots are rotting away. Taking swift action to address this condition is vital if you want to save your plants. Learn how to identify and treat root rot in houseplants in this guide.

The Buzz About Bees: 19 Ways to Help Bees in Your Backyard

A close up horizontal image of a bumblebee (Bombus lucorum) feeding from a yellow flower cluster, pictured on a soft focus green background.

Bees are critical pollinators in our food systems and key members of our ecosystems. Yet these flying insects are in danger due to habitat loss and climate change. To help them, you can create a wildlife oasis in your backyard to offer food and shelter. Learn 19 ways to help bees in your landscape in this guide. Read more.

How to Grow a Low-Maintenance Cottage Garden

A horizontal image of a colorful cottage garden with a variety of perennial plantings outside a brick residence.

Do you look at your manicured lawn, dread mowing it, and dream of being surrounded by lush, flouncy blossoms? Consider converting your greenspace to a less formal cottage garden. Read on to design and execute a plan, including removing lawn, prepping the soil, selecting and installing plants, accessorizing, and more.

How to Prepare Your Garden for Spring Growing

A close up horizontal image of a gardener pushing a wooden wheelbarrow filled with freshly harvested produce.

Before you can enjoy the spring and summer bounty, you have to do the preparation work. Laying mulch, pruning, building and repairs, preparing the beds, and cleaning your garden tools are all important tasks. Learn how to prepare your garden for spring so you can enjoy all the wonderful summer abundance in this guide.

Greenhouse Gardening 101: How to Get Started

A close up horizontal image of a greenhouse in a formal garden.

Imagine being able to grow oranges in the winter. Or having a ready supply of greens and herbs no matter what time of year. Or maybe you want to start heaps of flowers in the winter for spring planting. If you dream of using a greenhouse to extend your gardening capabilities, this guide will help you get started.

19 Tips for Feeding Wild Birds in Winter

A horizontal shot of two tit birds in a winter snowy garden surrounding a bird feeder filled with nuts and seeds.

It takes more than just food to create a welcoming location for birds during the winter. As well as bird seed, our feathered visitors also need water, shelter, and clean, safe conditions. To learn more about creating a wildlife-friendly stopover, find 19 tips for feeding wild birds in winter in this guide. Read more now.

What Are Underground Pit Greenhouses?

A horizontal image of the view into a large sunken greenhouse filled with a variety of different plants.

Pit greenhouses have some distinct advantages for growers over conventional types that make them worth the effort of constructing. They also have some noteworthy disadvantages that you need to be aware of. Learn more about the three types of sunken greenhouses: Chinese, pit, and walipini, in this guide. Read more now.

11 Essential Greenhouse Supplies to Get Started

A horizontal shot of a glass greenhouse surrounded by garden beds. The beds are surrounded by a round brick fence.

Installing your new greenhouse is just the first step in achieving your gardening goals. You’re going to need some tools and equipment for successful growing. This guide explains all the essential greenhouse supplies that you’ll need to start and nurture your plants, from lights and pots to flooring and tools. Read more.

Gardening for Wildlife: 21 of the Best Trees and Shrubs with Winter Berries

A horizontal shot of a bluebird eating a red berry perched on the limb of a tree with many clusters of red berries hanging off the branch.

Want to grow a winter feast for wild birds? Pick shrubs and trees that fit your growing conditions and available space, but also select those with the most benefits for wildlife, providing cover and habitat as well as food. Learn about 21 of the best trees and shrubs with winter berries for wildlife in this guide.

35 of the Best Crops for Your Winter Greenhouse

A close up horizontal image of an outdoor greenhouse covered in snow in the depths of winter.

Winter doesn’t have to mean the end of the growing season and home-grown food. Don’t let Old Man Winter spell an end to the fun. There are dozens of edible species you can grow in a winter greenhouse, from leafy greens like watercress to root veggies like beets and turnips. This guide gives you 35 excellent options.

Tips for Growing Succulents in a Greenhouse

A close up horizontal image of a variety of different succulent plants growing in small pots set on a wooden surface indoors.

With suitable temperature, light, and spacing, many succulent varieties grow well in a home greenhouse. Growing in a greenhouse offers more room for an expanding succulent collection or a dedicated spot for winterizing outdoor specimens. Find tips for growing succulents in a greenhouse in this guide. Read more now.

Can You Compost Diseased Plants?

A close up horizontal image of a gardener's hands digging a compost pile.

Is it okay to use diseased leaves in compost? Composting can provide beneficial microbial life that greatly reduces certain plant pathogens while others may persist. Pathogenic species are numerous and diverse, and this guide discusses how different species are affected by different kinds of compost. Read more now.

How to Grow Fruit Trees in a Greenhouse

A horizontal image of the inside of a greenhouse with a variety of different fruit trees growing in pots.

Ever picked a delicious piece of fruit from a tree and wished you could grow it in your own backyard? With a greenhouse you can grow fruit trees right at home. This starter guide explains why you should grow fruit trees in a greenhouse, what to consider before starting, which varieties to choose, and greenhouse setup.

How to Compost Wood Ashes

A close up of a metal bucket full of wood ashes from the fireplace, with a small shovel and cultivator, set on a lawn.

Unsure of what to do with that growing heap of ashes by the fireplace? Why not try composting them. Composting wood ash is an easy and effective way to increase the pH of acidic soil and add nutrients such as calcium and potassium. Read on to learn how and when to use wood ashes in the compost and in your garden.

When and How to Blanch Maturing Cauliflower Heads

A close up of a small developing cauliflower head, the white curds just visible beneath the small inner leaves. The outer leaves are large and flat with white veins and stems, covered in small droplets of water.

Cauliflower is a cool-season crop that can be challenging to cultivate. Did you know that some varieties require your intervention to be able to produce unblemished heads? The technique is called blanching, and it protects the developing heads from sun damage. Learn when and how to do it. Read on for easy instructions.

Tips for Growing Garlic in Containers

A close up of Allium sativum softneck variety, recently harvested, with the roots removed and the scapes braided to be hung up to cure.

If you love the aromatic flavor of garlic in your cooking, why not try growing it at home in containers? Planting in pots saves space in your garden and gives you a head start on the long growing season. With our tips, you’ll be enjoying your own homegrown harvest of deliciousness. Learn how to grow garlic in containers now.

11 Things to Do in the Garden Before Winter

Close up of a rake, with a wooden handle, and autumn leaves raked into a pile, with grass and soft focus leaf fall in the background.

The glory days of summer may be over but there are still a few things to do in the garden before winter arrives. Take the time now to get these tasks done and your plants will be protected from freeze and frost, the soil will be nourished, and your garden will be ready for action when spring arrives. Get the list here.

13 Common Beet Pests: Identification, Control Tips, and Prevention

Image of a beet plant growing in the garden with leaves wilting in the sun and damage to the roots by soil-borne nematodes.

Beet pests can completely derail your harvest. From maggots that chew up the roots to miners that tunnel through leaves, there are plenty of bugs to watch out for that can quickly destroy a healthy plant. This article will arm you with the knowledge you need to identify and eradicate the most common beet foes.

How to Grow Amaryllis (Hippeastrum) from Seed

A close up horizontal image of colorful amaryllis flowers growing outdoors.

If you love amaryllis, did you know that you can grow these dramatic flowers from seed? The process requires a few years of patience but allows you to create your own hybrids for spectacular results. Learn how to pollinate, harvest, and sow amaryllis seeds for years of glorious blooms with this guide. Read more now.

How to Identify and Treat Pecan Stem End Blight

A cluster of immature pecan nuts still in green casings growing on the tree surrounded by foliage in light sunshine on a soft focus background.

Pecan nuts that start to turn black and fall off the tree may be suffering from stem end blight. This fungal disease is spread by insects feeding on your trees and can cause severe damage to your crop. Fungicide treatment may be necessary if your trees are infected. Learn how to identify and treat this serious disease.

How to Grow Bird of Paradise Indoors

A close up horizontal image of a bright bird of paradise (Strelizia reginae) flower growing in a large indoor garden.

If you love the vibrant, evergreen bird of paradise plants, did you know that you can grow them as houseplants? Whether you are bringing your outdoor plants in for the winter, or want to add some tropical flair to your decor, learn how to grow and care for bird of paradise indoors in this guide. Read more now.

Your Guide to Fall and Spring Perennial Cutbacks and Pruning

A pair of red-handled pruning clippers lie open on top of a pile of clipped perennial leaves and stems in a black plastic bucket, next to white flowering daisies.

A tidy garden is a healthy garden, and cutting back perennials helps to achieve both of these things. But confusion comes into play when deciding which perennials to cut back when. Relax! We’ll teach you how biannual pruning can become an act of meditation for the gardener. Read our handy guide, and you’ll look forward to a tidy cleanup.

Tips for Growing Carrots Indoors

A close up of freshly harvested carrots with soil still on the roots and tops still attached set on rich, dark garden soil.

If you love the taste of homegrown carrots but haven’t had much success with them in your garden, why not try growing them indoors? An indoor garden can provide you with a year-round harvest of fresh, sweet, and tasty roots – and it’s easy when you know how to grow them successfully. Read more now to get our tips.

Poisonous Plants: 31 Varieties That Can Cause Harm

A close up horizontal image of a yellow Labrador retriever dog sitting in the garden surrounded by pink rhododendron flowers.

Many common plants in our gardens have the potential to harm. But sometimes, the risk is overblown. Should you avoid things like yew and datura altogether? Only if you have little kids or curious puppies? Or just exercise caution? Learn which plants to watch for, especially if you have kids or pets, in this guide.

How to Choose the Best Lighting for Your Garden

A horizontal image of an ornamental garden bed lit with outdoor lighting pictured at nighttime.

If you want to light up your garden at night, then you should figure out your wants and needs beforehand. Our guide to outdoor garden lighting covers some critical factors to consider before you begin illuminating your landscape. Whether you set up lights yourself or hire outside help, this guide will help you prepare.

Fall Garden Planting Design Guide: Create a Cozy & Inviting Autumn Oasis

Autumnal scene in low sunshine. A metal arbor with a green vine is surrounded by ornamental grasses and shrubs, in the background are trees in soft focus.

Create a cozy, inviting autumn oasis in your own yard by choosing the right plants and design elements. For a fall garden that delights the senses and warms the spirit, make sure to plan your design with attention to color, texture, shape, and light. To learn more about creating your own fall garden design, read on.

5 Reasons Your Pumpkin Vine Isn’t Blooming

A large pumpkin patch with abundant, large leaves but no flowers.

You’ve nourished and cared for your pumpkin seedlings, and they’ve grown vines and leaves. Flowers should’ve appeared by now, but you don’t see any blooms – and no flowers means no fruit. Did something go wrong? Read more now to learn the top 5 reasons why your pumpkin vine isn’t blooming, and what to do about it.

How to Harvest and Store Kale Seeds

Top down view of a large, healthy curly leaved kale plant.

Kale has healthy nutrients, a delicious taste, striking beauty, and is easy to grow – making it a beloved staple in the vegetable garden. Why not increase your enjoyment of this super-veggie with plants grown from your own seed collection? Smart, organic, and economical, here’s how to harvest and store kale seeds.

How to Identify and Treat Diseases of Turnips and Rutabagas

Close up of a turnip plant with diseased leaves.

Fungi, bacteria, and water molds cause multiple types of diseases on the leaves or roots of turnips and rutabagas. In addition, turnip mosaic virus is a debilitating disease. You can prevent many diseases by using clean or heat-treated seeds. Read on to find out what symptoms to look for on your crops.

25 of the Best Winter Flowers for Your Garden

A close up horizontal image of pink camellia flowers covered in a dusting of snow.

There’s no reason to settle for a drab, gray garden during the winter. Here are 25 suggestions, plants that can transform your cold weather landscape with color whether you need a shrub or a ground cover, to bring some delight when your garden needs it most. From hellebores to mahonia, we have every garden covered.

How to Propagate Amaryllis Bulbs

A close up horizontal image of bright red amaryllis flowers pictured on a soft focus background.

Amaryllis bulbs produce stunningly colorful flowers that are often grown indoors during the winter holiday season. Easily propagated from offsets and by divisions, just one mature bulb has the potential to produce several new plants. Learn how to propagate amaryllis from bulb offsets and sectioning. Read more now.

Tips for Growing Flowering Vines

A close up horizontal image of pink and white clematis flowers growing over rocks.

Flowering vines have long strands of blossoms to train over arbors, fences, and trellises, adding color and movement, and forming living privacy screens. From soft and herbaceous to woody and evergreen, there are options for all to enjoy. Read on and get ready to beautify your outdoor living space with flowering vines.

How to Plant an Autumn Vegetable Garden

A close up of a man's hand, planting a garlic bulb in a small furrow in the soil. His other hand is holding a wicker basket, containing more garlic bulbs. The background is soft focus soil and grass.

Carrots, and cabbage, and collards, oh my! Fall is here and it’s time to head back to the garden to plant your autumn vegetable crops. For a bountiful harvest from your fall veggie patch, there are a few tips and tricks you’ll need before you sow your seeds and transplant your seedlings. Ready to learn more? Read on!

How to Identify and Prevent White Rust on Turnip

Brassica leaf showing signs of white rust.

White rust infects cruciferous plants, including turnips, around the world. It produces white pustules on the leaves and can distort the flower heads. However, this organism does not kill the plants. Read on to learn how to prevent white rust using cultural control methods.

Beginner’s Guide to Vertical Gardening

A close up horizontal image of a vertical green wall garden.

Vertical gardening has lots of benefits, including saving you a ton of space. On top of that, it saves you time weeding, helps you avoid some pests, and can increase air circulation for healthier plants. There’s also the benefit of not having to crouch down or crawl around to harvest your goods. It’s time to grow up!

17 of the Top Mushroom Growing Kits for Home Gardeners

A close up horizontal image of a bowl filled with different kinds of mushrooms set on a wooden surface.

Want to try your hand at growing your own crop of mushrooms indoors? There’s a wealth of grow kits available, offering a variety of different types of delicious, edible fungi, with options for budding mycologists as well as experienced growers. Learn more about 17 of the best mushroom growing kits now. Read more.

How and When to Take Elderberry Cuttings to Propagate New Plants

Image of elderberries growing in the garden pictured in light filtered sunshine.

Have an elderberry bush you love? Or are there wild elderberries nearby that you’d love to grow in your garden? Reproduce that lovely bush through cuttings. Whether hardwood or softwood, in water or soil, elderberries are simple and straightforward to propagate by cuttings. This guide shows you all you need to know.

How, When, and Why to Cut Back Ornamental Grasses

Maiden grass growing in a natural landscape with small wooded mountains in the background.

You’ve filled your yard with fescue, miscanthus, and fakahatchee for multi-season interest that’s beloved by the residents of your home as well as the wildlife. Wondering how to prune your ornamental grasses? Get tips on the how, the when, and the why of cutting back these artistic and pretty landscape plants now.

How to Shape Your Hydrangea into a Tree

A horizontal image of a hydrangea that has been shaped into a tree form.

Sure, you can buy a tree form hydrangea plant at a nursery, but this is often a pricey option. Why not create your own? All you need is a little patience, since it can take a few years to get results, plus some know-how, which we’ll provide in this guide, and a pair of pruning shears to clip your plant into shape.

How to Keep Slugs Off Cabbage and Other Cole Crops

A slug eating a cabbage leaf. Close up photo.

Although slugs can be highly serious pests of cabbage and other cruciferous veggies, there are a variety of techniques that you can use to control these land mollusks. Read on to learn a number of ways to banish slugs from your garden. You have options ranging from barriers to traps to predatory slugs and bait.

27 Vibrant Color Choices for the Fall Landscape

A close up horizontal image of bright yellow chrysanthemum flowers growing in the fall landscape pictured on a soft focus background.

Welcome autumn in brilliant style with late-season flora that showcases vivid flowers, foliage, and berries. Enhance an existing landscape or dedicate new areas of your outdoor living space to energizing pinks, purples, oranges, reds, and yellows. Choose your favorites from our list and prepare for a spectacular fall.

The Three Ways to Propagate Garlic

A close up of Allium sativum bulbs with the roots and foliage still attached, set out to dry on a wire mesh in the sun.

If you love garlic and want to grow your own, you’ll need to know how to propagate it. Learn about the three different methods of propagating garlic – from cloves, bulbils, or from seed. Discover the pros and cons of each method and you’ll be on your way to an aromatic garlic garden in no time. Read more now.

How to Grow Swiss Chard in Containers

A close up horizontal image of a Swiss chard plant with red stalks and dark green leaves growing in a ceramic container, pictured in bright sunshine with a white wall in the background.

Looking for a cool-season veggie that you can grow in a container? Swiss chard lends itself nicely to potting since it doesn’t mind crowded roots and isn’t too demanding. This guide will walk you through selecting a container, planting seeds or transplants, taking care of your crop, and troubleshooting pesky problems.

How to Propagate American Beautyberries

Close up of branches of American beautyberry with ripe berries in early fall.

Now on Gardener’s Path, learn how to propagate the lovely native American shrub beautyberry. You’ll want as multitutes of these graceful plants with their large, light-green leaves, arching branches, and eye-catching purple berries, and it’s easy to get more plants from seeds or softwood cuttings. Find out more now.

When Do I Plant Spring-Flowering Bulbs?

A close up horizontal image of a garden trowel set on the ground with a box of spring-flowering bulbs to the top of the frame.

Many of our spring-blooming flowers sprout from bulbs planted in the fall. Favorites like crocus, daffodil, and tulip must spend the winter beneath the cold ground, storing energy for their debut when warm weather returns. Read on to find out how late you can plant bulbs in the fall for a spectacular spring display.

How to Grow Beets in Containers

A close up of beet roots in a container ready for harvest, with the tops of the roots poking through the rich earthy soil, and dark purple stems with bright green foliage in soft focus surrounding them.

Growing beets in containers both indoors and out can be a fun, delicious project for you and the kids to do year-round. Planting beets in pots allows you to provide exactly the right growing conditions this tasty root needs for a healthy, hearty harvest. You don’t want to miss our step-by-step guide! Read more now.

How and When to Prune Pear Trees

A close up horizontal image of pears growing in the garden.

If you’re wondering how and when to prune your pear trees to keep them healthy and productive, you might not know how or where to begin. Should you train them to take on a certain shape? Or can you leave them to grow naturally? We’ll answer these questions and more. Find out how and when to prune pears in this guide.

How to Propagate Hydrangeas from Cuttings

A close up horizontal image of glorious hydrangea flowers in blue, red, pink, and purple growing in the summer garden surrounded by deep green foliage.

Hydrangeas are perennial flowering shrubs that make a bold statement in the summer garden. If you can’t get enough of these beauties why not try propagating them yourself, instead of buying expensive potted shrubs? Learn how easy it is to propagate hydrangea cuttings in this step-by-step guide. Read more now.

How to Control Turnip Mosaic Virus

Close up of cabbage leaves infected with the Turnip Mosaic Virus.

Turnip mosaic virus affects cabbage and a broad range of cole crops along with many other types of plants. Weeds serve as reservoirs for the disease, which is spread by aphids. Read on to learn how to control this potentially devastating disease.

How to Identify and Prevent Apple Cork Spot

An apple hanging from a tree with signs of cork spot.

If your apples have green dimples on them, they do not have a fungal disorder. Your fruit lack calcium and have apple cork spot. You can prevent this from happening in the future by liming your soil or spraying your trees with calcium. Read on to find out how to diagnose and prevent this physiological disorder.

How to Control Cabbage Worms on Brassicas and Cole Crops

Imported cabbage worm (Pieris rapae) larvae feeding on a brassica leaf.

Cabbage butterflies live throughout the US and southern Canada. While you can handpick the cabbage worms if there are just a few, large numbers can kill your cabbage plants and many other cole crops and crucifers. Read on to learn how to control these voracious caterpillars.

How to Grow Hydrangea Flowers in Containers

A close up horizontal image of a dark gray planter with bright blue and pink flowers pictured in bright sunshine on a soft focus background.

If you love the big, colorful blossoms of hydrangeas but don’t have room in your garden, why not try growing them in containers instead? You can even bring the luxurious bursts of color to your porch, patio, or deck. Learn how to grow hydrangeas in pots in this guide, plus we’ll share our top container-friendly cultivars.

How to Propagate Rosemary Plants

A close up horizontal image of rosemary plants growing in the garden.

Rosemary is a delightfully aromatic herb that is most commonly propagated from stem cuttings or by layering. Armed with the right information and just one established plant, you can easily grow countless more. Learn about the various methods of propagating rosemary in this step-by-step guide. Read more now.

How to Fix Wilting Pumpkin Plants: 11 Common Culprits

A close up horizontal image of wilting pumpkin foliage in the vegetable garden pictured in bright sunshine.

Many common factors can cause pumpkin plants to wilt, ranging from soil that is too dry or wet to a number of potentially devastating disease pathogens and insects. Purging infected plants from your garden and controlling pests can help to save your pumpkins. Read more now to learn how to troubleshoot in your garden.

How to Prevent Southern Blight on Your Tomato Plants

A close up horizontal image of the dying foliage of a tomato plant infected with Sclerotium rolfsii aka southern blight.

A scourge that can kill homegrown tomato plants in days, southern blight is caused by a fungus that multiplies in hot, humid weather. It can survive for years in garden soil. In our guide we cover preventive measures that include keeping the garden debris-free, properly spacing plants, and rotating crops. Read more now.

Benefits of Gardening for Seniors (and 7 Tips for Success!)

A horizontal image of an elderly woman in a wheelchair tending to a raised bed garden.

Advancing age makes it challenging to bend and dig in a garden. Learn about the benefits of gardening for seniors and discover 7 top tips for making it easier. By raising beds, working from a seated position, and using ergonomic equipment, it’s possible to enjoy cultivating plants for years to come. Read more now.

When and How to Save Native Perennial Aster Seeds

Close up of a blue double petaled aster flower with a yellow center.

Native perennial asters, such as the New England species, spread vigorously via roots and self-sowing. At season’s end, they form copious quantities of cottony seed heads that you can collect, to save and sow in a new location next year, or share with friends. Learn when and how to gather native aster seeds now.

Annuals vs. Perennials: What’s the Difference?

A close up horizontal image of a colorful garden border with a mixture of annuals and perennials.

In gardening, understanding the difference between annuals and perennials is one of the most important things you can know. Most of us use a combination of both to make our gardens stand out, but do you know what the benefits are? Or why plants have different lifespans? Is one better for your garden than the other?

What Are Weeds?

A close up horizontal image of a gardener with gloved hands carrying a handful of weeds.

When it comes to weeds, things aren’t always black and white. Some, like kudzu and giant hogweed, should definitely be controlled. But others, like dandelions, can be left to enjoy. Let’s discuss when weeds can safely be left in place and how to incorporate them into your garden scheme if you decide to let them be.

Growing Plants 101: The Complete Guide to Getting Started

A horizontal image of a formal garden with rockeries and borders growing a variety of different plants.

Interested in learning how to grow plants? It’s essential to learn the fundamentals before diving into this fun new hobby. This introduction to growing plants covers the basics of gardening and touches on what plants need to live. After reading it, you’ll be ready to begin your gardening journey. Let’s begin!

Organic Gardening 101: How to Get Started

A close up horizontal image of a wooden box filled with an abundant harvest of organic vegetables from the garden.

Starting an organic garden might seem like a daunting task, but with a little planning it’s much simpler than you may think. Nature provides everything from pest control to natural fertilizers, but it’s up to the gardener to employ green systems and discard synthetic ones. Get started with organic gardening now.

11 of the Best Non-Invasive Flowering Vines to Grow in the North

A close up horizontal image of a large American wisteria vine growing outside a residence.

Vines tough enough to thrive in Zones 3-6 are sometimes prone to becoming invasive. And others might not necessarily be invasive, but they don’t put on a very impressive floral display. If you’re looking for the Goldilocks of flowering vines, learn about 11 that will thrive in northern climates without taking over.

How to Identify and Prevent Catfacing of Tomatoes

A large red beefsteak tomatoes chow catfacing abiotic disorder with deep cracks and crevices in its skin.

Catfacing of tomatoes is a physiological disorder that causes deformities in the developing fruit, caused by stressful cultural conditions. Steps you can take to prevent this condition include planting resistant varieties and ensuring your plants are not subjected to cold weather. Read on to learn more about catface.

How to Xeriscape Your Yard for Efficiency and Aesthetics

Green hostas and ferns growing along a pebble pathway lines with larger brown stones.

Have you heard of xeriscaping? Often associated with desert climates, it’s much more than succulents and cacti. This sensible landscape style conserves water, reduces garden maintenance, and provides habitat for endemic species. Learn all about its aesthetics and efficiency here on Gardener’s Path.

How to Store Your Tomato Harvest

A close up horizontal picture of a metal wire basket containing a selection of red, ripe tomatoes and green unripe fruits set on a cloth on a countertop.

Are you wondering what to do with your end-of-season surplus of green and ripe red tomatoes? Some can be kept in boxed storage to continue to ripen and enjoy fresh. But for a bumper harvest, long-term preservation is often needed. Find all the details on how to store your homegrown tomatoes right here. Read more now.

How to Avoid 11 Common Greenhouse Mistakes

A close up horizontal image of a small greenhouse in the backyard with a wooden fence in the background.

If you grow plants in a greenhouse rather than out in the garden, there’s a chance you’ll make some mistakes. Luckily, most greenhouse mistakes are entirely avoidable. In this guide, we cover some of the most common blunders you can make when growing plants in a greenhouse and how to avoid them. Read more now.

Containers, Pots, and Planters: What Material Is Best?

A close up horizontal image of a collection of pots and planters growing colorful flowers, set on wooden steps in front of a residence.

When picking out a home for your containerized plant specimens, it’s important to consider what the container will be made of. Different materials come with different pros and cons, and knowing them makes all the difference. In our guide, we’ll go in-depth on some common materials that gardeners should be aware of.

Cover Cropping 101: Learn How to Use Cover Crops in the Garden

A close up horizontal image of red clover planted in a field as a cover crop with blue sky in the background.

Cover crops offer a smart and sustainable way to produce healthy, vibrant soil for robust, happy plants without using synthetic fertilizers. They also control erosion, suppress weeds, bust pest cycles, and improve water retention. Learn all about the art and science of beneficial cover cropping right here.

17 Tips to Keep the Late Summer Garden Going Strong

A horizontal image of a perennial garden bed with a number of flowers and foliage plants.

With garden beds prepped and planted in spring and crops harvested in summer, you might think that the late season garden doesn’t need a lot of attention. But to keep things colorful, productive, and vibrant, you’ll want to stay on top of certain tasks. Here are 17 tips to keep the late summer garden going strong.

How to Hand-Pollinate Your Pumpkin Plants

A close up of a small pumpkin just starting to develop, pictured amongst vines and foliage, with a large orange male flower in the background.

If you’re growing your pumpkins indoors or in a greenhouse, or simply don’t have many bees around, you might be wondering how you’ll get any fruit. Pumpkin pollination requires bees, after all. But here’s a secret: you can hand pollinate your own gourds. Learn everything you need to know in our guide. Read more now.

How to Identify and Manage Cat and Dog Fleas

A close up horizontal image of a Labrador puppy sitting in the grass itching its neck as a result of a flea infestation.

Fleas are a nightmare for your cats and dogs and not much fun for you, either. Not only do they leave behind itchy, irritating bites, but they can also spread diseases and tapeworms. These pests can jump long distances and have multiple hosts. Find out how to identify and treat an infestation in this guide. Read more now.

5 of the Best Ways to Freeze Fresh Herbs

A close up horizontal image of a wooden tray with freshly harvested parsley, rosemary, thyme, sage, and chives, all tied in individual bunches with string and set on a wooden surface.

When your herb garden produces more than you can use fresh, freezing is a great way to preserve their flavor, fragrance, and nutrition. It’s fast, easy, and there’s no specialized equipment needed. Plus, it’s a smart way to reduce food waste. Learn about five of the best ways to freeze herbs in this guide. Read more now.

How to Keep Rabbits Out of the Garden

A close up of a small rabbit with autumn foliage in the foreground, and grass in soft focus in the background.

Sure, they’re cute, but bunnies can wreak havoc on your flowers and vegetable harvest. To discourage garden damage by rabbits without making like Elmer Fudd, follow these tips. Savvy plant selection, fences, and yard maintenance can all help keep Peter Rabbit out of your space. Quit growing rabbit food, already!

Blossom-End Rot: What to Do if Your Tomatoes Rot on the Bottom

A close up of a hand from the bottom of the frame holding a green, unripe tomato that is suffering from a condition known as blossom-end rot where the bottom of the fruit turns black and watery.

Ripening tomatoes sometimes develop a dark, sunken spot at the blossom end, known as blossom-end rot. But this damage to your crop is not a sign of disease – it’s due to a lack of calcium in the fruit. Read on to learn about the measures you can take to keep your tomatoes safe from this physiological disorder.

How to Identify and Control Cutworms

A close up horizontal image of a cutworm resting on a large green leaf.

It’s a nasty surprise to discover your seedlings are dead thanks to cutworm damage, with all the hard work of getting your plants started undone in just one night. Don’t let them destroy your garden. Our guide will show you how to identify these pests and get rid of them so you can enjoy the harvest. Read more now.

When to Prune Old vs New Wood and How to Tell the Difference

A close up horizontal image of a hand from the right of the frame using a pair of secateurs to prune the branches of a shrub.

When it comes to pruning, knowing the difference between new and old wood is crucial. If you prune either one at the wrong time, it’s entirely possible that you’ll destroy that year’s fruit or floral display. Learn about the difference between the two types of growth so you can prune for the best health and display.

How to Control Bindweed (Morning Glory Weed)

A close up horizontal image of bindweed (morning glory weed) growing in the garden pictured on a soft focus background.

Oh no. It’s one of the worst weeds imaginable, and it’s in your garden. Morning glory, also known as bindweed, is a nightmare. It’s extremely difficult to get rid of, and it can turn into a serious problem over just one growing season, killing plants and reducing crops. But don’t feel hopeless. You can get rid of it.

Bee Balm Propagation 101

A close up of a pink bee balm flower growing in the garden, pictured on a soft focus background.

Many gardeners would agree that you can never have too much bee balm, a classic mid-border garden favorite. Luckily, it’s easy to propagate this long-blooming flowering herb via division, seeds, or cuttings. With proper care, you’ll have tons to sprinkle throughout the garden beds or give away to friends and family.

How to Make Tomatoes Turn Red When They Refuse to Ripen on the Vine

Close up closter of red tomatoes growing on the vine.

It’s so sad when tomatoes won’t ripen on the vine. Stay one step ahead of the coming frost with these tips to make homegrown tomatoes turn red. Temperature, cultivar selection, and stress all come into play. And sometimes you can bring green fruit inside to ripen. Our motto: No tomato left behind. Read more now.

How to Propagate Astilbe Flowers Through Division

Close up of hot pink Astilbe flowers.

Do you have a backyard garden that has a great shady spot but you’re not sure what to fill it with? Meet the astilbe. Take a single plant, and with a little patience, you can propagate that parent into a family of transplants that will transform your shaded location into a colorful perennial oasis. Read more now.

Controlling Plant Pathogens With the Biofungicide Bacillus subtilis

A man uses a pump sprayer to apply Bacillus subtilis to vegetable garden.

Bacillus subtilis can control a range of fungal and bacterial pathogens in the soil and on leaves. It directly inhibits other microbes and also stimulates the plants to control pathogens using their own natural resistance mechanisms. Read on to learn more about these versatile bacteria.

How to Make Your Own Fresh Cut Flower Food

A close up of a fresh bouquet of cut flowers with a woman in a gray sweater in soft focus in the background.

Fresh cut flowers from the garden or florist are a pleasure. With nourishment, they may last a week or more. Purchased blooms may come with a packet that contains enough for the first day, but then what? Read on for easy instructions on how to replicate the contents of a flower food packet with household ingredients.

How to Divide and Transplant Hellebores

A close up of white flowers with purple specks of the hellebore plant just starting to form seeds in the center, surrounded by bright green foliage on a soft focus background.

Hellebore is one of the earliest plants to bloom, often popping up right through the snow. If you love it, why not learn how to propagate your own? By dividing your plants and replanting the divisions, you can have more wherever you like, and save money in the process. Read more now to learn how easy it is.

How to Prevent and Control Powdery Mildew on Apple Trees

An apple tree branch complete coated in a Podosphaera leucotricha fungal infection showing the characteristic white powder-like coating on the leaves.

Do you have a white powdery coating on the leaves of your apple trees? Are trying to figure out what it might be? It’s likely powdery mildew and it needs to be managed. This disease is found in every region of the world that grows apples and damages leaves, limbs, fruit, and may even make an apple harvest impossible. Read on to learn how to recognize this pernicious disease and how to treat it.

How to Identify and Control Garlic Pests

A close up of freshly harvested garlic bulbs with the roots and foliage still attached set on soil.

Garlic’s pungent smell repels many pests, but there are a few bugs out there that love to prey on garlic. If you want to know what they are and how to fight them, this article will reveal the top five bugs that plague garlic. Plus, you’ll learn what you need to know to keep your garlic healthy. Read more now.