How to Propagate Hydrangeas from Cuttings

Who doesn’t love a garden bursting with colorful hydrangea flowers?

If you want to grow this classically beautiful shrub but don’t want to bother with expensive nursery starts, great news! Hydrangeas are very easy to root from cuttings.

You can just find a friend or neighbor with a healthy shrub and you are ready to get started.

A close up vertical image of bright red hydrangea flowers surrounded by foliage growing in the garden in light sunshine. To the top and bottom of the frame is green and white printed text.

Read on to learn how to easily propagate hydrangeas from stem cuttings.

When to Take Stem Cuttings

Hydrangeas are deciduous perennial shrubs that grow and bloom throughout the spring and summer months.

You can take cuttings any time from late spring after the plant has leafed out until early fall.

A close up horizontal image of freshly transplanted hydrangea cuttings growing in the garden.

If it is late in the growing season, make sure foliage is still green and that you have enough time for roots to fully form before the ground freezes, as it can be challenging to keep newly established plants indoors through the winter.

Plan for about six to eight weeks for cuttings to take root before they will be ready for planting out in the garden.

Preparing Cuttings

Make sure to start with shrubs that are healthy and disease-free. Cuttings will produce clones of the parent plant, so choose one with characteristics you like.

A close up horizontal image of blue and pink flowers growing in the garden pictured in light filtered sunshine on a soft focus background.

To take a cutting, find a branch that is about six inches or longer in length.

It is best to choose a new growth stem with no flowers. New growth will be bright green in color.

A close up horizontal image of the foliage of a hydrangea shrub before it has bloomed.

When you identify an appropriate branch, use a sharp pair of garden shears to make your cut just below a leaf node.

Cuttings should be three to five inches long and contain at least three sets of leaf nodes.

A close up horizontal image of two hands from the left of the frame taking a stem cutting from a plant, pictured in light sunshine on a soft focus background.

Next, carefully strip off most of the leaves, leaving a pair at the tip of the cutting. The new roots will form at the nodes where the leaves have been removed.

If your chosen hydrangea is a variety with large leaves, you can also trim the remaining two leaves by cutting them in half.

This will decrease the amount of water needed to support the foliage, reducing stress on the cutting while it is developing its roots. This step is not necessary if leaves are less than three inches long or wide.

Throughout this process, it is important to keep the cut stems from drying out. Be mindful, work quickly, and avoid setting them in direct sunlight.

You can wrap cuttings in a damp paper towel and place them in a plastic bag until you are ready to pot them up.

When you have taken all the cuttings you require, you can choose to dip the cut ends of each stem in powdered rooting hormone. This step is optional, but it may speed up the rooting process.

Potting in Soil

Fill one or more six-inch-wide containers with damp sterile potting soil, or a soilless mix containing half peat moss and half perlite.

Avoid using soil from the garden or any soil that is rich in fertilizer. The excess nutrients could cause the cutting to rot before rooting can occur.

A close up horizontal image of a small stem cutting in a plastic pot pictured on a soft focus background.

Moisten the potting medium, then make holes with a pencil or your finger, and place the cuttings in the pot one by one, burying at least two sets of leaf nodes below the surface of the soil. Tamp the potting medium down around each stem until it is snug.

You may plant multiple stems in one container, spacing them at least two inches apart.

Water well, allowing the soil to drain thoroughly. The soil should be moist but never soggy.

The next step is to create a humidity dome over the cuttings. You can do this by covering the container with a plastic bag, and using stakes to keep the bag from touching the leaves.

If you don’t want to use a bag, you can also cut off the top of a milk jug or plastic water bottle and place it upside down on top.

Place the pot in a sheltered area out of direct sunlight. Check on it every couple of days, watering when the top of the soil feels dry. Avoid overwatering as this could lead to rot.

Roots should begin to form in about two to three weeks. This could happen in as little as a week in warm humid weather.

A close up horizontal image of two stem cuttings set in a small pot for rooting, pictured on a soft focus background.

You can check to see whether a cutting is rooting by pulling gently on the stem. If you feel some resistance, this will indicate that roots are developing.

After a few weeks, when you are certain the stem has begun to root, you can remove the bag or humidity dome. Continue to monitor closely and water when the soil feels dry.


After four to eight weeks, roots should be fully formed. Your new hydrangea is ready to plant out in the garden or to move to a larger, more permanent container.

A close up horizontal image of a gloved hand from the left of the frame holding a rooted stem cutting ready to transplant out into the garden.

Water well for the first couple of weeks after planting. You can learn more about how to grow and care for hydrangeas in our guide.

If plants are not robust enough for planting before winter, you can keep them protected until spring either by placing them in a greenhouse or by sinking pots into the ground and covering with a thick layer of mulch.

Spread Those Blooms Around

Why spend the money on a hydrangea when it’s so easy to propagate one yourself?

You can have fun picking out different varieties from all of your friends’ gardens, and before you know it, you will have big beautiful blooms and cuttings of your own to share.

A close up horizontal image of glorious hydrangea flowers in blue, red, pink, and purple growing in the summer garden surrounded by deep green foliage.

Have you had success propagating hydrangeas from cuttings? Share your tips in the comments below!

And for more information about growing hydrangeas in your garden, have a read of these guides next:

Photo of author
Heather Buckner hails from amongst the glistening lakes of Minnesota, and now lives with her family on a beautiful homestead in the Vermont Mountains. She holds a bachelor of science degree in environmental science from Tufts University, and has traveled and worked in many roles in conservation and environmental advocacy, including creating and managing programs based around resource conservation, organic gardening, food security, and building leadership skills. Heather is a certified permaculture designer and student herbalist. She is also a fanatical gardener, and enjoys spending as much time covered in dirt as possible!

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Yami (@guest_14384)
2 years ago

After many failed attempts at propagating hydrangeas where I followed every rule in the book, I decided to take a different approach. I planted my cuttings in top soil in pots and some directly in the ground. Most of them are sprouting new leaves at the nodes. 🙂

Neha Varma
Neha Varma (@guest_18258)
Reply to  Yami
2 years ago

I failed in my hydrangea propagation too. I got roots, but no new sprouts. May be i need to plant in my top soil? So the new leaves come out from the bottom node??

Marie Hoke
Marie Hoke (@guest_15596)
2 years ago

I took a cutting / branch from a grown plant. Put in water. Now after a few weeks, it’s got roots. But not sure if it’s enough roots to plant.
Wish I could send you a picture so I could know if I should put in soiled pot yet. ?

Last edited 2 years ago by Marie Hoke
Adam Wertz
Adam Wertz(@adam-wertz)
Reply to  Marie Hoke
2 years ago

Hi Marie, you can send a picture. The paperclip on the right of the message block is the way to attach photos. Yeah, it’s not very obvious. I’ll be changing this out with an icon of a camera at some point (once I figure out how to do it).

Sam Daleo
Sam Daleo (@guest_26077)
1 year ago

This is the 1st time I have attempted to propagate hydrangeas. I took cuttings late fall. Used root hormones to help and they seam to be rooted.
They been on my counter for months. I am starting to get excited to see them grow. I live in Michigan so it’s been cold so they been indoors all winter.
I water them weekly.
I am curious will they start to grow sooner being indoors? Should I introduce a grow light ?

I am super anxious to see a sign this worked after 5 months of being on my kitchen counter.