How to Propagate Coffee Plants from Beans

A close up horizontal image of a gardener holding out his hands to show freshly harvested coffee beans from a wicker basket.

Coffee plants are attractive houseplants with their large, glossy leaves – and did you know you can propagate them from seed? In this guide, we cover how to harvest the seeds, or “beans” as they are known, and include step-by-step instructions for sowing and nurturing your coffee plant seedlings. Read more now.

How to Prevent Christmas Cactus Bud Drop

A close up horizontal shot of a Christmas cactus plant with both pink and white and red blooms.

Highly ornamental with bright, colorful flowers over the winter holiday season, Christmas cacti are easily cultivated. But conditions like humidity, lighting, moisture, and temperature all play important roles in producing the best floral display. Learn how to prevent Christmas cactus bud drop and enjoy gorgeous blooms.

How to Care for Cyclamen During Dormancy

A horizontal close up of vibrant pink cyclamen flowers.

Are you wondering if your winter-blooming cyclamen is dead? Depending on the season, your plant could be entering its dormancy phase. These flowering houseplants need time to recharge, and with proper care your cyclamen will bloom brightly again. Learn more about cyclamen dormant period in this guide. Read more now.

When and How to Fertilize Spider Plants

A close up horizontal image of the variegated foliage of a spider ivy (Chlorophytum comosum) growing in a pot indoors.

Spider plants (Chlorophytum comosum) are low maintenance, easy-care houseplants but they can still benefit from fertilizer applied correctly and at the right time. Our guide provides tips about when and how to feed your spider ivy plants and we offer suggestions on the best products to use as well. Read more now.

How to Grow a Ginseng Ficus Bonsai

A horizontal shot of a ginseng fig bonsai growing to the left hand side of the frame. The pot is set against a concrete background.

If you want an easy-to-care-for bonsai that can live indoors, a ginseng fig is the ideal choice. These tough little trees are happy when grown as houseplants and give you the “aged” look in just a few years. Learn how to plant, prune, and care for Ficus microcarpa bonsai plants in this guide. Read more now.

17 of the Best Flowering Houseplants for Low Light

A horizontal shot of four terra cotta pots in the foregroudn filled with dark pink, white, light pink and red flowering houseplants.

Are you looking for a flowering houseplant for a low-light spot in your home? It can be hard to find plants that flower indoors, let alone in low light conditions. In this guide, we introduce 17 excellent options for low-light flowering houseplants from colorful African violets to succulent kalanchoe plants. Read more.

How to Grow and Care for Ferns Indoors

A horizontal close up shot of light green fern fronds.

Ferns make fabulous houseplants, adapting to our indoor conditions readily. Many of them thrive in low light, moderate moisture, and some even like low to moderate humidity. This guide will help you choose the right species for growing indoors as a houseplant and cover how to raise these beautiful plants indoors.

Why Is My Christmas Cactus Dropping Leaves? 7 Causes and Solutions

A horizontal close-up of green Christmas cactus leaves with several bright pink blooms.

Are the leaves dropping off of your Christmas cactus? There are several reasons why the cladodes may fall from your plant, from watering issues to pest problems. This guide covers seven common causes of leaf drop in holiday cacti and helps you figure out what’s wrong with your plant and how to fix it. Read more now.

21 of the Best Houseplants for Bright Light

A close up horizontal image of a collection of houseplants on a windowsill.

Bright-light, sun-loving houseplants range from desert to tropical species and grow best near south- and east-facing windows with abundant light. If you have sunny rooms in your home, you have the perfect opportunity to keep your green thumb honed year-round. Read on for 21 of the best bright-light-loving houseplants.

How to Identify and Control 11 Pitcher Plant Pests

A horizontal image of the brightly colored pitchers of Sarracenia leucophylla plants growing outside.

Pitcher plants are interesting and visually striking carnivorous plants that eat plenty of bugs, but there are some pests that can harm them. In this guide, you’ll learn about 11 common pitcher plant pests, including identification, control and management, and how to prevent them from striking in the first place.

When and How to Transplant Camellias

A horizontal close up shot of a camellia shrub in full bloom with bright pink flowers.

Have a camellia plant that you love, but it’s growing in the wrong place? Don’t rip it out or give up on it. You could start over with a new plant or you could move the existing one. This guide will explain when and how to transplant your camellia, from how to dig it up and how to move it to a new spot. Read more now.

Common Reasons Why Cyclamen Fails to Bloom

A horizontal close up shot of vibrant pinkish-purple cyclamen flowers with a white terrace garden wall in the background.

Winter-blooming cyclamen houseplants put on a colorful display, lifting our mood in the cold months, so it’s disappointing when they fail to flower. Learn about five of the most common reasons why cyclamen may fail to bloom and what changes to make to encourage flowering in this guide. Read more now.

When and How to Repot Orchids

A close up horizontal image of the bright pink blooms of Cymbidium orchid pictured on a soft focus background.

Orchids need a new growing medium and a larger pot as they age. Their medium tends to break down, and the roots become potbound over time, limiting growth and often leading to problems. When you think it’s time to repot your orchid, learn when and how to change the medium and put it in a new container in this guide.

How to Grow and Care for Cape Primrose (Streptocarpus)

A horizontal close up shot of bright purple blooms on a Streptocarpus plant.

Cape primroses, also known as Streptocarpus, are pretty incredible houseplants. These low-maintenance, easygoing plants offer up big, bold blossoms in colors including yellow, pink, purple, white, and red that can last all year long. Learn how to care for these bright indoor bloomers in this guide. Read more now.

How to Grow and Care For Linden Trees

A close up horizontal image of a view into the canopy of a linden (Tilia) tree with the sun behind the foliage, pictured on a blue sky background.

The fragrant flowers and classic, elegant presence of linden, aka basswood and lime trees, captures the hearts of gardeners everywhere. Learn more about these trees in our guide, including choosing a species suited for your growing Zone, how to plant and care for lindens, and typical pests and diseases. Read more now.

Tips for Growing Lemongrass Indoors

A close up horizontal image of freshly harvested lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) stalks set on a wooden surface.

Lemongrass is a tropical, perennial grass with fragrant stalks and leaves that add citrus flavor to a variety of dishes. If you want to enjoy this tasty herb year-round, you can cultivate the plants indoors. In this guide, we cover propagation and growing advice so you can easily cultivate your own lemongrass indoors.

How to Propagate Ivy from Cuttings

A horizontal close up of white-edged ivy leaves.

Growing new ivy plants from cuttings is an easy way to increase your collection as they root easily and can be started in either potting soil or water. Propagating these plants makes for a fun indoor gardening project – even for beginners. Learn how to propagate ivy cuttings in this guide. Read more now.

How to Grow and Care for Waffle Plants

A horizontal image of the crinkly green and purple foliage of outdoor waffle plants.

The puckered, green, and purple leaves of waffle plants make this tropical perennial an absolutely gorgeous houseplant – one that’s easy to care for and maintain! Our Strobilanthes alternata guide will walk you through how to propagate and cultivate these plants, as well as how to keep them healthy.

How to Care for a Rosemary Christmas Tree

A horizontal image of a rosemary Christmas tree sitting on a wooden table. The tree is in a terra cotta pot wrapped in shiny garland and a gold star sits on top.

If you don’t have the room for a full-sized tree, bring the cheer the holidays into your home but in miniature with a cute little pruned and shaped rosemary Christmas tree. Learn how to prune a rosemary plant into a mini Christmas tree and how to care for it during the holidays and beyond in this guide. Read more now.

What Are the Different Types of Holiday Cacti?

A close up horizontal image of a large holiday cactus in bloom growing in a pot on a windowsill.

It’s confusing trying to figure out the difference between a Christmas, Easter, or Thanksgiving cactus. Sometimes even reputable retailers mislabel these plants because they look so similar. Learn about the different types of holiday cacti most commonly find in stores and how to tell them apart in this guide. Read more.

Christmas and Poinsettias: History of the Christmas Flower

A horizontal close up of a poinsettia flower with a woman's hand framing the plant.

Have you ever wondered how poinsettias came to be associated with Christmas and the holidays? It’s a story that involves missionaries in Mexico, a clever California grower, and Johnny Carson. This guide covers the history of how these wonderfully colorful plants became known as “Christmas flowers.” Read more now.

When and How to Fertilize Christmas Cactus

A horizontal shot of a Christmas cactus' pink flower growing indoors.

Christmas and Thanksgiving cactuses are short-day wonders adding bright, fiery flowers to our indoor decor over the dark winter months. Easily cultivated and low maintenance, a regular fertilizing schedule helps them to stay healthy and looking their best. Learn when and how to feed a Christmas cactus in this guide.

Fan Palms 101: How to Grow and Care for Fan Palms

A close up horizontal image of the foliage of a fan palm growing outdoors in the garden pictured in bright sunshine.

Fan palms are known for their beautiful, pleated leaves that resemble fans. This common name refers to a diverse group of species in different genera that all share the characteristic fan-shaped foliage. Learn more about these striking plants and how to cultivate them indoors or out in this guide. Read more now.

How to Propagate Houseplants from Stem and Leaf Cuttings

A close up horizontal image of a selection of houseplant cuttings taking root in small jars of water, with a variety of mature specimens in the background.

Propagation via leaf or stem cuttings is an easy way to increase your houseplant collection. There are multiple methods within each category, though the process is fairly similar regardless of which you use. This guide explains how to succeed with stem or leaf cutting propagation for a wide variety of plant species.

When and How to Repot Swiss Cheese Plants (Monstera)

A close up horizontal image of a large Swiss cheese (monstera) plant growing in a pot indoors.

A healthy monstera grows rapidly, and it might need to be repotted before you know it. Once your plant outgrows its existing container, it needs a new, larger one and some fresh soil as soon as possible. This guide explains when and how to repot your Swiss cheese plant to keep it healthy and growing vigorously. Read more.

When and How to Prune Peace Lilies

A close up horizontal image of a gardener pruning a peace lily (Spathiphyllum) houseplant.

Peace lilies are easy-care houseplants that require very little maintenance to look their best. But sometimes they can do with a little trimming when the leaf tips turn brown, the flowers have faded, or just to provide some shape to an unruly plant. Learn when and how to prune your peace lily in this guide. Read more.

How to Grow Miracle Fruit Plants

A close up horizontal image of a cluster of miracle fruit berries (Synsepalum dulcificum) growing in the garden pictured on a soft focus background.

Miracle fruit is a tropical berry that transforms sour, bitter, and metallic tastes into sweet ones. This beautiful shrub grows outdoors in Zones 9 to 11 and as a houseplant in other Zones. It boasts elegant white flowers and a berry harvest twice a year. Discover how to grow your own miracle fruit in this guide.

How to Grow and Care for Tortoise Plants

A horizontal shot of a Dioscorea elephantipes growing out of a black pot indoors, with its vines wrapped around a brown trellis.

Tortoise plants are wonderfully unusual tropical houseplants with an aboveground stem that resembles a tortoise’s shell. The beautiful climbing vines produce pretty flowers on this drought-tolerant, easy-care plant. Learn more about how to grow and care for tortoise plants indoors in this guide. Read more now.

Why Is My Peace Lily Drooping?

A horizontal close up shot of several wilted leaves of a peace lily plant.

Is your beloved peace lily wilting? Drooping foliage is a pretty clear warning that something is wrong with your plant. From pests and disease to water or light issues, there are several causes of wilting. Learn about the 7 common problems that can result in a drooping Spathiphyllum plant and how to fix it. Read more.

When and How to Repot Amaryllis Bulbs

A horizontal close up of two white amaryllis blooms. Each petal is outlined in a deep red border.

Amaryllis are perennial bulbs that produce tall stems loaded with brightly colored, trumpet-like flowers. And with each successive growing season, the bulbs grow larger and will need repotting into larger containers. To keep your bulbs healthy and floriferous, learn when and how to repot amaryllis in this guide.

How to Grow and Care for Ginseng Ficus

A horizontal close-up shot of dark green, glossy ginseng ficus leaves.

Ginseng figs (Ficus microcarpa) are adaptable houseplants that survive in a wide range of conditions and bring a tree-like appeal indoors. They can tolerate full sun or indirect light, a bit of drought, and are rarely troubled by pests and disease. Learn how to care for Chinese banyan houseplants in this guide. Read more.

How to Grow and Care for Holly

A close up horizontal image of the glossy green foliage and bright red berries of common or Christmas holly (Ilex aquifolium) growing in the garden.

Hollies make up a beautiful group of plants in the Ilex genus, from winterberries to the classic holly. Most species are evergreen, though some are deciduous, and they all have eye-catching berries and attractive foliage, providing year-round interest. Learn how to plant and grow holly in this guide. Read more now.

Are Spirea Shrubs Evergreen?

A horizontal close up of white flowered spirea branches on a bright spring morning.

Different species of flowering spirea are perennial in USDA Zones 4 to 8, but none of them are evergreen. Instead, these pollinator-friendly shrubs bloom profusely in spring or summer, sport vibrant, multicolor foliage in fall, and are dormant in winter. Will they work in your landscape? Our guide will help you decide.

Why Is My Rubber Tree Dropping Leaves?

A horizontal close-up of two leaves on a rubber tree plant.

When a rubber tree (Ficus elastica) starts dropping its huge, glossy leaves, there’s a big, obvious gap left behind. This guide will cover the common reasons why leaf drop happens, whether it’s a pest infestation or maybe just a change in environment, and how to fix the cause so that those leaves stay put. Read more.

Tips for Growing Ti Plants Outdoors

A horizontal shot of a colony of dark purple, pink, and green ti plants growing outdoors.

Whether grown as a solitary specimen or as a mass of accent plantings, Hawaiian ti plants are beautiful tropical additions to the landscape. Capable of flaunting a variety of vibrant colors, Cordyline fruticosa is easy to care for. Read our guide to learn more about cultivating these beauties in the landscape.

How to Grow and Care for Starfish Flower Cactus

A close up horizontal image of a single purple starfish flower surrounded by succulent foliage.

With fascinating blooms, starfish flower is one of the stars of the plant world. These succulents have a simple care routine, are fast growers, and aren’t stingy with their blooms. However, with the nickname “carrion flower,” they may not be for everyone. Learn to grow and care for starfish flower in this guide. Read more.

How to Encourage a Venus Flytrap to Close

A close up horizontal image of a Venus flytrap plant growing wild outdoors.

Venus flytraps grow in Zones 7 to 10 and as houseplants elsewhere. These carnivorous plants are native to North and South Carolina marshes and are best known for their unique foliage that resemble tiny monster jaws. Learn more about how to encourage Venus flytraps to close their leaves in this guide. Read more now.

39 of the Best Companion Plants for Camellias

A close up horizontal image of bright red double camellia flowers growing in the garden.

Camellias are stunning on their own but even more spectacular with suitable companion plants. In this guide, we’ll go over 39 companions for camellias that thrive in similar conditions. From shade-loving ground covers to airy trees, we’ll talk about the species that can help make your camellia bushes pop all year long.

Tips for Growing Lemon Balm Indoors

A horizontal close up of Melissa officinalis growing in an outdoor garden.

Aromatic and citrusy, lemon balm can be used to flavor a variety of beverages and foods from cocktails and tea to pesto. Plants are easy to grow in the garden and go dormant in cold weather, but you can still enjoy this tasty herb year-round by growing plants inside. Learn how to grow lemon balm indoors in this guide.

37 Types of Lithops Living Stone Succulents

A close up horizontal image of a number of different colorful living stone plants surrounded by small rocks.

Lithops are fascinating little succulents that need lots of bright light and little water. These mimicry plants grow in an array of colorations and patterns that may seem difficult to tell apart at first glance. Explore the wonderful world of lithops, keep reading now to learn about 37 different types of living stones.

How to Grow and Care for Purple Passion Plants

A horizontal close-up image of the green and purple leaves of a clump of Gynura aurantiaca plants.

Purple passion plant is a beguiling foliage plant with furry, violet tinted leaves. Adaptable to medium or low light locations, it makes a great houseplant and is nontoxic. Though it’s easy to grow, you’ll want to know how to provide it with the best care. Learn how to grow purple passion plant in this guide. Read more.

How to Grow and Care for Bridalwreath Spirea

A close up horizontal image of bridalwreath spirea in full bloom pictured on a soft focus background.

Early flowering bridalwreath is a highly showy shrub with elegant, arching canes and masses of attractive, tiny white flowers in the spring garden.. Low maintenance and cold hardy, many varieties also provide vivid fall colors. Learn how to grow and care for bridalwreath spirea in this guide. Read more now.

Tips for Landscaping with Yucca Plants

A horizontal image of rows of flowering yucca plants lining a pathway in a botanical garden.

Evergreens that grow in large rosettes, yuccas thrive in hot, arid conditions and add fantastic structure, plus striking flowers, to xeriscapes, water-wise gardens, and more. Unique specimens, they’re a natural in containers, gravel gardens, and mixed beds or massed into hedges. Read on for landscaping tips for yuccas.

How to Grow and Care for Red Oak Trees

A horizontal image of a large, mature red oak tree (Quercus rubra) growing in a parklike setting.

Wildlife-friendly and easy to care for, red oak (Quercus rubra) is unfussy and will thrive in almost any location. Perfect in a woodland setting, or as a shade or specimen tree for your garden, the red oak is easy going and adaptable. Learn how to grow this standout among native trees in this guide. Read more now.

Tips for Growing ‘Crimson Queen’ Japanese Maple Trees

A horizontal image of a small 'Crimson Queen' weeping Japanese maple growing in the garden pictured in bright sunshine.

‘Crimson Queen’ is a top choice when it comes to weeping, red, laceleaf Japanese maples. These petite trees grow a bit wider than tall, with elegant, heavily serrated, palmate leaves that live up to the laceleaf name. With bright red leaves that persist until the fall, it creates a striking focal point in the garden.

Why Is My Venus Flytrap Turning Black?

A close up shot of a Venus flytrap trap with an additional trap in the background blurred out.

Venus flytraps are unique and beautiful carnivorous plants, known for their fussy care requirements. If you notice that the foliage is starting to turn black, you’ll need to act quickly to figure out what’s going on. Discover five common causes for Venus flytraps turning black and what to do about it. Read more now.

How to Grow and Care for Hawaiian Ti Plants

A horizontal closeup of the dark purple, yellow- and white-striped leaves of Cordyline fruticosa 'mocha latte.'

A Hawaiian ti plant has the beautiful form and colorful foliage to make a wonderful houseplant. Easy to care for and a delight to look at, Cordyline fruticosa is perfect for bringing a bright, tropical vibe into your home. Propagation, cultivation, maintenance, and more are all covered in our guide! Read more now.

31 of the Best Sedum Varieties

A close up horizontal image of purple 'Mr Goodbud' sedum flowers growing in the garden, pictured on a soft focus background.

Sedum is a genus of flowering succulents, also known as stonecrop. Species and cultivars are available for USDA Hardiness Zones 3 to 10. Heights vary from three-inch ground covers to 24-inch bed and border specimens, and bloom times range from summer to fall. Read on for 31 of our favorite varieties of sedum for the home landscape.

When and How to Prune Ficus Trees

A horizontal close-up of a pair of gardening clippers snipping off the end of a ficus branch.

Whether you’re looking to create a fuller plant or clean up one that’s looking a little messy, weeping figs can benefit from a little pruning. Effective trimming can promote new growth, help limit disease, and encourage your ficus tree to grow into a neater shape. Find out when and how to do it in this guide.

How to Grow and Care for Lithops Living Stone Plants

A close up horizontal image of lithops aka living stone plants growing outdoors on a rocky outcrop.

Ultra drought-tolerant, living stones are intriguing succulents. These fleshy plants mimic rocks to survive and thrive in tough locations. However, their surprising resilience in nature means they have special needs when grown as houseplants. Learn all about lithops and how to care for them in this guide. Read more now.

How to Grow Magic Carpet Spirea

A close up horizontal image of the bright pink flowers of Magic Carpet spirea pictured on a soft focus background.

Magic Carpet spiraea is a beautiful, compact, and low-maintenance ornamental flowering shrub. This early bloomer welcomes us in spring with cheerful pink flowers and vibrant foliage. Its small stature is ideal for borders, rock gardens, and foundation plantings. Learn how to add it to your landscape in this guide.

How to Grow and Care for Mugo Pines

A horizontal photo with a mugo pine shrub in a rock garden filling the frame.

Mugo pines have so much character: they add texture, evergreen color, and pleasing shape to the garden. They come in a huge range of sizes, from dwarf types under a foot tall to 20-foot-tall trees. Some varieties sport colorful foliage in gold and yellow. Learn how to care for mugo pines in this guide. Read more now.

How to Graft Japanese Maple Trees

A close up horizontal image of the bright red foliage of a Japanese maple pictured on a soft focus background.

Grafting is an excellent method for propagating a Japanese maple to create a new plant that you love. Learn all about the process, from selecting your tools and cutting the scion to prepping the rootstock and how to join them together. From there, you’ll learn how to care for the grafted tree until it’s ready to plant.

How to Prune Upright Junipers

A horizontal photo of a narrow, columnar juniper shrub growing in front of a tan building. The shrub is in a bark mulched flowerbed surrounded by yellow daffodils.

Pruning an upright juniper is about supporting the plant’s natural shape. It’s not about trying to turn a squat shrub into a tall tree, but gently highlighting what’s already there. You’ll need a few tools, the right technique, and an idea of when to start cutting. Learn how to prune an upright juniper in this guide.

Tips for Growing Japanese Yews

A horizontal image of a Japanese yew bursting with light green and dark green needles outdoors.

If you’re searching for stunning evergreen shrubs that can look great throughout the landscape, try Japanese yews! With beautiful green needles and an easily-shapeable form, Taxus cuspidata is very easy to care for. Propagation, cultivation, maintenance, health care and more are all covered in our guide. Read more now.

Why Is My Ficus Dropping Leaves?

A close up horizontal image of a weeping fig growing in a pot with yellowing leaves scattered on the wooden floor around it.

If you care for a ficus houseplant, chances are you will experience leaf drop at some point. Why do these plants drop leaves so readily, and what can you do about it? Learn about the common causes of defoliation, as well as how to avoid it when possible, and what to do if the leaves are already falling. Read more now.

Houseplant Propagation for Beginners

A close up horizontal image of a gardener holding a glass jar with pothos cuttings that have formed roots, ready for transplant.

Every plant lover wants to add to their ever growing collection, but finding the right propagation techniques and tools can be confusing! This simple guide will walk you through four of the most common propagation techniques and give you the most helpful tools to add to your indoor plant family. Read on to learn more.

How to Grow and Care for Japanese Spirea

A close up horizontal image of the bright pink flowers of Japanese spirea (Spiraea japonica) with foliage in soft focus in the background.

Searching for a beautiful, yet low maintenance flowering shrub for your ornamental garden? With eye-catching foliage, and flowers in vibrant colors that pop, Japanese spirea shrubs will not disappoint. Learn how to plant, grow, care for, and choose the best cultivar for your garden in this guide. Read more now.

How to Grow and Care for Hicks Yews

A close up horizontal image of a large mature Hicks yew growing outside an imposing stone residence.

Is your garden missing an anchor to keep everything grounded? Look no further. Dependable, low-maintenance, and multipurpose ‘Hicksii,’ aka Hicks yew is your new best friend. Grow it in a variety of conditions and prune it to suit your needs. Learn about this resilient, evergreen beauty in this guide. Read more now.

Tips for Growing Skyrocket Junipers

A horizontal shot of a row of skyrocket junipers hedges growing in front of a wooden landscape fence with a stone walk in front of the hedge.

Skyrocket junipers are stately, low-maintenance evergreens that draw your eye to the heavens. It’s no wonder they’ve earned a place in many gardens as specimen plantings or windbreaks. They’re popular as living fences or as sentinels lining pathways. Learn how to grow these evergreens in this guide. Read more now.

How to Grow and Care for American Bittersweet Vines

A close up horizontal image of the berries and foliage of American bittersweet (Celastrus scandens) growing in the garden, pictured on a soft focus background.

The native alternative to Oriental bittersweet, American bittersweet has the same dazzling, bright, colorful berries without the tendency to overtake everything in its path. Excellent food for wildlife, and superb for wreath making and seasonal decoration, learn to grow this unusual woodland climber in this guide.

Leaf Spots on Japanese Maples: 7 Causes and Treatments

A horizontal shot of a Japanese maple tree with leaves in autumnal colors of red, gold, and yellow. The tree is lit by a beam of sunlight.

Spots are cute on a puppy, not on a Japanese maple. Typically an indication that something bad is happening inside your plant, spotted leaves are like a big old warning sign from your tree. Fungal and bacterial disease can both result in spots that vary from pale white splotches to deep black tar-like spots. Read more.

How to Grow Yucca Plants in Containers

A horizontal image of a yucca with blue-green leaves growing outside in front of a blurry background containing other plants.

Do you want to grow yucca in a pot? There are a number of advantages to growing yuccas in pots, such as greater accessibility, more placement options, and a wider variety of style choices. If you want to grow your yucca plants in containers with ease, this guide provides all the essential know-how. Read more now.

15 of the Best Brussels Sprout Varieties to Grow at Home

A close up horizontal image of a mature brussels sprout plant growing in the garden, with purple stems and buds ready to harvest pictured with water droplets on the leaves.

Looking for a type of brussels sprout that won’t tip over in the wind, or one that won’t succumb to deadly mildew? How about a cultivar with tiny buds that are perfect for freezing? No matter what you’re looking for, we have 15 of the best varieties of brussels sprouts to share that are sure to suit your needs.

How to Grow ‘Polish Hardneck’ Garlic

A close up horizontal image of three 'Polish Hardneck' garlic cloves set on a wooden surface.

‘Polish Hardneck’ is the garlic lover’s garlic. The flavor is rich, robust, and complex. It lasts in storage somewhere cool for months, and the skin comes off the cloves readily, so it’s easy to cook with and eat. The big, white bulbs are ready in about 240 days and they contain lots of cloves. What’s not to love?

How to Grow and Care for Birchleaf Spirea Shrubs

A top down close up of a clump of white birchleaf spirea flowers.

An exceptionally hardy ornamental shrub even in northern climates, birchleaf spirea offers three-season interest. Its spring blooms, summer greenery, and multihued autumn foliage are ideal for borders, mass plantings, and erosion control. Learn how to grow and care for this pollinator-friendly spirea species now.

Are Yucca Plants Edible?

A close up horizontal view of a common yucca flowering with pendulous cream flowers in early summer.

Can you grow yucca plants for food? In this article, we’ll discuss topics such as yucca vs. yuca, edible parts, harvesting times, preparations, common yucca species, nutrition, and the ultimate question: should you cultivate yucca for edible use? Gain valuable insights to make informed choices on your culinary journey.

How to Grow and Care for Winterhazel

A horizontal picture of a Corylopsis aka winterhazel blooming with yellow flowers outdoors.

Beautiful, hardy, and easy to care for, winterhazel shrubs will add beautiful yellow blooms to an otherwise dormant winter landscape. This guide walks you through how to propagate, cultivate, and maintain species of Corylopsis shrubs, as well as where to place them in your landscape for maximum aesthetics. Read more.

How to Grow Begonias as Houseplants

A close up horizontal image of the colorful foliage of a begonia plant growing indoors.

Begonias are beautiful in the garden, but some types also grow as colorful houseplants. Rex, wax, cane, and rhizomatous varieties will thrive indoors in an office, sunroom, or apartment with proper light, temperature, and humidity. We’ll share the best begonia types to grow indoors and ways to keep them healthy.

How and When to Harvest Chicory Roots and Leaves

A top down shot of two chicory roots on top of harvested chicory leaves and blooms.

Learn everything you need to know about harvesting chicory plants in this comprehensive guide. Find out when to harvest for optimum flavor, and master the best methods for harvesting both nutrient-rich leaves and roots. Discover valuable tips for preservation and storage to enjoy this herb year-round. Read more.

How to Plant and Grow Shallots

A close up horizontal image of red shallots both whole and sliced in half set on a wooden surface.

Shallots are a type of onion that has a sweet, mild flavor beloved of fine-dining chefs that can be difficult to find in the grocery store. Why not try growing your own? Discover how to plant and grow gourmet shallots in your garden now with this guide. Plus, we’ll share our favorite recipe ideas! Read more now.

How Do I Know When My Pumpkin Is Ripe? Picking and Harvest Tips

A close up horizontal image of a large orange pumpkin ripening on the vine, surrounded by foliage pictured on a soft focus background.

Are you having trouble figuring out how to tell if your homegrown pumpkins are ripe and ready for picking? In this guide, we reveal the five signs that your gourds are ready to harvest. Plus, we discuss the proper way to pick a pumpkin and the one important step you shouldn’t miss. Learn all you need to know now.

How Nutritious Is Raw Kale?

A close up of a white plate with fresh bright green curly kale leaves, pictured on a wooden surface.

Often labeled as a superfood, kale is a trendy leafy green that’s found in everything from salads and grain bowls to smoothies and juices. But how nutritious is raw kale actually, and are there any potential downsides to eating it? Read more about the potential health benefits of eating raw kale now.

How to Grow and Care for Lace Aloe

A close up horizontal image of a lace aloe (Aristaloe aristata) growing in the garden.

An unusual indoor/outdoor succulent that’s the lone species in its genus, lace aloe forms white-flecked rosettes with lacy, soft bristles. Grow it as an evergreen in Zones 7-10, especially where water is scarce. Or, pot it up for dish gardens indoors. Its flowers attract bees, hummingbirds, and pollinators.

How to Store Your Pears After Harvest

A close up horizontal image of freshly harvested pear (Pyrus communis) fruit set in a wooden box.

Fresh pears are sweet, juicy, and delicious. But most varieties need to be picked green and ripened off the tree before they can be enjoyed. With the right environment your crop can be stored for several months to extend the goodness. Learn on how to store, handle, and ripen pears in this guide. Read more now.

How to Plant and Grow Savoy Cabbage

A close up of a developing savoy cabbage head with dark green wrinkly outer leaves and lighter green inner leaves closer to the head, in bright sunlight.

You’ve probably heard of green and red cabbage, but what about savoy? This variety has crinkled green leaves with a sweet flavor. Its deep green color and visually interesting texture make it a beautiful addition to your garden. Crunchy yet tender, this is a fantastic variety for using in slaws. Learn more now.

When and How to Blanch Maturing Cauliflower Heads

A close up of a small developing cauliflower head, the white curds just visible beneath the small inner leaves. The outer leaves are large and flat with white veins and stems, covered in small droplets of water.

Cauliflower is a cool-season crop that can be challenging to cultivate. Did you know that some varieties require your intervention to be able to produce unblemished heads? The technique is called blanching, and it protects the developing heads from sun damage. Learn when and how to do it. Read on for easy instructions.

19 Apple Tree Varieties That’ll Knock Your Socks Off

A close up horizontal image of three blush red and green apples growing on a branch with green leaves.

Selecting the best apple tree varieties can be disappointing and fruitless (pun intended) if you don’t pick the right trees. Cold hardiness, flowering groups, and chill hours can be overwhelming, and don’t get me started on the trouble with triploids. Read more to learn about picking the right ones for your yard.

27 of the Best Echeveria Varieties

A close up horizontal image of a variety of different types of echeveria succulents growing in small pots.

With unique rosettes ranging in colors from icy blue to dusty plum, echeveria succulents are easy-care, frost-tender perennials that thrive in lean soil and arid conditions, making them an excellent choice for containers, xeriscape gardens, and houseplants as well. Learn about 27 of the best echeveria varieties now.

How to Grow and Care for Oregon Grape Holly

A close up horizontal image of the bright red foliage and deep purple berries of Oregon grape holly (Mahonia) pictured on a soft focus background.

With gorgeous fall color, eye-catching berries, and bright yellow flowers, Oregon grapes are fantastic for landscaping. These shrubs come in various shapes and sizes, and can serve multiple purposes in your yard – plus their fruits are edible. Keep reading to learn more about growing and caring for Oregon grape.

Growing a Three Sisters Garden: Beans, Corn, and Squash

A horizontal close up of a yellow squash, a bunch of yellow pole beans, a small white squash and an ear of Indian corn grouped together on a rustic wooden table.

Discover the rich history of the three sisters garden, a sustainable planting method rooted in Native American traditions. Learn how to cultivate corn, beans, and squash together to harness their companion planting benefits for a bountiful harvest. Explore the synergy of this agricultural technique.

How to Transplant or Repot Aloe Vera in 3 Simple Steps

A close up horizontal image of aloe plants growing in a black plastic planter.

Are you noticing your aloe becoming too big for its current pot or space? No worries, we’ve got you covered! Discover the three simple steps to transplant or repot your aloe. Not only is it enjoyable, but you’ll also be providing aloe with a new home that will support its longevity.

Tips for Growing Garlic in Containers

A close up of Allium sativum softneck variety, recently harvested, with the roots removed and the scapes braided to be hung up to cure.

If you love the aromatic flavor of garlic in your cooking, why not try growing it at home in containers? Planting in pots saves space in your garden and gives you a head start on the long growing season. With our tips, you’ll be enjoying your own homegrown harvest of deliciousness. Learn how to grow garlic in containers now.

13 Common Beet Pests: Identification, Control Tips, and Prevention

Image of a beet plant growing in the garden with leaves wilting in the sun and damage to the roots by soil-borne nematodes.

Beet pests can completely derail your harvest. From maggots that chew up the roots to miners that tunnel through leaves, there are plenty of bugs to watch out for that can quickly destroy a healthy plant. This article will arm you with the knowledge you need to identify and eradicate the most common beet foes.

How to Grow and Care for Lipstick Vines

A close up horizontal image of the red and purple flowers of a lipstick vine (Aeschynanthus) in full bloom pictured on a soft focus background.

A vining houseplant ideal for indoor hanging baskets, lipstick plant has flowers that look like little lipstick tubes. This quirky, showy epiphyte needs a few extras to thrive and bloom indoors, including indirect light, and ample warmth and ample humidity. Learn how to keep it happy with our tips. Read more now.

How to Grow Amaryllis (Hippeastrum) from Seed

A close up horizontal image of colorful amaryllis flowers growing outdoors.

If you love amaryllis, did you know that you can grow these dramatic flowers from seed? The process requires a few years of patience but allows you to create your own hybrids for spectacular results. Learn how to pollinate, harvest, and sow amaryllis seeds for years of glorious blooms with this guide. Read more now.

How to Grow and Care for American Persimmon Trees

American persimmons are the perfect fruit tree for the beginning gardener. They don’t need extensive pruning or pest control to produce a healthy harvest, and if you’ve ever tasted this unique fruit straight from the tree, you know they’re deliciously sweet with a hint of spice. Read the full growing guide now.

What Causes Turnips to Crack or Rot?

A close up horizontal image of gloved hands pulling a fresh turnip root out of the ground. In the background are other mature plants pictured in soft focus.

You fertilized, watered, and fussed over your turnips for weeks, and it’s time to pull them from the ground. But instead of perfectly-shaped roots, you find cracked, split, or rotten ones instead. What went wrong? What could you have done differently? Read on to learn what causes these issues and how to prevent them.

What Is the Difference Between Broccoli Rabe and Broccolini?

A close up of a floret and the foliage of broccoli rabe growing in the garden in light sunshine.

Is there a difference between broccolini and broccoli rabe? Or are they the same? These two veggies look a lot alike and have similar names. But they are different – in their origins, how they grow in the garden, and how you’ll want to use them in the kitchen! To learn what distinguishes these two veggies, keep reading.

How to Overwinter Begonias

A close up horizontal image of bright red wax begonias growing in the garden.

Instead of tossing begonias at the season’s end, help them survive the winter and grow the same plants next spring. Our guide will help you prepare wax begonias for winter survival and save begonia tubers to plant again. Those in Zones 6-9 can find tips for preparing cold-resistant hardy begonias for wintry weather.

Sun Recommendations for Planting Kale

A close up of Tuscan and purple kale plants growing together in the garden in bright sunshine with metal stakes in between them.

Choosing to grow kale in the home garden is an excellent choice. Who doesn’t want a fresh patch of healthy leafy greens to pick from, right in the backyard? But knowing how much sunshine per day this cruciferous vegetable requires? That’s another question. To find out how much sun to provide your kale, read more now.

When and How to Harvest Caraway Seed

Close up of a caraway flower head with mature seeds ready for harvest.

Caraway is an aromatic herb that is entirely edible. Usually grown as a biennial, flowers yield to fruit in the second year. We call this fruit seed, and use it to flavor foods like classic rye bread. Read on and learn when and how to harvest the pungent seed for recipes and future crops, right here on Gardener’s Path.

How to Plant and Grow Basil

A close up horizontal image of basil foliage growing in a sunny spot in the garden.

A beautiful, warm weather herb with large, aromatic leaves, sweetly spicy basil is widely used to flavor both savory and sweet foods and beverages. Easily cultivated and fast growing, it’s an excellent container plant and a natural in herb and kitchen gardens. Keep reading to learn how to grow basil.

How to Identify and Control 11 Cactus Pests

A horizontal image of a cactus plant growing in an outdoor garden in Barcelona.

Cacti are resilient desert survivors, but even they’re at risk of infestation and pest damage. Our guide walks you through a handful of significant threats, how to prevent them, and how to handle them if they’re already present. Arm yourself with this know-how, and your cacti will be much better off. Read more now.

How to Plant and Grow Asian Pear Trees

A close up horizontal image of an Asian pear tree (Pyrus pyrifolia) laden with ripe fruits ready for harvest, surrounded by foliage.

Asian pears are a treat for anyone who loves a crisp, crunchy pear. Deliciously firm when fully ripe, nashi pears can be difficult to find in the grocery store. Why not try growing your own? Discover how to plant and grow Asian pear trees in your garden now with this guide. Plus we’ll share our favorite recipe ideas!

Why Is My Cauliflower Fuzzy? Troubleshooting Tips for Ricing in Curds

A close up of a cauliflower head that has gone fuzzy around the edges, a condition known as ricing, pictured amongst dark green foliage.

Cauliflower is one of the more difficult cool-weather crops to grow. If climate, soil, and moisture conditions are not ideal, the curd may not mature as it should. Sometimes, instead of being smooth, it looks fuzzy. Learn what causes this, how to avoid it, and if the affected crop is edible. Read more now.

How to Identify and Treat Pecan Stem End Blight

A cluster of immature pecan nuts still in green casings growing on the tree surrounded by foliage in light sunshine on a soft focus background.

Pecan nuts that start to turn black and fall off the tree may be suffering from stem end blight. This fungal disease is spread by insects feeding on your trees and can cause severe damage to your crop. Fungicide treatment may be necessary if your trees are infected. Learn how to identify and treat this serious disease.

How to Grow Plumcots and Pluots

A close up horizontal image of ripe plumcots growing on the tree in an orchard.

Plumcots and pluots are interspecific hybrid fruits achieved by crossing plum trees with apricot trees. Walk with us through the orchard as we explore these harmonious combos. Learn all the juicy secrets of these sensational fruit fusions like their history, how to grow and use them, and where to get your own plants.

How to Overwinter Foxgloves

A horizontal shot of beautiful purple foxglove flowers in a summer garden with a bokeh background.

Foxgloves offer charm, ease, and color that few other plants can match. If you’re eager to see your foxgloves thriving next spring, learn how to provide your plants with the winter care they need to grow bigger and stronger when the warm weather returns. We’ll talk about annual, biennial, and perennial foxgloves.

7 Reasons Why Garlic Leaves Fall Over

A horizontal photo showing a close-up of a bunch of freshly harvested garlic held by two hands in green garden gloves.

Are the leaves of your garlic plants falling over? Several things may cause the foliage to collapse when growing your own garlic, from wind and pests to watering issues and disease. If you want to be able to dig into the tasty bulbs once they mature, you need to figure out the cause of this problem and how to fix it.