23 of the Best Rose Varieties for Creating a Hedge

A horizontal image of a hedge of pink roses growing outside a light blue cottage pictured in bright sunshine on a summer's day.

Using roses to create a hedge gives you a functional and beautiful boundary in the garden. You can create a low-growing hedge covered in fragrant blossoms or a taller one blanketed in bright colors to serve as a privacy screen. Discover 23 of the best rose varieties to grow as a hedge in this guide. Read more now.

33 of the Best Red Rose Varieties to Grow at Home

A close up horizontal image of bright red roses growing in the garden.

Red roses symbolize passion, love, and desire. They can also make quite a bold statement in the landscape. From easygoing ground covers to dramatic climbers, and elegant hybrid teas to the cold-hardiest shrubs, discover 33 of the best red rose varieties for any garden space in this guide. Read more now.

How to Grow and Care for Fruiting Quince

A horizontal close up of a tree full of ripe quince fruit.

Quince is an ancient fruit that had a period of massive popularity over a century ago. The decadently fragrant and extremely flavorful fruits are making a huge comeback as gourmands seek them out for all kinds of culinary uses. Learn how to plant and grow your own quince trees in this guide. Read more now.

How to Grow and Care for Weeping Cherry Trees

A horizontal image of a line of pink weeping cherry trees growing in sunny outdoor conditions.

A weeping cherry is a type of ornamental flowering cherry tree with a gorgeous cascading growth habit. Featuring abundant blooms on its drooping branches, these trees are a delightful addition to the landscape. In this guide we’ll discuss how to propagate, grow, and care for weeping cherry trees. Read more now.

How to Plant and Grow Asian Pear Trees

A close up horizontal image of an Asian pear tree (Pyrus pyrifolia) laden with ripe fruits ready for harvest, surrounded by foliage.

Asian pears are a treat for anyone who loves a crisp, crunchy pear. Deliciously firm when fully ripe, nashi pears can be difficult to find in the grocery store. Why not try growing your own? Discover how to plant and grow Asian pear trees in your garden now with this guide. Plus we’ll share our favorite recipe ideas!

How to Grow and Care for Cotoneaster Shrubs

Image of the glossy green foliage and bright red berries of perennial cotoneaster shrubs growing in the garden.

Cotoneaster is a showy, hardworking shrub that provides multi-season interest with deep green foliage and pretty flowers, followed by bright berries and fantastic fall colors. Attractive as groundcovers and hedges, in containers and rockeries, or against fences and walls. Learn how to grow cotoneaster in this guide.

How to Grow and Care for Boysenberry Bushes

A close up of ripening boysenberries surrounded by foliage, pictured in light sunshine, fading to soft focus in the background.

Nothing says summer quite like the sweet, tart flavor and dark purple skin of the boysenberry, so why not try growing some at home? Learn everything you need to know to add this tasty fruit to your summer garden and enjoy a fresh harvest – perfect for snacking, pies, smoothies, and even savory dishes. Read more now.

Learn About Jackson & Perkins and Their Best Roses

A close up horizontal image of pink Jackson & Perkins roses in full bloom in the garden, pictured in light sunshine.

Jackson & Perkins was founded in 1882 and since then they have completely changed the rose landscape. They invented the rose mail-order business and helped change the laws around plant breeding in the US. And all that is in addition to the many beautiful roses they’ve bred over the years, such as ‘Dorothy Perkins.’

When and How to Water Roses

A close up horizontal image of a cream colored rose flower growing in the garden pictured on a soft focus background.

More than many other plants, roses need careful watering to avoid problems like diseases. All kinds of fungal issues are promoted by overwatering or allowing water to land on the foliage. Watering roses the right way involves knowing the best time of day to water and how to tell when your plant is thirsty. Read more now.

35 of the Best Shade-Tolerant Roses

A close up horizontal image of a single white rose growing in a slightly shaded spot in the garden pictured in light filtered sunshine on a soft focus background.

If you’ve given up your rose dreams because you don’t have full sun, take heart. You don’t have to resign yourself to growing impatiens and fuchsia to add color to shadier spots. We share 35 excellent roses that are tough enough to survive some shade, from huge climbers to petite shrubs in every color imaginable.

When and How to Harvest Boysenberries, a Tart Summertime Delight

A close up of a hand from the left of the frame carefully reaching in to a thorny bramble to pick the fresh, ripe berries.

Are you wondering when and how you should harvest boysenberries for maximum juiciness and flavor? In this guide, you’ll learn all the top tips on when and how to harvest delicious, nutritious, homegrown boysenberries. Whether you trained yours on a trellis or let them grow wild, we’ve got you covered. Read more now.

How to Grow and Care for Cherry Laurel Shrubs

A horizontal image of a blooming cherry laurel shrub growing outdoors.

If you’re looking for a tough evergreen shrub that can handle wind, salt spray, and a wide range of sunlight exposures, consider growing a cherry laurel! Prunus laurocerasus is gorgeous, attractive to wildlife, and very easy to care for. Check out our guide now to learn how to cultivate these fantastic shrubs.

Miniature and Miniflora Roses: What’s the Difference?

A close up horizontal image of miniature roses growing in the garden pictured in light sunshine on a soft focus background.

You know they’re small, but do you know the difference between miniflora and miniature roses? Or patio and microminis? Yep, they’re all smaller than standard roses, but these terms can’t just be used interchangeably. The American Rose Society recognizes two separate “mini” classifications with unique characteristics.

How to Grow and Care for Spirea Bushes

Small clustered pink blooms of spirea flowers.

Woody shrubs give great structure to the garden, and ones that provide flowers as well as fall color are invaluable for multi-season interest. Spirea gives pretty spring flowers and bright green foliage that turns into vibrant fall color, and it’s fast and easy to grow! Get the full details here on Gardeners Path.

23 Eco-Friendly Roses for Chemical-Free Growing

A close up horizontal image of pink roses growing in the garden pictured on a soft focus background.

Are you looking to go chemical-free in your garden, but you don’t want to give up on growing gorgeous roses? We hear you. The 23 options in this guide can thrive without the use of chemical sprays like fungicides and pesticides. Learn about standards like Knock Outs and lesser-known roses like ‘Distant Drums.’

How to Grow and Care for ‘Bartlett’ Pear Trees

A close up horizontal image of a 'Bartlett' pear growing in the garden surrounded by foliage pictured on a soft focus background.

Beautiful yellow ripeness, succulent juiciness, a taste to die for… all of this and more is found in a ‘Bartlett’ pear tree’s fruits. Whether you want to enjoy them out of hand, preserve them, or use them in delicious recipes, are you ready to grow your own? Learn all the necessary tips and tricks in our guide.

29 of the Best Pink Roses for Your Garden

A cluster of double pink roses flowers growing on a vine.

Pink roses run the gamut from nearly white to practically purple and everything in between. Some are striped, others are speckled, and some have an ombre effect, dark at the center and fading to a pale exterior. Some even have multiple hues. Our list shows off 29 of the toughest, most reliable options on the market.

How to Prune Apple Tree Water Sprouts

A close up horizontal image of water sprouts growing on an apple tree, with foliage in soft focus in the background.

If you’re seeing lots of straight, upright branches forming on your apple tree, they’re likely water sprouts. These growths are a sign of trauma, and you need to deal with them as soon as possible – they aren’t good for the growth of your tree, and they can reduce your harvest. Learn how to identify and remove them.

How to Identify and Manage Black Spot on Roses

A close up horizontal image of rose shrubs suffering from a disease called black spot that affects the foliage.

There are few words that rose lovers dread more than “black spot.” Just the sight of a few black-speckled leaves is enough to strike terror in the hearts of rose gardeners. This guide explains how to identify, prevent, and deal with black spot disease on roses. We even cover a few resistant roses worth checking out.

The Benefits of Boysenberry: Why You Need this Brambly Hybrid in Your Life

A close up of a berry bush growing in the garden in bright sunshine, with ripening fruits, surrounded by foliage.

Have you ever tasted a boysenberry? In this article, we dive into the red-ripe, juicy-sweet world of this hybrid berry. You’ll learn about its many health benefits, plus delicious recipe ideas, and best uses in the garden and the kitchen. Learn more about the uses and benefits of boysenberries. Read more now.

How to Grow and Care for Hawthorn Trees

A horizontal image of a flowering hawthorn tree with bees collecting nectar from the blooms pictured in bright sunshine on a blue sky background.

If you’re looking for a medium-sized tree that is pest and disease resistant, a pollinator magnet, useful in the kitchen and the yard, and downright stunning when in bloom, then the hawthorn is for you. With dozens of species and cultivars available to grow at home, there’s one that’s perfect for your garden space.

How to Propagate Pear Trees from Cuttings

A close up horizontal image of a branch of a Pyrus communis tree laden with ripening fruit, pictured on a blue sky background.

If you want an orchard of pear trees but don’t want to spend a fortune, why not try growing them from cuttings? It takes time but with a bit of effort you’ll be planting out your own newly propagated trees. Learn how to start pear trees from cuttings in this guide and you’ll be on your way to enjoying a thriving orchard.

How to Grow Roses in Containers

A close up horizontal image of pink roses growing in containers.

Roses make a bold statement when you grow them in containers. The decadent scent and elegant blossoms are brought closer to our senses in pots. This guide will help you understand how to plant and care for potted roses, including pruning and fertilizing. We’ll also help you pick a few of the best varieties for pots.

All About Rose Growing Habits

A close up horizontal image of a stone wall covered in pink roses.

No doubt you’ve seen shrub roses, but did you know they can also be climbers or ground covers? Roses come in a number of different growing styles, including bushy, rambling, or even tree shapes. This guide will walk you through all the different styles so you can better narrow down what will work for you in your space.

How and When to Deadhead Roses

A close up horizontal image of two hands from the left of the frame holding a pair of pruners deadheading a rose flower pictured in bright sunshine.

If you want to grow show-stopping roses, you’re going to need to know all about deadheading. Understanding why we deadhead, when to do it, and most importantly, the right way to go about it, is key to making the most of your rose bushes. This guide explains all the ins and outs to make you a true deadheading expert.

How to Grow and Care for Rugosa Roses

A close up horizontal image of a pink rugosa rose growing by the side of a pathway.

Love roses but hate how difficult they can be to grow? There’s an option that doesn’t need winter protection and resists all those common rose pests and diseases. Rugosa roses are beautiful on the outside but hide a tough interior. Learn how to plant and care for tough, hardy, and resilient rugosa roses.

How to Identify and Treat Rose Rust

A close up horizontal image of rose foliage covered in the symptoms of a fungal disease known as rust, pictured on a soft focus background.

Rose rust is becoming more and more common, and it’s challenging to deal with. Once it takes hold, it can be downright impossible to eliminate. This explains how to identify and deal with this fungal disease, including some excellent resistant options, so you can enjoy your roses without the rust drama.

Health Benefits of Rose Hips

A close up horizontal image of a rose shrub with bright red fruits surrounded by foliage pictured in bright sunshine on a soft focus background.

These hips don’t lie! Roses offer utility that goes beyond their floral beauty, providing edible fruits as well. Rose hips pack a nutritional punch, bringing vitamins, antioxidants, and more to the table. A variety of culinary uses will make them easy to incorporate into your diet. Read more now to get started.

Tips for Growing Fabulous Tree Roses

A close up horizontal image of a variety of shrubs planted outside a white building pictured in bright sunshine.

Tree roses are the crown jewel in a garden. They make an impressive impact with their stand-out shape and stunning floral display. That is, so long as you know the right way to plant, prune, and care for these beauties. In this guide, we’ll give you all the info you need to make your roses as pretty as they can be.

The Ultimate Guide to Growing Strawberries at Home

A close up horizontal image of ripe red strawberries ready to harvest.

It’s really sad when you purchase a good-looking batch of strawberries only to find them bland, tart, or worse – nothing but mush. Have you tried growing your own? As a cold hardy perennial, you’ll be surprised how little is involved in growing a plant or two for some delicious snacking. Read more on Gardener’s Path.

How to Transplant Rose Bushes

A close up horizontal image of a rose shrub growing in a garden border covered in orange flowers, with a garden scene in soft focus in the background.

Have a rose bush that;s growing in the wrong place? You don’t have to live with it. Instead, move your plant to a better spot in the garden. We’ll help you dig up and transplant your rose so it can thrive. From picking the right spot to getting it in the ground – without killing it in the process – our guide can help.

How Many Types of Roses Are There? A Guide to Rose Classification

A horizontal image of different colors and types of roses growing in a large swath in the garden, pictured in bright spring sunshine.

Tea, damask, polyantha, oh my! There are so many kinds of roses that it can all get a bit confusing. If you’re wondering what a shrub rose or a tea rose is, or what separates modern roses from old garden roses, this is the guide for you. We’ll help you sort out all the details and choose the best varieties for your garden.

How to Propagate Roses from Cuttings

A close up horizontal image of freshly clipped stems for propagating roses from cuttings.

Do you want to clone a rose plant that you adore? Taking cuttings is an easy way to make it happen. By snipping a stem from the parent plant and putting it in soil, you can encourage it to root and create a new rose plant. But of course, there’s more to it than that! In this guide, we’ll explain the entire process.

35 of the Best Strawberry Varieties for Home Gardeners

Ripe red strawberries growing on the vine in a home home garden.

Want to grow your own strawberries? There’s a huge variety of cultivars to choose from, from tiny alpines to juicy giants, in shades of red, white, yellow, and even purple. Some offer extra disease resistance, or stunning flowers. To make your selection a little easier, check out our roundup of top picks now.

How to Grow Lady’s Mantle

A close up horizontal image of the flowers and foliage of Alchemilla mollis aka lady's mantle growing in the garden.

Of the many leafy perennial options for your garden, lady’s mantle is probably the hardiest you’ll find. Offering a brief but stunning display of flowers, its vigorous, abundant scalloped leaves are the main feature. Lady’s mantle is also extremely resistant to pests and disease. What’s not to love? Read more now.

How to Grow and Care for Flowering Cherry Trees

A close up horizontal image of pink cherry blossoms in full bloom pictured in bright sunshine on a blue sky background.

Flowering cherries are cherished around the world, and for good reason: they’re absolutely stunning when in bloom during the spring – and sometimes in the fall, too! We’ll help you make these beauties thrive in your garden, with everything from proper ground preparation to dealing with any problems that might pop up.

How and When to Mound Roses for Winter Protection

A close up horizontal image of rose shrubs pruned hard and mounded with soil for winter protection.

Mounding roses protects them from the damaging freeze-thaw cycle of winter. While the process is simple, there are some mistakes to avoid that will do more harm than good, including using the wrong material and applying it at the wrong time. This guide explains when and how to mound roses to keep them healthy.

How to Grow Wingthorn Roses

A close up horizontal image of the bright red spikes of the wingthorn roses pictured in bright sunshine on a soft focus background.

Most of us avoid rose thorns. Breeders have even developed plants that are prickle free. But in this case, you’ll want to show those thorns off. Get to know all about striking and unique wingthorn roses. These bold plants make an impressive statement in the garden with their large, dramatic red thorns.

How to Propagate Rose Cuttings in Water

A close up horizontal image of a gardener taking stem cuttings from a rose shrub pictured on a soft focus background.

If you have a rose you adore, you can easily make more shrubs by propagating cuttings from the parent plant in a glass of water. But while the process itself is simple, it’s not always the most reliable method of rose propagation. In this guide, we’ll help you find success with a few tried-and-true tips and tricks.

Get to Know Meilland International and Some of Their Best Roses

A close up horizontal image of pink Meilland roses growing in the garden pictured on a soft focus background.

Meilland International is responsible for some of the most popular and beloved roses out there, including the storied ‘Peace’ rose that was smuggled out of France in World War II. Learn all about this respected rose breeder and some of their most popular options, from the petite Knock Out to ‘Papa Meilland.’ Read more.

9 Common Reasons for Deformed Rose Flowers (And How to Fix Them)

A close up horizontal image of a rose flower growing in a deformed manner with browning petal edges, pictured on a soft focus background.

Rose flowers are undeniably some of the most beautiful blossoms out there. Beautiful, that is, unless they’re ugly and deformed. It can be a challenge figure out why your roses are disfigured and how to fix the problem. Our guide covers 9 common reasons why roses are deformed and how to resolve them. Read more now.

7 Common Reasons Why Roses Drop Their Leaves

A close up horizontal image of pink roses growing in the garden pictured on a soft focus background.

If your rose starts dropping its leaves, it’s imperative that you act quickly. If you catch the problem early on it will be much easier to fix, whether it’s a pest problem, a nasty disease, or an issue with watering that you need to correct. Left too long, you might be saying goodbye to your favorite shrub. Read more.

How to Identify and Treat 9 Common Rose Diseases

A close up of a rose bloom suffering from botrytis blight. The petals are going brown and drying out. The background is soft focus.

Lovely as roses are, they are prone to disease, and knowing what to do early on is key to protecting the health of your plants. Our guide describes the common rose diseases you are most likely to encounter and offers effective treatment plans for each. Check out our solutions to your roses’ woes now in this guide.

How to Identify and Correct Iron Deficiency in Roses

A close up horizontal image of yellow roses growing in the garden pictured on a soft focus background.

Iron deficiency is common in roses, resulting in yellow leaves with green veins and a general decline in plant health. It can also leave your rose susceptible to pests and diseases. While it’s an extremely common issue, don’t lose sleep over it. It’s easy to diagnose, and once you do, we can help you work on a cure.

13 of the Best Yellow Rose Varieties to Add Sunshine to Your Garden

A close up horizontal image of yellow roses growing in the garden pictured on a soft focus background.

There’s something extra special about yellow roses. They’re both cheerfully sweet and dramatically elegant all at the same time. Not all varieties are created equal, however, some tend to fade and others are prone to diseases. Discover 13 of the best yellow roses and choose your favorites in this guide. Read more now.

How to Grow Miniature Roses in Containers

A close up horizontal image of a miniature rose with orange flowers growing in a terra cotta pot set on a concrete surface.

It’s true what they say: bigger isn’t always better. Miniature roses in containers offer an outsized visual impact with minimal effort on your part. Want to bring the dramatic beauty of roses to a small space? This guide can help. Find out more about choosing, planting, and caring for mini roses in pots.

How to Train Climbing Roses

A horizontal image of a brick wall with pink climbing roses around an archway.

A fence, wall, or arbor covered in the flowers of a climbing rose is an incomparable sight. Training the plant well in the first place is key to success down the road. This guide walks you through training your rose the right way to establish a healthy, beautiful plant that will perform well for years to come.

29 Roses with Few or No Thorns for Your Garden

A close up horizontal image of beautiful cream-colored thornless roses pictured on a soft focus background.

The old song isn’t true: Not every rose has its thorns. Some are thornless (or nearly so) and every bit as beautiful as thorny ones. In this guide, we’ll introduce you to 29 different options so you don’t have to suffer for beauty. From climbers to petite shrubs, there are a multitude of options available.

How to Identify Rose Mosaic Virus (and What to Do About It)

A close up horizontal image of rose foliage showing the discoloration caused by mosaic virus pictured in bright sunshine on a soft focus background.

Rose mosaic virus causes all kinds of weird, ugly-looking symptoms in roses, but it doesn’t stop there. It can also make your roses weak and can even contribute to their demise. There’s no cure and no way to treat for it preventatively. So what can you do about this disease? That’s what this guide will show you.

17 of the Best White Rose Varieties for the Garden

A close up horizontal image of white Knock Out roses growing in the garden pictured in light filtered sunshine.

White roses you grow yourself can be elegant, dramatic, or sweet and fresh. They look beautiful in flower arrangements and bridal bouquets, or planted to contrast with more colorful flowers in gardens and borders. Need inspiration? Learn about 17 of the best white rose varieties right here. Read more now.

How to Identify and Treat Powdery Mildew on Roses

A close up horizontal image of rose buds with a coating of powdery mildew, a fungal infection common in the summer garden, pictured on a soft focus background.

Powdery mildew on roses is incredibly common and can be very destructive. It shows up as a powdery coating on the leaves and flowers and can cause them to be distorted. In advanced cases, it can stop blooms from forming and defoliate a plant. Learn how to prevent and treat powdery mildew on roses in this guide. Read more.

25 of the Best-Smelling Roses to Enrich Your Garden

A horizontal image of a gardener smelling fragrant red roses in the garden pictured in evening sunshine.

Roses are obviously a treat for the eyes, but if you plant one that has a strong, lovely scent, they can also be a feast for the nose. This guide introduces you to 25 of the best-smelling roses on the market today to help you in your search, whether you want something fruity and light or musky and spicy in your garden.

How to Identify and Treat Downy Mildew on Roses

A close up horizontal image of a hand from the right of the frame holding a rose leaf that is infected with downy mildew.

Downy mildew is an increasingly common problem on roses, and it’s one of those diseases that can impact some of the sturdier roses out there like Knock Outs, Drifts, and Bucks. It causes ugly dark spots, yellowing leaves, and can even kill your shrub if left unchecked. It’s difficult to address, but our guide can help.

All About Griffith Buck Roses

A close up horizontal image of a pink Dr Griffith Buck rose shrub growing in the garden pictured on a soft focus background.

Buck roses aren’t as well-known, but they’re just as hardy, disease-resistant, and low-maintenance as familiar names like Knock Out and Drift roses, with a wider range of colors and sizes available. Griffith Buck was passionate about roses and bred some cherished cultivars, but he never sought commercial success.

How and When to Prune Roses

A close up horizontal image of a gloved hand from the right of the frame using a pair of secateurs to prune a rose bush.

Roses add an inviting touch of romance to a landscape. Be sure to keep yours in top form by pruning the right way at the right time. Did you know that you can adjust the quantity and size of blossoms by varying your cutting technique? Learn this and more with 5 pruning tips in this guide. Read more.

How to Prevent and Control Rose Rosette Disease (Witches’-Broom)

A horizontal image of a large rose garden featuring different colored varieties with trees in the background.

Just the mention of rose rosette disease or witches’-broom on a rose is enough to strike fear in any grower’s heart. Rose rosette virus causes a devastating disease that deforms and destroys shrubs, and there is no cure. But there are ways to prevent infection. This guide gives you the tools you need. Read more now.

Tips for Growing Knock Out Roses

A close up horizontal image of bright red Knock Out roses growing in front of a brick wall.

Do you love roses, but you want one that isn’t too fussy or demanding? Meet the Knock Outs. They’re drought-, pest-, and disease-resistant, self-cleaning, and hardy. And they make other roses seem downright difficult. We’ll explain where they came from and how to make them thrive in your garden. Read more now.

How to Grow and Maintain Beautiful Climbing Roses

A close up horizontal image of climbing roses growing on a wooden fence.

Climbing roses give you the beauty of a climbing vine without the risk of damage to your property. Because they don’t have suckers or tendrils, they can’t grip onto things on their own. Plus, the canes aren’t aggressively strong like the stems of ivy or wisteria can be. Embrace this classic cottage garden beauty.

15 of the Best Miniature Teacup Roses

A close up square image of bright pink miniature teacup roses growing in a container.

Teacup roses allow you to fill a small space with a big, beautiful floral display. Whether that means a patio container, a corner of your tiny backyard, or just an empty spot near a walkway, a miniature rose can fill your space with color, fragrance, and nonstop visual interest. Discover more about 15 top picks now.

Tips for Growing Shrub Roses

A close up horizontal image of light pink shrub roses growing in the garden.

Shrub roses are ideal for beginners because they’re easy to care for without forcing you to sacrifice an elegant floral display. They’re disease-resistant, most are self-cleaning, and they bloom all season long. Plus, they come in a range of colors, growth habits, and sizes. Read more to learn how to grow shrub roses.

How and When to Harvest Strawberries

A close up horizontal image of a hand from the left of the frame picking ripe strawberries from the garden.

Strawberries are heavenly when you pick them off the plant at the peak of ripeness. More than many other fruits, they have a very narrow window and you need to act fast when they’re ready. Otherwise, you risk pulling them when they’re young and bitter, or old and mushy. Here’s how and when to harvest strawberries.

All About Brambles: The Many Marvelous Plants in the Rubus Genus

A close up horizontal image of brambles growing wild in the fall.

Brambles can be a marvelous addition to your yard or a hideous curse, depending on what you’re dealing with. Whether you’re thinking about planting something in the Rubus genus in your garden or you’re trying to manage some unwelcome canes, it helps to understand these plants. Learn all you need to know in our guide.

How to Plan a Rose Garden

A close up horizontal image of red roses growing outside a residence pictured in filtered sunshine.

If you’ve always loved the idea of planting and growing your own rose garden but have no idea where to start, we’ve got good news. Our guide to planning a rose garden will help you design one with your landscape, growing zone, and color preferences in mind. Keep reading to get started on that rosy dream.

How to Choose the Best Location to Grow Roses in Your Yard

A horizontal image of a white fence planted with bright pink roses and a variety of other perennials to create a pleasing, formal look beside a pathway.

A poorly placed rose might not bloom, or it may struggle with disease. That’s why it’s important to pick the best spot in your garden. The right sun, spacing, and soil will make all the difference between a plant that lives up to its potential, and one that fails to thrive. This guide provides all the info you need.

Planting Rose Bushes: Step by Step Instructions

A close up horizontal image of a gardener wearing red gloves planting a potted rose bush out into the garden.

Rose bushes benefit long-term from having the best start in life. A rose planted the right way, in the right place, at the right time, will be healthier than one that isn’t. If you aren’t sure how to plant roses, our guide has got you covered. We’ll walk you through the process step by step, for bountiful blossoms.

Why Are My Rose Leaves Turning Yellow?

A close up horizontal image of yellow and brown foliage of a rose bush pictured in evening sunshine on a soft focus background.

If you notice the leaves on your rose bush turning yellow, don’t despair. While there are many possible causes for this common problem, most of them also have straightforward solutions. In this guide, we’ll help you identify exactly what’s causing your rose leaves to yellow and how to turn your plants green again.

How to Control Aphids on Roses

A close up horizontal image of pink rose aphids infesting a flower bud pictured on a soft focus background.

If you seem to spot aphid congregations every time you look at your rose bushes, you’re probably feeling frustrated. How do you keep them under control? Can you do this without harming beneficial insects? And can beneficial insects help get rid of a bad aphid infestation? Find out in this guide. Read more now.

What Are David Austin English Roses?

A close up horizontal image of David Austin English roses Growing in the garden.

English roses are incredibly popular for a reason. They combine all the best traits of old garden roses with the hardiness and repeat flowering of modern varieties. Where did they come from, how do you grow them, and which are the best to plant? We’ll explain all that and more in this guide to David Austin roses.

How to Grow Toyon (California Holly)

A close up horizontal image of a cluster of bright red berries of California holly (Heteromeles arbutifolia) pictured on a soft focus background.

Intrinsic cultural and habitat value shape the history of the California toyon plant. Small, white, rose-like flowers in summer lead to vibrant red berries in winter, providing abundant nectar and forage for pollinators and birds. Fire resistant and drought tolerant, this plant is a chaparral and oak woodland staple.

Everything You Need to Know About Buying Rose Bushes

A close up horizontal image of a bunch of roses pictured on a soft focus background.

Understanding the best way to buy roses can save you a lot of work, and results in healthier, happier plants for your garden. But there’s more to it than you think. From knowing where to shop and what to look for, to whether you should pick own-root or grafted plants, this guide has all the tips you need. Read more.

How to Plant and Care for Bare Root Roses

A close up horizontal image of bright pink roses growing in the garden.

When you plant bare root roses, you’ll need to know the best way to ensure that they grow and flourish. This guide walks you through selecting, planting, and caring for your new bare root plants so that they have the best chance at turning into big, beautiful flowering bushes. It’s not as hard as you might think.

What Are the Different Types of Shrub Roses?

A close up horizontal image of bright yellow shrub roses blooming in the garden pictured on a soft focus background.

No doubt you’ve heard of shrub roses, but what are they exactly? You’re probably thinking “shrub” just refers to growth habit, but that’s not true. Surprised? This guide will help you understand what a shrub rose is and will introduce you to some stand-out specimens, including a few ground covers and climbers.

13 of the Best Hardy Roses to Grow at Home

A close up horizontal image of double pink Knock Out roses growing in the garden pictured in bright sunshine on a soft focus background.

Roses have a reputation as being fussy, delicate plants that need constant pampering to stay alive. Forget the common knowledge. Modern roses are hardy and resistant to pests and diseases. How do you know which ones can stand the heat? This guide gives you 13 tried-and-true options so you’re sure to find the right one.

Growing Roses 101: Getting Started

A close up horizontal image of bright pink roses growing in the garden pictured in bright sunshine on a soft focus background.

Love roses? Even though you’ve probably heard all about the diseases, pests, and other problems that gardeners face, growing roses doesn’t have to be complicated. We’ll provide the foundation you need to care for your flowers like a pro. Read more to learn the basics of growing these stunning blossoms in your garden.

How to Plant and Grow Red Tip Photinia

A close up horizontal image of the bright red foliage of P. x fraseri growing in sunshine.

Red tip photinia is a broadleaf evergreen shrub with vibrant red and dark green foliage. Tough and vigorous, these ornamentals are easy to grow, and provide year round interest and functionality in the landscape as a hedge or privacy screen. Learn how to plant and grow red tip photinia in this guide. Read more now.

21 of the Best Cotoneaster Varieties for Ground Covers, Hedges, and More

A close up horizontal image of red cotoneaster growing next to a path as ground cover.

Cotoneaster is a multi-season plant loved for its vivid fall colors, bright red winter berries, and wonderful versatility in the landscape. From ground covers to hedges to slope stabilizers and even bonsai, there’s a species suitable for most locations. Learn about 21 of the best cotoneaster varieties in this guide.

How to Grow Flowering Quince for Early Spring Color

A close up horizontal image of bright red Chaenomeles flowers growing in the garden, pictured in bright sunshine on a soft focus background.

Flowering quince is an easy-care shrub that produces vibrant flowers in late winter to early spring. Shades of pink, red, orange, and white adorn the thorny branches, signaling the end of winter, and some varieties even produce edible fruit. Learn how to plant and grow flowering quince in your garden. Read more now.

How to Winterize Roses

A close up horizontal image of a rose flower covered in a light frost pictured on a soft focus background.

To have healthy, beautiful roses, you need to grow varieties suited to your growing zone. And if you live where the ground freezes during the coldest months of the year, you may have to provide winter protection to get those beauties safely through to spring. Learn how to winterize your roses in this guide.

How to Grow Fruiting Pear Trees

A close up horizontal image of two Pyrus communis fruits hanging from tree branches ready to harvest, pictured in light sunshine on a soft focus background.

Dreaming of a home orchard? Fruiting pear trees are a great choice. They aren’t troubled by most diseases or pests, and deliver bumper crops of delicious fruit. Reap all these rewards by following this guide that takes you through every step, from planting to harvest and eating or cooking. Read more now.

How to Put Strawberry Plants to Bed for the Winter

A close up horizontal image of a strawberry plant growing in the garden under a thin layer of snow.

Strawberries are suited to cultivation in USDA Hardiness Zones 3 to 10. With the proper winter care, hardy varieties can come back year after year and yield abundant harvests of sweet and juicy berries. Learn how to prepare and protect your strawberry plants during the winter months in this guide. Read more now.

How to Prepare Boysenberry Bushes for Winter

A close up horizontal image of the foliage of a boysenberry plant covered in frost and snow, pictured in light sunshine on a soft focus background.

Your boysenberry bushes provided tasty sweet-tart berries through the summer, and now they’ve died back. You know they’re going to return in the spring – as long as you can keep them warm this winter. But how do you do that? What steps are involved? Learn everything you need to know in our guide. Read more.

How to Control Gray Mold (Botrytis Rot) on Strawberries

A close up of strawberries growing in the garden, the one on the left is infected by Botrytis and is covered in a gray mold that is spreading to the ripe fruit beside it.

Gray mold on strawberries is a disease caused by Botrytis that is very common throughout the world, and difficult to control. The fungus is even resistant to most fungicides. Read more now to learn what steps you can take to control this potentially devastating fungus, and prevent it from ruining your harvest.