Types of Irises: A Guide to Iris Classification and Flowering Sequence

A close up horizontal image of colorful iris flowers growing in the garden pictured in bright sunshine on a soft focus background.

Irises are loved for their bright, bold colors and stately flowers. But did you know there are many different varieties of these garden favorites? With the right selection, you can enjoy flowers from early spring through to midsummer. Learn about the different types of irises and their flowering sequence in this guide.

How to Plant and Grow Artichokes

A close up horizontal image of artichokes growing in the garden pictured on a blue sky background.

Artichoke plants can be grown in your garden or flower beds, offering a tasty and generous harvest as either annuals or perennials. Adaptable to various climates and growing seasons, these silvery architectural plants can also do double duty as ornamental features. Keep reading to learn more about growing artichokes.

How to Collect and Store Morning Glory Seeds

A close up horizontal image of bright blue morning glory flowers growing in the garden pictured on a soft focus background.

Climbing annual morning glory vines are synonymous with summer, covering fences and trellises with their classic heart-shaped leaves and trumpet-like blue, pink, purple, and white blossoms. Read on to learn how to collect and store seeds from this vigorous self-sowing flower and enjoy cheerful blooms year after year.

15 of the Best Scented Geranium Varieties

A close up horizontal image of pink and white scented geraniums (Pelargonium) growing in the garden pictured on a soft focus background.

Scented geraniums are a feast for the eyes, nose, and taste buds with their fragrant, beautiful flowers and leaves. There is a seemingly endless variety of pelargoniums out there, including ones that smell like cedar, apple, roses, and peppermint. This guide will give you 15 excellent options to grow at home.

Bring in That Bumper Crop: How and When to Harvest Cucumbers

A close up horizontal image of a basket full of freshly harvested cucumbers pictured on a soft focus background.

Garden cucumbers grow fast and have high yields, so prepare for a bountiful harvest. These expert tips and techniques will help you pick the fruits at their tastiest, and extend the harvest, starting on day one of the growing season. Avoid rookie mistakes and pick with ease with this guide to harvesting cucumbers.

How to Grow and Care for Fountain Grass

A close up horizontal image of ornamental Pennisetum grass growing in a garden with a lawn to the right of the frame and trees in soft focus in the background.

Ornamental fountain grass is hardy in Zones 4-10. A low-maintenance option with year-round appeal in some areas, Pennisetum plants have finely textured blades and an elegant, mounding form. Their tapering foliage and flower plumes add all-season interest, the perfect easy-care addition to your home landscape. Read more.

Are Fuchsias Edible? Learn About Eating Fuchsia Berries, Leaves, and Flowers

A close up horizontal image of red and purple fuchsia flowers pictured on a green soft focus background.

Have you ever looked at a pretty fuchsia plant and wondered if you could eat it? Well, you can! Our guide walks you through the ins and outs of the incredible, edible fuchsia. From the flowers and leaves to the flavorful berries, we’ll tell you when to harvest, which ones taste best, and how to use them in the kitchen.

How and When to Prune Blackberry Bushes

A close up horizontal image of a blackberry bush with ripe and unripe fruits growing at the edge of a field.

Learning how to correctly prune blackberry bushes will result in stronger, healthier plants with annual harvests of large and juicy fruit. It is also an important step to keeping brambles from becoming tangled and unmanageable. Read more for detailed information on how and when to trim blackberries.

Tips for Watering Fuchsia Plants

A close up horizontal image of pink and purple fuchsia flowers pictured on a soft focus background.

Fuchsias are fussy about the amount of water they want. They can’t tolerate dry soil at all. But at the same time, soggy roots will kill them off pretty quickly. The challenge is figuring out the right amount of water and when to apply it. This guide will arm you with the knowledge you need to make your plants happy.

5 Tips for Growing Asters in Containers

A close up horizontal image of pink asters growing in a terra cotta pot on a tiled patio.

Perennial asters bloom in late summer, bringing masses of blues, pinks, purples, and whites to the landscape until the first frost. In addition to growing in beds, borders, drifts, and meadows, they grow well in pots. Read on for 5 tips on aster container gardening, and take your outdoor living space to the next level.

How to Grow and Care for French Tarragon

A close up horizontal image of French tarragon growing in the garden pictured on a soft focus background.

French tarragon is a mainstay of the kitchen herb garden, with a sweet, licorice-like flavor used in a variety of dishes and French cuisine. An herbaceous perennial, cool spring temperatures and afternoon shade in summer produce a bounty of flavorful leaves. Learn all about how to plant French tarragon in this guide.

How to Control Aphids on Roses

A close up horizontal image of pink rose aphids infesting a flower bud pictured on a soft focus background.

If you seem to spot aphid congregations every time you look at your rose bushes, you’re probably feeling frustrated. How do you keep them under control? Can you do this without harming beneficial insects? And can beneficial insects help get rid of a bad aphid infestation? Find out in this guide. Read more now.

What Are David Austin English Roses?

A close up horizontal image of David Austin English roses Growing in the garden.

English roses are incredibly popular for a reason. They combine all the best traits of old garden roses with the hardiness and repeat flowering of modern varieties. Where did they come from, how do you grow them, and which are the best to plant? We’ll explain all that and more in this guide to David Austin roses.

How to Grow and Care for Cleveland Sage

A close up horizontal image of a bee feeding from a purple Cleveland sage (Salvia clevelandii) flower pictured on a soft focus background.

Cleveland sage, often referred to as blue or fragrant sage, starts blooming just as spring transitions to summer. Growing well in Zones 9-11, this short-lived perennial thrives in full sun and requires little beyond some fertile, well-draining soil.. Learn how to plant and grow Cleveland sage in this guide. Read more now.

Fertilize Your Passionflower Vines to Boost Growth and Production

A close up horizontal image of a passionflower vine with bright purple flowers growing in the garden.

If you’re growing passionflower and your vine isn’t productive or is looking mediocre, it may need feeding – but how can you tell? In this guide we look at the basic needs of passionflower and cover when and how to fertilize your vines for optimum health, glorious blooms, and tasty fruit. Read more now.

Do Fuchsias Need Deadheading?

A close up horizontal image of red and purple fuchsia flowers growing in bright sunshine with foliage in soft focus in the background.

If you want to keep your fuchsias looking fabulous, you need to know how to deadhead them the right way. While the flowers fall on their own, they leave behind seed pods that may signal the plant to stop producing blossoms. This guide will help you prevent that from happening so you can keep enjoying the colorful show.

Tips for Growing Blackberries in Containers

A close up horizontal image of a cluster of berries in various stages of ripeness pictured in light sunshine on a soft focus background.

Blackberries are juicy, sweet, and full of nutrients. If you want your own harvest to eat fresh and use in pies, smoothies, scones, and more, why not try growing them in containers? Planting these brambles in pots saves space in the yard or garden, allowing anyone in Zones 4-10 to enjoy fresh berries. Read more now.

Tips for Pollinating Eggplant by Hand

A close up horizontal image of purple eggplants developing on the branch pictured in light filtered sunshine with soil in soft focus in the background.

If you want to hand-pollinate your own eggplants but aren’t sure how, then this is the guide for you. We’ll show you how easy it is to manually pollinate these tasty nightshades for a delicious crop this summer. Have your pick of three simple hand pollination methods to help ensure a savory, meaty harvest. Read more.

How to Grow and Care for English Daisies

A close up horizontal image of pink and white double petaled Bellis perennis flowers pictured on a soft focus background.

English daisies are carpet-forming perennials commonly found growing in lawns. These moisture-loving flowers are easy to cultivate and with a variety of cultivars to choose from, add texture and color to beds, borders, and containers. Learn how to plant and grow classic English daisies in this guide. Read more now.

How to Grow and Care for Candle Anemones

A close up horizontal image of a greenish white candle anemone aka long-fruited thimbleweed flower pictured on a soft focus background.

Candle anemone, aka long-fruited thimbleweed, is a perennial wildflower that blooms in bright shades of green and white. Anemone cylindrica is easy to grow and care for, and the pretty flowers attract a variety of pollinators to the garden. Learn how to plant and grow candle anemones in this guide. Read more now.

How to Grow Toyon (California Holly)

A close up horizontal image of a cluster of bright red berries of California holly (Heteromeles arbutifolia) pictured on a soft focus background.

Intrinsic cultural and habitat value shape the history of the California toyon plant. Small, white, rose-like flowers in summer lead to vibrant red berries in winter, providing abundant nectar and forage for pollinators and birds. Fire resistant and drought tolerant, this plant is a chaparral and oak woodland staple.

How to Grow and Care for Himalayan Honeysuckle

A close up horizontal image of the white flowers and dark purple bracts of Himalayan honeysuckle with foliage in soft focus in the background.

Himalayan honeysuckle (Leycesteria formosa) is a low maintenance flowering shrub that produces edible berries in the fall. Its fragrant white blooms surrounded by deep purple bracts are a striking addition to the garden. Learn how to plant and grow Himalayan honeysuckle in this guide. Read more now.

How to Grow and Care for Summer Snapdragon Flowers

A close up horizontal image of pink summer snapdragon flowers (Angelonia angustifolia) growing in a garden border.

Are you planning your next garden project? Summer snapdragon is a perennial flower for beds, borders, and containers that you need to know about. Angelonia angustifolia is a must-have where summers are hot and humid. Discover what makes this plant unique, where to buy it, and how to grow it in this guide. Read more now.

How to Plant and Grow Italian Cucuzza Squash

A close up horizontal image of Italian cucuzza squash in a wooden box set on the ground with a garden scene in soft focus in the background.

Italian cucuzza is a summer squash in the botanical family of Lagenaria. This edible plant is technically a gourd that is related to the calabash and other culinary squashes and gourds. A vigorous plant, its fruits grow rapidly. Eaten just like summer squash, it tastes delicious fresh off the grill. Read more now.

7 Tips for Pruning Perennial Asters

A close up horizontal image of light blue perennial asters growing in the garden pictured on a soft focus background.

Perennial asters, in shades of blue, pink, purple, and white, refresh late season gardens for a beautiful transition to fall. Have you been hesitant to plant them because of their somewhat unkempt natural growth habits? Read on for 7 tips that will help you keep them in shape, and make them the pride of your landscape.

Everything You Need to Know About Buying Rose Bushes

A close up horizontal image of a bunch of roses pictured on a soft focus background.

Understanding the best way to buy roses can save you a lot of work, and results in healthier, happier plants for your garden. But there’s more to it than you think. From knowing where to shop and what to look for, to whether you should pick own-root or grafted plants, this guide has all the tips you need. Read more.

How to Grow Virginia Stock, A Cordial Summer Visitor

A close up horizontal image of the small pink and purple flowers of Malcolmia maritima growing in the garden pictured on a soft focus background.

Virginia stock (Malcolmia maritima) is a summer flower that blooms in a profusion of pink, purple, and white blossoms, for a carpet of pastel color. Tolerant of salt, low moisture, and dry soil, it’s perfect for those hard-to-plant locations. Learn all about this easy-to-grow annual in this guide. Read more now.

How to Grow Thai Basil in Your Herb Garden

A close up horizontal image of the bright green leaves and purple stems of Thai basil (Ocimum basilicum var. thyrsiflora) growing in the garden, pictured in light sunshine.

Thai basil has a unique flavor that stands out in comparison to other types. With a spicier taste and just a hint of licorice, it’s the perfect herb to use in a huge range of dishes. Plus, you can eat the flowers, stems, and seeds! If you’re ready to plant and use this herb, our guide will help you on your way.

How to Propagate Camellias

A close up horizontal image of the flowers and foliage of a camellia shrub growing outside a residence.

Camellias add fall, winter, and spring color to the landscape and shrubs have a variety of blossom forms and growth habits. There are six main methods of propagating these plants at home, including from seed, cuttings, layering, air layering, and grafting. Learn how to propagate camellias in this guide. Read more now.

How to Plant and Care for Bare Root Roses

A close up horizontal image of bright pink roses growing in the garden.

When you plant bare root roses, you’ll need to know the best way to ensure that they grow and flourish. This guide walks you through selecting, planting, and caring for your new bare root plants so that they have the best chance at turning into big, beautiful flowering bushes. It’s not as hard as you might think.

The Full Spectrum of Buddleia: 17 of the Best Butterfly Bush Cultivars

A close up horizontal image of a bright pink Buddleia flower with a butterfly feeding from it pictured on a soft focus background.

Butterfly bush is a brightly colored, low maintenance shrub that lives up to its name by attracting a variety of pollinators to the garden. But did you know there are numerous cultivars available in a variety of colors and sizes to suit your backyard? Learn about 17 of the best Buddleia cultivars and choose your favorites.

What Are the Different Types of Shrub Roses?

A close up horizontal image of bright yellow shrub roses blooming in the garden pictured on a soft focus background.

No doubt you’ve heard of shrub roses, but what are they exactly? You’re probably thinking “shrub” just refers to growth habit, but that’s not true. Surprised? This guide will help you understand what a shrub rose is and will introduce you to some stand-out specimens, including a few ground covers and climbers.

17 of the Best Coreopsis Varieties

A close up horizontal image of bright yellow Coreopsis verticillata growing in the garden with foliage in soft focus in the background.

There are so many coreopsis varieties to choose from that it’s easy to get overwhelmed when you’re trying to pick out a few to plant in your flower beds. We’ve rounded up 17 of our favorite varieties to make the decision easy! Whether you’re looking for a specific color or height, we’ve got you covered. Read more now.

How to Grow Flavorful Greek Oregano

A close up horizontal image of Greek oregano (Origanum vulgare var. hirtum) growing in the garden pictured in bright sunshine on a soft focus background.

Greek oregano is one of the most popular culinary herbs to grow for a reason. A common seasoning in pizza and pasta sauce, this spicy and flavorful perennial is also amazingly hardy and very easy to grow in the home garden. Continue reading for more information on how to grow and use Greek oregano.

How to Grow and Care for Small Globe Thistle

A horizontal image of small globe thistle and coneflowers growing in the garden with shrubs in soft focus in the background.

Small globe thistle (Echinops ritro) features whimsical pom-pom flowers atop stems that grow to over three feet tall. Ideal as a background for smaller foreground plants, small globe thistle is a striking addition to the garden. Learn how to plant and grow this exceptional perennial in this guide. Read more now.

When and How to Harvest Asparagus

A close up horizontal image of two hands from the left of the frame holding freshly harvested asparagus spears.

Asparagus is one of few truly perennial vegetables. An established patch can produce bountiful harvests of crisp and flavorful green spears each season. By following a few key tips, you are certain to have a healthy asparagus crop that continues for many years. Learn how and when to harvest asparagus in this guide.

BFFs and Enemies: The Best and Worst Cucumber Companion Plants

A close up horizontal image of an edible garden planted with a variety of vegetables and a metal watering can in the foreground.

What should you plant with cucumbers? The best companions maximize space, discourage harmful insects, and suppress weeds. Beans, marigolds, and corn are beneficial, but steer clear of potatoes and sage! This guide will help you grow good companion plants for cucumbers, and avoid any that compete or encourage disease.

How to Grow Satin Flower: Darling of the Pacific Coast

A close up horizontal image of pink, red, and white satin flowers (Clarkia amoena) growing in the early summer garden.

Satin flower is an annual native wildflower that blooms in early summer with poppy-like blossoms in a variety of colors ranging from pink and purple to orange and red. Ideal for growing in beds, borders, and containers, they attract a variety of pollinators. Learn how to plant and grow satin flower in this guide.

What Are Wild Chives and What Can I Do with Them?

A close up horizontal image of the purple flowers of wild chives growing in a meadow in bright sunshine.

Do you think you’ve found chives growing in the wild? Are you wondering if you can eat them? If you need help identifying and figuring out what to do with Allium schoenoprasum, look no further than this guide. We’ll show you how to identify wild chives and how to safely enjoy them in your cooking. Read more now.

How to Plant and Grow Anise

A close up horizontal image of aniseed (Pimpinella anisum) growing in the garden.

Anise is versatile in the kitchen, and you can use both the leaves and the seeds in a variety of recipes. It’s also valuable in the garden, attracting beneficial insects and driving away the bad ones. This guide has all the details you need to succeed at growing this uncommon, unfussy, totally wonderful herb.

How to Plant and Grow Mexican Tarragon

A close up horizontal image of the yellow flowers of Mexican tarragon (Tagetes lucida) growing in the garden.

Mexican tarragon is a marvelously multi-purpose herb that works as both a beautiful ornamental and a tasty ingredient for your kitchen toolkit. Plus it can keep bugs away, attracts beneficial insects, and has a long history of medicinal uses. And it’s not fussy about soil! Check out this guide for more info.

How to Identify and Control Common Asparagus Diseases

A close up horizontal image of asparagus spears emerging from the ground pictured in bright sunshine.

Many types of fungi, a water mold, and several viruses can infect asparagus plants, with varying degrees of severity. This guide will help you to diagnose what is ailing your crop and provide tips on what to do about it. Read on to learn about the dizzying array of pathogens that can infect asparagus.

How to Grow and Care for English Bluebells

A horizontal image of an English woodland in spring with a carpet of bluebells under the trees.

English bluebell is a spring bulb with bright green foliage and vibrant blue bell-shaped flowers. It goes by many names, including harebell and fairy flower, and produces beautiful lush carpets in woodlands and other shady areas of the garden. Learn how to plant and grow this perennial in our guide. Read more now.

11 of the Best Foxglove Varieties for Your Garden

A close up horizontal image of purple and white foxglove flowers growing in the garden pictured on a soft focus background.

With tubular flowers packed on tall spikes, foxgloves brighten any garden. In shades of pink, blue, purple, orange, and more, there’s a color to match any taste. Some blooms point gracefully downward. Others are level or upward-pointing, showing off speckled throats. Discover 11 of the best foxglove varieties now.

What Are the Different Types of Cucumber Plants?

A close up horizontal image of a large pile of cucumbers.

Which type of cucumber should you plant in your garden? All types grow fast and have high yields, but each has unique benefits, too. Vining types save space, pickling fruits hold up to processing, and seedless varieties may grow without pollinators. This guide to cucumber categories will help you explore your options.

Tips for Growing Caraway in Containers

A close up horizontal image of Carum carvi with small white flowers.

Don’t let a little thing like a lack of garden space prevent you from growing nutritious, delicious caraway plants. Carum carvi grows incredibly well in containers, so you don’t have to go without, even if you only have a little corner of a balcony available for your gardening. Read our guide to learn more.

How to Identify and Control Common Sunflower Pests

A close up horizontal image of a bright yellow sunflower growing in the garden pictured on a blue sky background.

There is nothing more disappointing than finding caterpillars chewing the seedlings to bits, aphids sucking on the stems, or larvae wriggling in the flower heads of the sunflowers you planted. Read more now to learn everything you need to know about common Helianthus insect pests and how to deal with them.

13 of the Best Hardy Roses to Grow at Home

A close up horizontal image of double pink Knock Out roses growing in the garden pictured in bright sunshine on a soft focus background.

Roses have a reputation as being fussy, delicate plants that need constant pampering to stay alive. Forget the common knowledge. Modern roses are hardy and resistant to pests and diseases. How do you know which ones can stand the heat? This guide gives you 13 tried-and-true options so you’re sure to find the right one.

How to Plant and Grow Galangal

A close up horizontal image of galangal (Alpinia galanga) growing in the garden with light green foliage and white flowers pictured on a soft focus background.

Tired of buying galangal at the grocery store? It’s expensive and not always as fresh as it could be. The good news is that it’s not hard to grow. Plus, the plants are beautiful in their own right. This guide helps you figure out how to plant the rhizomes, keep them healthy, and harvest and use them when they’re ready.

How to Plant and Grow Brandywine Tomatoes

A close up horizontal image of two Solanum lycopersicum growing on the vine in the garden pictured on a soft focus background.

Often considered to be the perfect sandwich tomato, Brandywines produce large, sweet, beefsteak style fruits that can grow up to two pounds in size. It’s no wonder these are one of the most popular heirloom tomatoes to grow in the garden. Continue on to learn how to grow delicious and flavorful ‘Brandywine’ tomatoes.

Crisp, Sweet, and Red to the Core: How to Grow Chantenay Carrots

A close up horizontal image of Chantenay carrots growing in the garden ready for harvest.

Red to the core and just right for raised beds, ‘Chantenay’ carrots grow five inches long. They thrive in garden plots and planters, too. Sow in spring or fall for fresh eating, juicing, freezing, or cooking in muffins, stews, or soups. But first, learn all the carrot hacks for the best yields and avoiding pests.

How to Grow and Care for Chinese Lantern

A close up horizontal image of Chinese lantern (Alkekengi officinarum) growing in the garden in light evening sunshine.

Chinese lantern is a charming ornamental that will bring a touch of whimsy to your garden. The papery, red-orange husks of this perennial come into their full splendor in autumn, providing bright fall color, and can be used in bouquets or dried arrangements. Keep reading to learn more about growing Chinese lantern.

How to Grow Feverfew: A Medicinal and Visual Delight

A close up horizontal image of Tanacetum parthenium flowers growing in the garden.

Widely considered by herbalists to be a natural remedy for headaches, feverfew also happens to be an attractive landscaping plant. With white and yellow daisy-like flowers atop green feathery stems, this colorful herb is a fantastic addition to the garden. Learn how to plant and grow feverfew in this guide. Read more now.

Grow a Superfood in Your Own Backyard: Cultivating Tuberous Turmeric

A close up horizontal image of turmeric growing in rich soil with a wicker basket of rhizomes to the right of the frame.

Turmeric is a flavorful spice that has long been used for culinary and medicinal purposes. Prized for its tangy flavor, golden color, and healthy, anti-inflammatory benefits, this perennial is easy to grow in the home garden. Learn how to cultivate turmeric for a homegrown harvest in this guide. Read more now.

How to Grow Stock: A Cottage Garden Staple

A close up horizontal image of brightly colored stock flowers growing in the garden.

Are you looking for a flower that evokes images of Victorian ladies with parasols in their cottage gardens? One that adds rich color and fragrance to beds and borders? Matthiola incana, commonly called stock, is the perfect choice. Learn all about this timeless classic and how to grow it in this guide.

What Are the Different Types of Zinnia Flowers?

A close up horizontal image of brightly colored zinnia flowers in a bouquet.

With hundreds of unique cultivars and hybrids available, how should you choose which zinnia flowers to plant in your garden? Learn how to navigate the multitude of species and bloom types to select the perfect zinnias for your space. Read our guide for information about the different types of zinnias.

How to Plant and Grow Scented Geraniums

A close up horizontal image of a scented geranium flower pictured on a soft focus background.

Colorful, beautiful, sweet-smelling, and incredibly flavorful, scented geraniums are a delight for the senses. These multi-purpose plants don’t enjoy the same popularity as their garden cousins, but they’re more than worthy of a spot in the yard. With so many varieties to choose from, they’re sure to please. Read more.

A Heavy Soil Hero: How to Grow Danvers Carrots

A close up horizontal image of 'Danvers' carrots with the tops still attached set on a wooden surface.

A bright orange heirloom, the ‘Danvers’ carrot is great for gardeners with heavy soil. Plant it in the spring and again in fall for an easy-pull storage crop. You can’t beat that homegrown carrot taste, and ‘Danvers’ produces high yields – even in areas with clay soil and shorter growing seasons. Read more now.

Eggplant Spacing: How Far Apart to Plant

A close up horizontal image of small Solanum melongena fruits growing in rows in the garden.

Eggplant spacing might seem straightforward, but once you dive into the world of aubergines you’ll realize the plants come in a few different sizes. Even more intriguing, eggplants can be grown as short-lived perennials and the spacing requirements change accordingly. To find out everything you need to know, read more now.

25 of the Best Cosmos Flower Cultivars for Your Yard

A horizontal image of pink and white cosmos flowers growing in a wildflower meadow with blue sky in the background.

Cosmos come in a stunning array of different varieties, but we’ve narrowed the field to 25 of the most gorgeous, colorful cultivars, many of them award winners. Discover the best and most beautiful double, semi-double, bicolored, and patterned cosmos varieties and choose your favorite for your yard and garden.

Why Are My Corn Seedlings Dying? 5 Common Reasons

A close up horizontal image of rows of sweetcorn growing in a field pictured on a blue sky background.

If your corn seedlings are dying, you might feel like you’ll never get to enjoy homegrown corn on the cob. But if you know the five main reasons why young corn plants fail to thrive, you can solve the problem and go on to achieve sweet success. Find out why your corn seedlings are suffering in this guide. Read more now.

5 Reasons Your Eggplant Blossoms Are Falling Off

A close up horizontal image of a hand from the bottom of the frame holding a Solanum melongena fruit ready to harvest.

Few things are more rewarding than growing your own eggplant. But what if your plants keep dropping flowers? How will they ever produce fruit? In this guide, you’ll learn the most common reasons that blossoms drop or fail to develop in the first place. A healthy crop of aubergines can still be yours! Read more.

Planting Your First Vegetable Garden: A Beginner’s Guide

Colorful vegetable garden with marigolds for companion planting.

If you’re new to the world of vegetable gardening, you’re in for a treat! Fresh veggies have a flavor that can’t be beat, and they’re healthy and nutritious. Plus, growing your own is friendly on the budget, and gardening is an excellent way to reduce stress. Learn all about these positive benefits right here on Gardener’s Path.

How to Grow Irises for Fragrance and Color

A close up horizontal image of bright blue irises growing in the spring garden.

With an elegant form, sumptuous colors, a delicate fragrance, and elaborate blossoms, the iris is a delightful specimen of early summer. Named after a goddess and used as a symbol of royalty, this flower is easy to grow and multiplies readily. Learn how to enjoy this divine beauty in your garden with this guide.

How to Grow and Care for Snapdragon Flowers

A close up horizontal image of bright pink snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) flowers growing in the garden.

Snapdragon is the perfect addition to cutting gardens. Spiky heads loaded with blossoms add height and structure to flower beds and floral arrangements. Did you know it blooms from the bottom up, for long vase life? Learn all about this old-time favorite and its modern color palette in this guide. Read more now.

15 of the Best Zinnia Varieties to Grow in the Garden

A close up horizontal image of a large swath of different colored zinnias growing in the garden.

Ready to grow your own zinnias but you’re not sure which ones to pick? A huge variety of cultivars are available today, heirlooms as well as hybrids of several different species. You’ll find single and double blooms, bicolors, patterned petals, and solid colors. We’ll help you choose – read our roundup now.

Bachelor’s Button Problems: Why Are My Flowers Falling Over?

A close up horizontal image of a bright blue Centaurea cyanus flower pictured on a soft focus background.

A garden full of bachelor’s buttons is a dazzling sight, but not if those bold blossom heads are falling over. Why does this happen? And are you doomed to deal with droopy blossoms or can something be done to make your flowers stand proud? Learn why your cornflowers are falling over and how you can fix the problem.

Dahlia Flower Types: A Guide to Groups and Classification

A close up horizontal image of a number of different types of dahlia flowers.

Dahlias are bright, beautiful flowers that are much loved in the late season garden. And with such a marvelous selection of colors, forms, and sizes to choose from, deciding which type is best for your garden can be tough. Learn about the different types of dahlias and how they are classified in this guide. Read more now.

How to Propagate Blueberry Bushes

A close up horizontal image of ripe blueberries growing in the garden covered with light droplets of water pictured on a soft focus background.

Are you eager to expand your blueberry patch? You could go to a nursery and buy potted plants, but why not try propagating your own? You can do this by taking cuttings, collecting and sowing seeds, via layering, or transplanting suckers Learn how to propagate your own blueberry plants using these methods. Read more now.

The Top 5 Mediterranean Herbs: Growing, Eating, and Healing

Different kinds of Mediterranean herbs in terracotta pots.

What should you start growing in your culinary herb garden? Consider the five most common Mediterranean seasoning herbs to start – they’re not just easy to plant and harvest, either indoors or out in your garden, they also help to bring out exceptional flavors in your meals while adding natural, healthy healing elements to foods and natural remedies. Read more now.

Tips for Growing Cuban Oregano in Your Indoor Kitchen Garden

A close up horizontal image of a small Coleus amboinicus plant growing in a small plastic pot set on a wooden surface indoors.

Do you want to add an aromatic herb with bold flavor to your indoor kitchen garden? Look no further than Cuban oregano, a type of coleus that tastes like its namesake but twice as strong. A semi-succulent that’s tasty and beautiful, Cuban oregano cheers up any kitchen windowsill and livens up any dish. Read more now.

Understanding Different Types of Peony Flowers

A close up horizontal image of white peonies growing in the garden pictured on a soft focus background.

The Paeonia genus contains flowers native to Asia, Europe, and North America. There are numerous species and cultivars with different growth habits, dimensions, and colors. Discover exciting options for beds, borders, and containers, in this informative guide to the different types of peonies. Read more now.

Tips for Growing Rosemary in Containers

A close up horizontal image of a rectangular planter growing a variety of herbs on a balcony.

Bring the pungent evergreen foliage of rosemary onto your deck or patio by growing it in containers. If you don’t have room in your garden, this versatile, easycare herb grows happily in pots and planters and provides ornamental interest in addition to its culinary uses. Learn how to grow rosemary in containers now.

How to Grow and Care for Forget-Me-Not Flowers

A close up horizontal image of forget-me-not flowers (Myosotis sylvatica) growing in the garden pictured on a soft focus background.

Forget-me-not is an eye-catching beauty that’s been a garden favorite for centuries, and its blue flowers have become a symbol of remembrance for many. It’s an easy-care, cute plant to add to your garden or a container on your patio, and you can learn all about how to grow and care for this popular plant in our guide.

How to Plant and Grow Eggplant in Your Vegetable Garden

A collection of various cultivars of eggplant fruit on a wooden table.

Eggplant will win you over with its array of colors and versatility in the kitchen. Native to Asia and in cultivation for thousands of years, this long-season, heat-loving annual is now enjoyed all over the world. Read more now.

11 of the Most Beautiful Camellia Varieties to Grow at Home

A close up horizontal image of a pink camellia flower pictured on a soft focus background.

Centuries after camellias were first brought from the wilds of Asia into the home garden, thousands of cultivars have been selectively bred for stunning blooms, cold hardiness, and specific growth habits. Which one will be a good fit in your garden? Discover 11 of our favorite camellia varieties and choose your favorite.

How to Plant and Grow Jerusalem Artichokes (Sunchokes)

Gloved hands hold a crated of freshly harvested Jerusalem artichoke tubers.

In spite of the name, no, this isn’t really an artichoke! Instead, sunchokes are a close relative of the sunflower, and the plant looks quite a bit like it, too. Read on for all you need to know about this bright, tasty, and easy-to-grow flower, plus some tips for mastering the preparation of these delicious tubers the French way, and even its potential health benefits. Check it out on Gardener’s Path now!

25 of the Best Radish Varieties for Your Veggie Garden

A close up horizontal image of different radish varieties in a pile on a kitchen counter.

Selecting the best radishes to grow in your garden is as fun as eating them, whether fresh, roasted, or pickled. The choices include red, round heirlooms, daikon types, and a few in rainbow colors and unusual shapes. Certain hybrids can even beat the heat. Discover 25 of the top radish varieties in this guide.

How to Grow and Care for Cuban Oregano

A close up horizontal image of a cuban oregano plant (Coleus amboinicus) growing in the garden in filtered sunshine.

Are you looking for a semi-succulent perennial to add to your herb garden that’s suited to warm climates? Meet Cuban oregano, an edible coleus plant that tastes like a stronger version of common oregano. Versatile and pretty to look at, Cuban oregano is a must-grow for those in Zones 9-11. Read more now.

How to Grow Creeping Thyme as an Aromatic Ground Cover

A close up horizontal image of purple flowering Thymus praecox growing over a rockery.

With its dense, mat-like form, creeping thyme makes for a beautiful and aromatic living mulch between stepping stones. Come summertime, lilac flower clusters attract bees, butterflies, and other pollinators. Drought tolerant, low maintenance, and edible, this plant is sure to put a smile on your face in any season.

How to Grow Eye-Popping Zinnia Flowers

A close up horizontal image of colorful zinnia flowers growing in the summer garden.

Want eye-popping color all season long? Grow zinnias. These impressive annuals feature large colorful flowers that continue blooming throughout the summer, attracting hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies to the garden. Continue reading for information on how to grow and care for zinnia flowers.

How to Propagate African Violets from Leaf Cuttings

Learn How to Grow African Violets | GardenersPath.com

The only thing that’s better than one African violet is two, and the only thing better than two African violets… well, you get the idea. This quintessential houseplant is easily reproduced from cuttings. With a little time and effort, you can fill your house with these exceptional flowering plants. Read on to learn how.

How to Grow Blueberries in Containers

A close up horizontal image of two wooden planters and an ornamental toadstool on a patio with a wooden fence in the background.

You don’t need lots of space, or a garden even, to grow and enjoy your own homegrown blueberries. You can grow these bushes in containers and keep them on your patio or balcony where they provide ornamental interest as well as delicious fruit. Learn how to grow your own blueberries in pots in this guide. Read more now.

How to Grow Horehound

A close up horizontal image of common horehound (Marrubium vulgare) growing in the garden.

Horehound attracts the good bugs like bees, wasps, and flies, while driving away the bad ones like aphids and grasshoppers. Plus, growing it is about as easy as it comes. This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know, including a simple recipe for horehound candy that everyone will love.

How to Plant and Grow the Classic Perennial Peony

A close up horizontal image of a bright pink peony flower growing in the garden.

For vibrant color from late spring to early summer, fill your garden beds and borders with the luscious blossoms of perennial peony. Available in shades of pink, purple, red, white, and yellow, these gorgeous flowers are an ornamental highlight. Learn how to plant and grow peonies in this guide. Read more now.

How to Protect Blueberries from Birds

A close up horizontal image of blueberries ready to harvest surrounded by vibrant green foliage pictured in bright sunshine.

You’ve waited all season, your blueberry plants are finally bursting with ripening berries, and your mouth is already watering. Don’t turn your back for too long, because birds love those ripe, sweet blueberries too. Read more now to learn all the different ways you can protect your blueberries from birds.

How to Propagate Bay Laurel From Cuttings

A close up horizontal image of a bay laurel stem growing in the garden pictured on a soft focus background.

If you’ve ever shopped for bay trees at the nursery, you know they can be pricey. No need to shell out the green – if you’re up for a challenge, why not propagate one at home via cuttings? This comprehensive guide will walk you through taking and growing bay tree cuttings the right way for the best chance of success.

17 Unusual Fruits and Vegetables for your Backyard Landscape

A close up horizontal image of a variety of different fruits and vegetables freshly harvested from the home garden.

From surprisingly colored garden veggies to unexpectedly adorable berries, from teensy cucumbers to oversized beans, there are a wealth of unique edible plants you can grow in your backyard landscape. Ready to discover 17 unusual – and delicious – fruits and vegetables you can grow at home? Read more now.

How to Grow Delightful Dahlias: A Late Summer Standard

A close up horizontal image of a garden filled with late summer blooming dahlias in a variety of different shapes and colors.

Looking for reliable, bold color for the late season garden? Delightful dahlias are a perfect fit. From dwarf cultivars to jumbo dinner plates, and in almost every imaginable color, these dazzling tubers flower consistently from summer until they’re felled by frost. Read all about how to plant and grow dahlias now.

How to Bottom Water Houseplants

A close up horizontal image of a collection of houseplants by a window with sun streaming in.

Are you still watering plants from the top with a watering can? Maybe it’s time to try bottom watering. Also known as reverse watering, this technique has some advantages that can result in healthier, happier plants. This guide helps you learn when and why you should use bottom watering, and how to do it the right way.

How to Identify, Treat, and Prevent Common Apple Diseases

A close up horizontal image of apples growing in the garden suffering from disease pictured on a soft focus background.

Growers typically plant resistant apple varieties to control the major pathogens in their region. What can home gardeners do to prevent the occurrence of diseases on their apple trees? Read more to discover prevention techniques, learn ways to identify common diseases of apples, and implement control methods.

7 Reasons Why Your Hydrangea May Not Bloom

A close up horizontal image of a flower bud on a hydrangea plant surrounded by foliage in soft focus.

Is there anything more disappointing than when it’s well into summer and your hydrangeas still aren’t blooming? In this guide, we’ll help you figure out what on earth went wrong, whether it’s a pruning issue or you have a light problem, and what you can do to fix it so you can enjoy those magnificent blossoms again.

How to Plant and Grow Montauk Daisies

A close up horizontal image of the pretty white flowers with yellow centers of Nipponanthemum nipponicum, aka Montauk daisy growing in the garden.

A good late season bloomer can be hard to find, but don’t worry – Montauk daisies have got your back. This tough perennial features large, vibrant white flowers with bold yellow centers that stay in bloom until first frost. Learn how to grow these lovely, easy-to-tend perennials in this guide. Read more now.

5 Reasons to Rejuvenate Forsythia with Hard Pruning

A close up horizontal image of an overgrown forsythia shrub with bright yellow flowers pictured on a blue sky background.

Forsythia is a low-maintenance shrub that grows in full sun and average, well-draining soil. It’s famous for its bountiful yellow spring blooms. Depending upon the age and condition of yours, it may be beneficial to do a hard pruning. Read on to learn how to decide when this practice is the appropriate action to take.

5 Ways to Propagate Your Own Forsythia

A close up horizontal image of a forsythia hedge in full bloom in the spring garden, pictured on a soft focus background.

Forsythia is a deciduous shrub for USDA Hardiness Zones 5-8, best known for its yellow blossoms and for being one of the earliest spring bloomers. These grow best in locations with full sun and well-draining soil. Read on to learn how to propagate more from the ones you have, and fill your yard with springtime cheer.

Is Bee Balm Invasive? How to Control Monarda

A close up horizontal image of a large stand of red bee balm flowers growing in the garden taking over an area.

Bee balm (aka Monarda) is one of the most popular plants in North American gardens, but it’s also one of the most likely to get out of control. Is it worth it? With careful placement, the right strategy and tools, and a bit of time, controlling bee balm is easy and worth the effort! Read more to learn our top tips.

How to Transplant Blueberry Bushes

A close up horizontal image of a gardener on the right of the frame holding a blueberry bush in a black plastic bag ready for transplanting, pictured in light sunshine.

If you’re growing blueberries and your bushes are outgrowing their current location or appear to be slow growing, or underperforming, it may be a good time to transplant. Transplanting blueberries to a fresh location in the garden can be an easy way to revitalize them. Learn how to transplant blueberries in this guide.

5 Common Causes of Forsythia Leaf Yellowing

A close up horizontal image of forsythia foliage pictured on a soft focus background.

Forsythia is a deciduous woody shrub with bright yellow flowers that bloom in late winter to early spring. The foliage is lush and green, and for some varieties, the color bronzes in autumn. However, leaf yellowing during the growing season may signal trouble. Read on to find out what may be wrong and what you can do.

How to Grow and Care for Juniper Shrubs

A close up horizontal image of the foliage of a juniper shrub pictured on a soft focus background.

Hardy, reliable, and surprisingly multi-purpose, juniper shrubs are garden staples for a reason. They can stand up to brutal environmental conditions like drought and heat while providing food, medicine, and alluring visual impact. Learn how to grow this outstanding plant in your garden in this guide. Read more now.

How to Plant and Grow Globe Amaranth

A close up horizontal image of globe amaranth flowers growing in the garden fading to soft focus in the background.

Looking for a good investment for your summer garden? Plant globe amaranth. Its clover-like flowers come in a range of attractive colors and bloom all summer long. And, they dry beautifully for floral arranging projects. Learn about this pretty and practical annual right here on Gardener’s Path.