Growing Carrots and Other Hosts for Black Swallowtail Butterflies

A close up horizontal image of a black swallowtail butterfly larva eating a carrot plant.

Interested in growing garden plants to attract black swallowtail butterflies? Members of the carrot family are a favorite of these pollinators, which can make their homes in our gardens at many different stages. Learn more about growing plants in the carrot family for black swallowtail butterflies in this guide. Read more.

How to Identify and Manage 11 Carrot Diseases

A close up horizontal image of a pile of freshly harvested carrots set on the ground in the garden with the tops still attached.

Carrots are a staple in the vegetable garden but they can fall prey to a number of diseases, from mild, mostly inconsequential problems like powdery mildew to the harvest-destroying white rot. Learn about 11 common carrot diseases and how to identify, prevent, and treat them in this guide. Read more now.

Tips for Growing Carrots Indoors

A close up of freshly harvested carrots with soil still on the roots and tops still attached set on rich, dark garden soil.

If you love the taste of homegrown carrots but haven’t had much success with them in your garden, why not try growing them indoors? An indoor garden can provide you with a year-round harvest of fresh, sweet, and tasty roots – and it’s easy when you know how to grow them successfully. Read more now to get our tips.

How to Store Carrots In the Ground

A close up picture of a brown plastic basket full of harvested bright orange carrots with their green foliage removed.

When it’s time to harvest your crops, have you ever wondered what to do with an overabundance of root vegetables? What if your homegrown carrots could be left in the soil for the winter? Leaving carrots in the ground is a great way to keep them fresh during the winter months – given the right conditions. Read more now.

Harvest Time: How and When to Pick Carrots

A close up of two hands holding freshly harvested and washed roots with the tops still attached, on a soft focus background.

When’s the best time to harvest homegrown carrots, and what’s the best way to do it? Harvesting carrots involves following several important steps – and making sure to pick these vegetables at just the right moment, for the sweetest crop. To learn everything you need to know about harvesting carrots, read more now.

How to Grow Carrots in Containers

A close up of freshly harvested carrots with dark soil on the roots and the green tops still attached, set on dark earth in a blue container in bright sunshine.

Short on garden space but still want to enjoy the taste of sweet, crunchy homegrown carrots? With a container, some soil, and a packet of seeds, you can grow these flavorful root vegetables on a sunny balcony, patio, or even a front step. Learn how to plant and grow carrots in containers. Get the growing guide now.

How to Plant and Grow Carrots in the Garden

A close up of carrots in the ground, almost ready for harvest with their orange root tops showing. Green foliage attached and rich dark soil around them.

Carrots may be the ultimate health food. The only way to make them healthier and more delicious is to grow them yourself! Add these beauties to the vegetable patch, and you can enjoy them in all the shades of the rainbow. And you’ll get the freshest root vegetables you’ve ever tasted. Keep reading to learn more.

Troubleshooting and Preventing Carrot Growing Problems

A close up horizontal image of a row of carrots ready for harvest growing in dark, rich soil.

Carrots are popular in the vegetable garden, but these root crops are quite particular about their growing conditions. Development problems can occur due to a variety of factors, from moisture management to temperature troubles. Learn how to troubleshoot and prevent carrot growing problems in this guide. Read more.

Why Carrots Crack: Tips for Preventing Split Roots

A close up horizontal image of freshly harvested carrots that are cracked and deformed set on dark rich soil.

Whether you’re a home gardener or you hope to sell your harvest, growing “pretty produce” is hard. Many root vegetables may crack. But split carrots, while edible and usually delicious, are some of the worst offenders. Thankfully, this is easy to prevent through better moisture management and by making other changes.

How to Identify and Control Carrot Weevils

A close up horizontal image of freshly harvested carrots set on a wooden surface.

Carrot weevils are small snout-nosed beetles that lay eggs in the plant, and the larvae chew down into the root. The result: young plants may wilt and die, and any roots you do harvest may be cracked and full of black tunnels. This guide has everything you need to know about these pests, including control options.

How to Identify and Control Carrot Rust Fly

A close up horizontal image of a row of carrots growing in the garden.

Carrot rust flies are sneaky pests that dig into a crop undetected underground until the plants wilt, or worse – you pull the roots, hoping to have a bountiful harvest, and discover the damage. Learn everything you need to know about these tiny flies and munching maggots, including methods for prevention and control.

How to Identify and Control Carrot Pests

A close up horizontal image of freshly pulled carrots showing damage from pests.

There is nothing more disappointing than finding your long-awaited, carefully cultivated carrot roots chewed, distorted, or stunted thanks to a variety of pest insects and other creepy crawlies. Check out this guide to read up on everything you need to know about the most common carrot pests and how to deal with them.

13 of the Best Carrot Varieties to Grow at Home

Different varieties and colors of fresh carrots in a wicker basket.

Carrots – whether roasted, raw, tossed up in a stir fry, cooked in a cake, or used to create a snowman’s nose, everyone loves this popular and versatile veggie. From your standard orange variety, to purple and even rainbow carrots, read on to find out about the best varieties to grow at home now!

No Peeling Required: How to Grow Nantes Carrots

A close up horizontal image of gloved hands holding bunches of freshly harvested Nantes carrots.

‘Nantes’ could become your new favorite carrot to grow in the garden. It’s tender and sweet, bright orange, and virtually coreless. And you can eat this variety without peeling it first. This guide covers how to sow and care for this crop, and enjoy the haul. Zoodles, carrot cake, and roasted roots are all on the menu.

Crisp, Sweet, and Red to the Core: How to Grow Chantenay Carrots

A close up horizontal image of Chantenay carrots growing in the garden ready for harvest.

Red to the core and just right for raised beds, ‘Chantenay’ carrots grow five inches long. They thrive in garden plots and planters, too. Sow in spring or fall for fresh eating, juicing, freezing, or cooking in muffins, stews, or soups. But first, learn all the carrot hacks for the best yields and avoiding pests.

A Heavy Soil Hero: How to Grow Danvers Carrots

A close up horizontal image of 'Danvers' carrots with the tops still attached set on a wooden surface.

A bright orange heirloom, the ‘Danvers’ carrot is great for gardeners with heavy soil. Plant it in the spring and again in fall for an easy-pull storage crop. You can’t beat that homegrown carrot taste, and ‘Danvers’ produces high yields – even in areas with clay soil and shorter growing seasons. Read more now.

How to Harvest and Store Carrot Seeds

A top down close up picture of a light red and white carrot flower growing in the garden in light sunshine on a soft focus background.

Saving seeds from your homegrown carrots now can ensure a bounty of garden vegetables in future seasons. If left to flower, each plant produces over a thousand seeds, so saving them is a no-brainer in terms of cheap food production. Learn how to harvest and store your own carrot seeds with this guide. Read more now.