Growing Carrots and Other Hosts for Black Swallowtail Butterflies

A close up horizontal image of a black swallowtail butterfly larva eating a carrot plant.

Interested in growing garden plants to attract black swallowtail butterflies? Members of the carrot family are a favorite of these pollinators, which can make their homes in our gardens at many different stages. Learn more about growing plants in the carrot family for black swallowtail butterflies in this guide. Read more.

How to Propagate Angelica

A large patch of Angelica archangelica with purple stems and bright green umbels growing in the garden with trees in the background.

Angelica is a beautiful biennial herb that has been grown for centuries for its aromatic edible stems, medicinal roots, and large bold foliage. This majestic plant can be propagated in a number of different ways and is easy to grow once you know how to get it started. Read on to learn how to propagate angelica.

How to Use Anise as a Spice

A close up horizontal image of a pile of anise (Pimpinella anisum) seeds on a wooden surface.

Anise is more than a decorative annual herb. It heats up the palate with a warm black licorice flavor. This article covers all the culinary secrets of anise including history, where to buy, harvesting, and storing. Learn about the flavor profile, which foods and spices to pair it with, and some fun recipes to try.

How to Use Anise as Herbal Medicine

A closeup horizontal image of a sunlight-dappled bed of anise seeds, with a wooden spoon full of the seeds to the right.

Explore the many benefits of anise as an herbal medicine. Learn about its traditional and modern uses and prepare your own remedies. Whether you’re looking to ease digestive issues, relieve coughs and colds, promote relaxation, and more, anise offers a versatile and natural way to support your well-being.

19 of the Best Types of Cilantro

A close up horizontal image of cilantro (coriander) growing in the garden pictured on a soft focus background.

Cilantro is a zesty-flavored fresh herb that can brighten up many a meal – and when you grow your own crop of this delicious, multipurpose, aromatic plant, you can choose from a surprising variety of different cultivars. Read more now to discover 19 different types of cilantro to grow in your backyard garden.

Harvest Time: How and When to Pick Carrots

A close up of two hands holding freshly harvested and washed roots with the tops still attached, on a soft focus background.

When’s the best time to harvest homegrown carrots, and what’s the best way to do it? Harvesting carrots involves following several important steps – and making sure to pick these vegetables at just the right moment, for the sweetest crop. To learn everything you need to know about harvesting carrots, read more now.

How To Grow and Care for Cumin in Your Garden

A close up of the white flowers of the cumin plant growing in the garden on thin, willowy stems in light sunshine.

If you enjoy aromatic cumin in your kitchen, why not try growing your own? These easy to care for plants will attract beneficial insects to your garden and provide you with a harvest of fresh seeds. With a few handy tips you can grow cumin at home and add some excitement to your meals with this versatile spice.

How to Grow Carrots in Containers

A close up of freshly harvested carrots with dark soil on the roots and the green tops still attached, set on dark earth in a blue container in bright sunshine.

Short on garden space but still want to enjoy the taste of sweet, crunchy homegrown carrots? With a container, some soil, and a packet of seeds, you can grow these flavorful root vegetables on a sunny balcony, patio, or even a front step. Learn how to plant and grow carrots in containers. Get the growing guide now.

How to Blanch Celery in the Garden (And Why You Should!)

A close up of a row of celery growing in the garden with newspaper wrapped around the stems for blanching purposes, to make the stalks white and tender.

Do you want to grow crisp and flavorful celery that’s perfect for adding to soups, salads, and smoothies? Our guide to blanching celery in the garden will teach you three of the best methods to grow your own crop that isn’t bitter, with a satisfying crunch. You don’t want to skip this step! Read more now.

Learn How to Plant and Grow Cilantro (Coriander)

A close up horizontal image of cilantro (coriander) growing in the garden pictured in light evening sunshine.

For those of us who love cilantro, it can be a divine experience to grow this herb in the garden. This multipurpose plant provides a delicious garnish for many types of meals, attracts pollinators to its flowers, and even produces edible seeds. Keep reading to learn how to grow your own supply of fresh coriander.

Growing Lovage: An Uncommon Herb with Many Uses

A close up of the foliage of a young Levisticum officinale plant on a soft focus background.

Lovage doesn’t get the attention in the home garden that it deserves. Its flavor is fresh and herbal, and cultivation is fuss-free. It self seeds without being invasive and attracts beneficial insects. It also has some medicinal properties. What’s not to love? Read more now to learn how to grow and care for lovage.

How to Plant and Grow Parsnips

Four dirt-covered parsnips arranged in a row on brown soil in bright sunshine.

Hardy parsnips, a root crop similar to carrots, can be harvested throughout fall and winter. Slightly sweet and rich in flavor, they’ll liven up soups, stews, and casseroles. To find out everything you need to know to grow this delicious but underutilized vegetable in your garden, read more now on Gardener’s Path.

How to Grow and Care for Queen Anne’s Lace

Close up of single Queen Anne’s lace (Daucus carota) white bloom cluster.

Queen Anne’s lace, also known as bird’s nest, is the ancestor of delicious carrots. A common wildflower that adds texture and frilly white color to both gardens and cut flower bouquets, it attracts pollinators and beneficial insects as well. Learn how to grow this easy-care biennial in our guide. Read more now.

How to Grow Celery, a Marshland Plant Turned Tasty Veggie

A close up of celery plants growing in the garden in bright sunlight. The bright green leaves contrast with the brown soil seen below and in between them.

Have you tried to grow celery? Lots of gardeners balk at the idea. But here’s a secret: by following a few important tips, you’ll get a celery crop that’s flavorful, smooth, and irresistibly crunchy. You can use your homegrown celery for everything from afternoon snacks to hearty vegetable stocks. Read more now.

How to Grow Chervil

A close up of the leaves of Anthriscus cerefolium, common chervil, growing in the garden in light sunshine.

Chervil is parsley’s sophisticated cousin, and its complex, delicate flavor deserves a more prominent place in the kitchen. It’s not difficult to cultivate in a cool, moist area, and it can fill those shady spots in the garden where other plants won’t grow. Read more about planting and caring for this unique herb now.

How to Grow and Care for Angelica

A close up of the large green umbels of Angelica archangelica, contrasting with the dark red stems, and surrounded by foliage.

Looking to add some depth to your garden this season? Try angelica. This long-cultivated biennial herb has a history of medicinal use, with edible roots, leaves, and stalks. Growing to a towering eight feet tall, these plants have an aromatic scent and impressive stature. Discover how to add angelica to your garden now.

How to Use Anise as a Pest Repellent

A close up horizontal image of anise growing in the garden pictured in light sunshine on a soft focus background.

If you’re looking for a multipurpose garden superstar, check out aniseed. This pretty plant attracts many of the beneficial pests we love and repels a lot of the bad ones. For instance, bad nematodes and common aphids can’t stand anise. Bees and butterflies adore it. Learn all about companion planting with anise now.

How to Plant and Grow Carrots in the Garden

A close up of carrots in the ground, almost ready for harvest with their orange root tops showing. Green foliage attached and rich dark soil around them.

Carrots may be the ultimate health food. The only way to make them healthier and more delicious is to grow them yourself! Add these beauties to the vegetable patch, and you can enjoy them in all the shades of the rainbow. And you’ll get the freshest root vegetables you’ve ever tasted. Keep reading to learn more.

How to Plant, Grow, and Harvest Dill Weed and Seed

A garden scene with large, mature dill weed plants (Anethum graveolens) growing in bright sunshine with trees in soft focus in the background.

Dill is an easy-going herb that can double as a spice. This cool-weather annual can brighten up nearly any homecooked meal, so having a fresh supply is a must in any kitchen garden. Whether you plant dill for its leaves, seeds, or as an ornamental, this aromatic plant is a delight in the garden and the kitchen.

How to Plant and Grow Asafetida

A close up horizontal image of an asafetida (Ferula assa-foetida) plant in bloom in a dry garden.

Asafetida is known as both the devil’s dung and the food of the Gods. The stinky plant isn’t common in home gardens, but it should be. Resistant to pests and diseases, one plant provides ample spice for months or years of cooking, plus you can eat the leaves and stems, too. It’s also a useful medicinal herb.

Troubleshooting and Preventing Carrot Growing Problems

A close up horizontal image of a row of carrots ready for harvest growing in dark, rich soil.

Carrots are popular in the vegetable garden, but these root crops are quite particular about their growing conditions. Development problems can occur due to a variety of factors, from moisture management to temperature troubles. Learn how to troubleshoot and prevent carrot growing problems in this guide. Read more.

Why Carrots Crack: Tips for Preventing Split Roots

A close up horizontal image of freshly harvested carrots that are cracked and deformed set on dark rich soil.

Whether you’re a home gardener or you hope to sell your harvest, growing “pretty produce” is hard. Many root vegetables may crack. But split carrots, while edible and usually delicious, are some of the worst offenders. Thankfully, this is easy to prevent through better moisture management and by making other changes.

How to Identify and Control Carrot Weevils

A close up horizontal image of freshly harvested carrots set on a wooden surface.

Carrot weevils are small snout-nosed beetles that lay eggs in the plant, and the larvae chew down into the root. The result: young plants may wilt and die, and any roots you do harvest may be cracked and full of black tunnels. This guide has everything you need to know about these pests, including control options.

How to Identify and Control Carrot Rust Fly

A close up horizontal image of a row of carrots growing in the garden.

Carrot rust flies are sneaky pests that dig into a crop undetected underground until the plants wilt, or worse – you pull the roots, hoping to have a bountiful harvest, and discover the damage. Learn everything you need to know about these tiny flies and munching maggots, including methods for prevention and control.

How to Identify and Control Carrot Pests

A close up horizontal image of freshly pulled carrots showing damage from pests.

There is nothing more disappointing than finding your long-awaited, carefully cultivated carrot roots chewed, distorted, or stunted thanks to a variety of pest insects and other creepy crawlies. Check out this guide to read up on everything you need to know about the most common carrot pests and how to deal with them.

How to Grow Parsley in Containers

A close up horizontal image of parsley growing in a large terra cotta pot set on a wooden deck.

Parsley is a nutritious, highly aromatic, and richly flavored herb, with tasty leaves that are used in a wide variety of savory dishes to brighten and balance flavors. The pretty foliage is a must-have for convenient kitchen gardens and is easily grown in pots. Learn how to grow parsley in containers in this guide.

How to Plant and Grow Anise

A close up horizontal image of aniseed (Pimpinella anisum) growing in the garden.

Anise is versatile in the kitchen, and you can use both the leaves and the seeds in a variety of recipes. It’s also valuable in the garden, attracting beneficial insects and driving away the bad ones. This guide has all the details you need to succeed at growing this uncommon, unfussy, totally wonderful herb.

Tips for Growing Caraway in Containers

A close up horizontal image of Carum carvi with small white flowers.

Don’t let a little thing like a lack of garden space prevent you from growing nutritious, delicious caraway plants. Carum carvi grows incredibly well in containers, so you don’t have to go without, even if you only have a little corner of a balcony available for your gardening. Read our guide to learn more.

Crisp, Sweet, and Red to the Core: How to Grow Chantenay Carrots

A close up horizontal image of Chantenay carrots growing in the garden ready for harvest.

Red to the core and just right for raised beds, ‘Chantenay’ carrots grow five inches long. They thrive in garden plots and planters, too. Sow in spring or fall for fresh eating, juicing, freezing, or cooking in muffins, stews, or soups. But first, learn all the carrot hacks for the best yields and avoiding pests.

A Heavy Soil Hero: How to Grow Danvers Carrots

A close up horizontal image of 'Danvers' carrots with the tops still attached set on a wooden surface.

A bright orange heirloom, the ‘Danvers’ carrot is great for gardeners with heavy soil. Plant it in the spring and again in fall for an easy-pull storage crop. You can’t beat that homegrown carrot taste, and ‘Danvers’ produces high yields – even in areas with clay soil and shorter growing seasons. Read more now.

How to Grow and Care for Fennel

A close up photo of a row a bulb type fennel growing in garden soil.

Sweet fennel is aromatic and delicious, especially when you harvest it fresh from your own garden. Choose from bulb and bulb-less varieties, and enjoy bulbs, foliage, and seeds for nutritious and tasty additions to your menus. In this guide, you’ll learn how to grow fennel plus we share some favorite recipe ideas.

Health Benefits of Parsnips

A close up horizontal image of freshly harvested Pastinaca sativa set on a wooden surface in the kitchen.

Root vegetables bring a touch of earthy sweetness to meals, and the parsnip is no exception. Plus, this nutritious veggie offers several potential health benefits! If you’re looking for a sign to plant more root veggies in your garden, this is it. Learn more about the nutrition that parsnips have to offer.

When and How to Harvest Celery

A close up horizontal image of freshly harvested celery stalks in a pile.

If you are growing celery in your garden, you might be feeling a bit confused about how and when to pick the crunchy stalks. How soon can you harvest them? Do you harvest the entire plant at once? Discover when and how to harvest celery in this guide. Plus, we share some bonus recipe ideas! Read more now.

5 Reasons Why Your Celery Tastes Bitter (And What to Do About It)

A close up horizontal image of celery leaves covered in light droplets of water pictured on a soft focus background.

If you’re growing celery, you might be wondering how to keep it from becoming too bitter. Or maybe you harvested stalks that you can barely eat, they’re so acrid. Discover why your celery is bitter and what you can do to fix it in this guide. Plus, we share favorite recipes for even the bitterest celery. Read more now.

9 of the Best Celery Cultivars for Your Garden

A close up horizontal image of a freshly harvested celery plant set on a wooden chopping board. In the foreground are chopped stalks.

If you want to grow your own celery, you may not know that there are several different varieties available, including self-blanching types, bolt-resistant varieties, and even a unique cultivar with purple stems! Discover 9 of the best celery cultivars to grow at home and choose your favorite now. Read more.

Health Benefits of Caraway Seeds

A close up horizontal image of a silver scoop filled with caraway seeds spilling out on a wooden surface, pictured on a soft focus background.

Caraway seed brings a lot to the table, adding unique flavor to both sweet and savory dishes. But did you know it also boasts several health benefits? Spice up your meals without adding too much extra salt or sugar. Learn more about caraway’s culinary uses, nutritional composition, and potential health benefits!

13 of the Best Dill Varieties for Your Herb Garden

A close up of the foliage of Anethum graveolens growing in the garden, fading to soft focus in the background.

Dill is a popular addition to the herb garden. Its feathery, fragrant foliage adds interest to the landscape and livens up many a homecooked meal. There are a number of different cultvars available, that vary in size, flavor, and time to maturity. Learn about 13 of the best dill varieties and find your favorites now.

How to Harvest Angelica

A large angelica plant with green foliage, purple stems, and large flower heads pictured growing on the side of a lake with mountains in soft focus in the background.

If you are growing angelica in your garden, you may not know that all parts of the plant are edible. With a rich history of use in food and medicine, this fragrant herb has a variety of culinary and medicinal uses. Discover how to harvest and use the leaves, stems, and roots of your angelica plant. Read more now.

How to Grow Parsley in Your Home Herb Garden

Use curly leaf parsley as an accent plant in your landscape |

Parsley has a rich and storied history, and its substantial health properties and usefulness as a garden herb are timeless. Easy to grow and propagate, this attractive herb is a welcome addition to veggie patches and flower containers, and storage of surplus stock is simple as well. Get all the details on how to grow and enjoy parsley – read more now on Gardener’s Path.

How to Harvest and Store Carrot Seeds

A top down close up picture of a light red and white carrot flower growing in the garden in light sunshine on a soft focus background.

Saving seeds from your homegrown carrots now can ensure a bounty of garden vegetables in future seasons. If left to flower, each plant produces over a thousand seeds, so saving them is a no-brainer in terms of cheap food production. Learn how to harvest and store your own carrot seeds with this guide. Read more now.

The Best Companion Plants to Grow with Dill

A close up of a yellow flower of the Anethum graveolens plant in filtered sunshine on a soft focus green background.

Gardeners appreciate dill’s attractive, feathery leaves and its commanding presence in the landscape. But before you add this herb to your garden, carefully consider what you plant nearby – there are good partners out there as well as potential foes. Learn more about the best and worst companion plants for dill now.

How to Grow Parsley in Winter

A close up of a small parsley plant growing in dark rich soil with bright green curly leaves in soft sunlight.

If you mourn the loss of garden-fresh herbs with the arrival of cold weather, take heart. There are a few that still continue to produce leaves in winter, and parsley’s one of them – so you can enjoy their fresh taste in your favorite recipes all year. Join us as we dish the dirt on how to grow parsley in winter.

How to Plant and Grow Caraway

Close up of the blooms of the caraway plant or meridian fennel or Persian cumin or Carum carvi.

Caraway is a biennial herb for USDA Hardiness Zones 4 to 10. In the first year, enjoy its tender leaves in salads. And in the second, reap an abundance of seeds for use in breads, slaws, and savory dishes. Learn all you need to know to cultivate this edible plant in your garden this year,