Will Kale Grow in Containers? Tips for Growing Your Crop in Pots

Will kale grow in containers? You bet it will!

In fact, this cabbage-family super veggie is one of the easiest of garden greens to grow.

And just a few plants can keep you and your family supplied with a weekly harvest almost year-round!

Being a cool weather and frost-hardy crop, it lasts well into winter. And picking leaves weekly will ensure a steady supply of fresh greens in all but the heat of mid-summer.

Close up vertical picture of a curly kale plant, light and dark green leaves with characteristic frilly edges. To the center and bottom of the frame is green and white text.

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A light frost even improves the flavor, adding sweet notes to plants that may have become bitter in the summer months.

It’s packed with important nutrients and vitamins and can be enjoyed fresh in salads, lightly cooked as a veggie side dish, incorporated into recipes from breads to soups, blended into smoothies, and frozen or even dried for future use.

For the novice or seasoned gardener, you’ll love how quickly you’ll be successful with this wild cabbage in your container garden – and it’s a hit for children to grow too!

A top down close up of a blue rectangular container with curly kale growing in it. To the left of the frame is a metal wire basket with harvested leaves and tomatoes. In the background is a wooden surface fading to soft focus.
Photo by Lorna Kring

Here’s everything you need to grow and harvest your own kale container garden.

Getting Started

Kale is easily grown in containers from seed, and can be sown in early spring right up until late summer.

A small round open metal pot containing kale seeds on a rustic wooden surface. To the right of the frame is the lid of the pot with a white label and black text.
Photo by Lorna Kring

To give plants time to mature before summer’s heat sets in, start seeds indoors approximately six weeks prior to the predicted last frost in your region.

In the deep South and regions with mild winters, sow from fall to early spring, in order to avoid the summer heat.

To start seeds indoors:

  • Plant to a depth of 1/4-1/2 inch in well-draining, light soil that’s been amended with organic material.
  • Water soil until moist but not wet.
  • For indoor seedlings, locate trays on a bright windowsill or place under grow lights.
  • After 2 weeks, thin the seedlings.
  • In 4-6 weeks, after seedlings have true leaves, transplant into containers.

Or, after the danger of frost has passed, direct sow into containers as described above.

Plants sown later in spring and summer will slow their growth during the hottest periods, but resume growing once cooler temperatures return.

Container Care

Container grown plants like kale need a little bit of extra attention than those grown in the ground.

A close up picture of Tuscan kale growing in a terra cotta pot on a balcony in bright sunshine. To the left of the frame is a further pot and to the right a curly variety is growing, also in a pot. The background is white railings and a house.

Containers tend to dry out faster in hot weather and moisture levels may need to be checked daily. Water when the top 1-inch of soil is dry to the touch.

Pots and containers may also require more frequent fertilizing. Roots can’t expand beyond container walls to find nutrients in the ground, and regular watering flushes them from the soil.

A half-strength feeding every two weeks is recommended for container plants.

A close up of healthy, mature curly kale plants growing in a black container in bright sunshine. In the background is a black plastic pot fading to soft focus.
Photo by Lorna Kring

For indoor containers, a south-facing window sill usually provides adequate natural light for healthy growth. However, if your windows don’t let in enough light, you might need to invest in an artificial source such as full spectrum grow lights.

Kale requires 8 hours of light daily, natural or artificial.

A green ceramic pot containing a curly kale plant with dark green leaves on a soft focus background of soil.

Ideal air temperatures for growth are around 65°F, with night time temperatures of 50°F. A cool basement or garage are suitable sites for growing your crops, provided they’ve got enough light. They can make an attractive addition to balconies, decks, and patios too.

Avoid over- or under- watering indoor plants and ensure they’re generously spaced with adequate air circulation. This will prevent the growth and spread of fungi and mold that can cause problems such as damping off.

Some species of kale can reach a height of 2 to 3 feet – which can be imposing in small spaces. For a more compact form, choose dwarf varieties.

How to Grow

To grow in pots, it’s important to choose containers with ample room – at least 12 inches in diameter and 12 inches deep.

A close up of hands wearing blue gloves planting kale seedlings into a green plastic pot, in dark potting soil. In the background is green grass.

Ensure your containers have adequate drainage material for well-draining soil – root rot from excess standing water is a leading cause of plant failure in pots.

Drainage material can consist of any material that allows water to seep freely out of the pot, it also prevents soil from washing away.

Coconut coir, broken pottery, coffee filters, paper towels, pine cones, mesh window screening, sphagnum moss, and small stones all provide suitable drainage. Place this material at the bottom of the pot before adding the soil.

Kale prefers rich soil liberally amended with organic material, such as well-aged compost or manure. And it prefers a slightly acidic to neutral pH of 6.0 to 7.0.

A close up of a rectangular black container planted with curly kale seedlings in dark rich potting soil. In the background is a further container with other plants, on a wooden surface.
Photo by Lorna Kring

When planting in containers, space plants a bit closer together than you would in the ground, 4 to 10 inches apart, depending on the type and size at maturity. Check seed packets for more information about the specific varieties that you have selected.

Place your container in a full sun location that gets at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day.

Mulch around the base of plants with compost, leaf mold, or straw to retain moisture and keep roots cool.

A close up of kale plants growing in rectangular brown containers on a balcony. The plants have been mulched with bark, in the background is black railings and brick buildings in soft focus.

Water as needed to keep the top inch of soil moist, but not waterlogged.

Fertilize containers every 7 to 14 days during the growing season with a tablespoon of NPK 5-10-10 or 10-10-10 water-soluble fertilizer mixed into one gallon of water.

Growing Tips

  • In climates with consistently hot temperatures (consistently over 80°F), move pots to a location that gets some afternoon shade until cooler temperatures return.
  • When harvesting, pick lower, outer leaves and leave the terminal (center) bud in place to keep plants productive.
  • Provide a protective mulch to keep roots cool and moist.
  • Vegetables grown in containers dry out much faster than those in the ground and may need to be watered daily in hot, dry conditions.
  • Containers also require more frequent fertilizing due to nutrient leeching, and should be fed bi-weekly.

Cultivars to Select

Here’s a selection of popular cultivars – something suitable for every container garden.

Some types of kale can reach a mature height of 2 to 3 with a similar spread. Please remember that the larger they grow, they more they’ll need in terms of light, nutrients, and water – as well as pot size.

For indoor growth or small spaces, choose dwarf varieties, or look for descriptive terms on seed packets – such as compact, high-yield, low-growing, or productive. These indicate plants that will produce plenty of leaves without taking up too much room, and are less likely to become over-sized.

Vates Blue Scotch Curled

‘Blue Scotch Curled’ is an heirloom variety that features attractive, deeply cut leaves with tightly curled edges. This is a robust performer that’s well suited to cooler climates, and is also slow to bolt in summer.

A close up of a large curly kale plant 'Blue Scotch Curled' variety. The leaves are deep green with pale green stems. To the bottom left of the frame is a circular logo with white text.

‘Blue Scotch Curled’

With a rich earthy flavor, it’s excellent as a side dish, in salads, smoothies, soups, and stir-fries.

Vates is a productive dwarf variety with a mature height of 12 to 16 inches, making it well-suited to container growth.

Pick up packages or bulk sizes of this heirloom variety, ‘Blue Curled Scotch’ seeds at True Leaf Market.

Cavolo Nero Black Magic

‘Black Magic’ is a Tuscan cultivar with tremendous narrow and heavily savoyed leaves that start gray, age to green, and mature to a deep, dark forest green that appears almost black. White ribs add to their head-turning appearance.

A close up of a Tuscan variety 'Black Magic' with long thin textured leaves in dark green with lighter green stems. The background is vegetation in soft focus.

‘Black Magic’

Bred for winter hardiness, the flavor improves with frost – making it a favorite in the kitchen. Its large leaves make it ideal for making chips, but it’s also excellent for roasting, sauteing, steaming, making stir fry, or adding to soups and stews. Baby greens are suitable for use in salads as well.

A fast growing variety, it reaches a mature height of 24 inches.

‘Black Magic’ seeds are available in packages for home use and in bulk at Eden Brothers.

Red Winter

‘Red Winter’ is a prolific Russian variety with green oak-like leaves and reddish-purple stems that provide a continuous harvest if the central bud is left intact.

A close up of the 'Red Winter' variety of kale plant, with purple stems contrasting with the green leaves. The background is soil in soft focus.

‘Red Winter’

Known for its tender, delicious flavor, ‘Red Winter’ can be enjoyed from the microgreen stage through to harvest as mature leaves. This variety is excellent as baby salad greens, sauteed, steamed, stir-fried, and in smoothies.

Plants grow to a height of 22 to 36 inches. Productive and fast growing, it’s perfect for baby greens – but if leaves are allowed to mature it will need a large container.

You can find packages of organic ‘Red Winter’ seeds at Burpee.

Tronchuda Beira

An easily grown Portuguese hybrid with huge, savoy leaves, ‘Tronchuda Beira’ is the most heat resistant of all the coles, and grows vigorously even in hot and humid areas. But it also enjoys cool temperatures, and its flavor is sweetened with a light frost.

A close up of a Brassica oleracea 'Tronchuda Beira' leaf. Large and flat in appearance with thick white veins contrasting with the green leaves.

‘Tronchuda Beira’

The tender leaves have a sweet, mild flavor. It’s actually a hybrid cross between cabbage and Scotch kale. It makes a superb, savory soup and is also well suited to use in baking, sautes, smoothies, and stir-fries.

Plants are low-growing with a height of 12 to 18 inches, making them ideal for pots and small spaces.

Burpee has organic ‘Tronchuda Beira’ seeds and plants available online.

Dwarf Siberian

‘Dwarf Siberian’ is a compact and high yielding variety with slightly crumpled leaves, icy blue green in color. Plants provides an almost constant harvest and fare well in spring after overwintering – producing tender leaves very early in the season.

A close up of part of a leaf of the 'Dwarf Siberian' kale variety in bright sunlight. The crisp green leaf is slightly curly, and the background fades to soft focus. To the bottom right of the frame is a circular logo with white text.

‘Dwarf Siberian’

Sweeter than other varieties, this versatile green adds fresh flavor to chips, salads, smoothies, soups, and stir fries.

Growth is compact, with a mature height of 16 inches – a good choice for containers and the kitchen garden.

You can find ‘Dwarf Siberian’ seeds in a variety of packet sizes at True Leaf Market.


Many varieties are grown for their prominent interior rosettes in brilliant hues of blue, mauve, pink, red, purple, and white.

Ornamental or flowering kale is edible, but the flavor is usually too bitter to be palatable. Grown primarily for the garden, it’s a late-season standout with colors brightening in cool fall and spring temperatures. See the full guide to growing flowering kale here.

The following cultivars typically grow 12 to 24 inches and are suitable for growing in containers and window boxes:

Song Bird Red

‘Song Bird Red’ has a beautiful fuchsia heart with round, cool-purple outer leaves and creamy, contrasting ribs.

A close up of the variety 'Songbird Red' of Brassica oleracea. Pale purple leaves on the outside with pale stems contrast with the deep purple centers.

‘Song Bird Red’

4-inch potted plants are available at Burpee.


‘Kamome’ features a fantastic ruffled heart in deep pink, red, or white that’s surrounded by larger leaves of green with white or red ribs, for a wonderful variegated look.

A top down close up of a purple flowering kale plant. The outer leaves are green with white veins and the center is vivid purple and pink. To the bottom left of the frame is a black circular logo with text.


Seeds are available at True Leaf Market.

Managing Pests and Disease

Container-grown kale can be susceptible to aphids and spider mites, which can be controlled with a strong blast of water from the hose.

Check regularly, and respray as needed. Or, treat with an insecticidal spray that’s safe for use on vegetables.

An orange and white spray bottle on a white background with a white and green label with text on it.

Espoma Organic Insect Soap

Espoma Organic Insect Soap, available from Burpee, is an effective deterrent that can be applied right up until harvest day.

Crawlers, like caterpillars and the harlequin cabbage bug (a pest of all brassicas) can be hand picked from the plant and dropped in soapy water to dispatch them.

Slugs and snails can also be handpicked. Or, place a layer of diatomaceous earth around containers to prevent slugs from accessing your plants. Read about other natural methods to control slugs and snails right here.

For cabbage moths and worms, an application of Bacillus thuringiensis may be needed. A soil-dwelling bacterium, it’s safe to use in organic gardens. Read more about how to control insects with Bt here.


For the most part, harvesting kale grown in containers replicates what you would do if you were growing it in the vegetable patch. Take a more in-depth look here.

A close up vertical picture of a curly kale leaf, with its characteristic frilly edges on a soft focus background.
Photo by Lorna Kring

After seedlings are established in their containers with four sets of true leaves, you can harvest at any time for baby greens. Allow a longer growing time for larger, mature leaves.

When picking, the texture of leaves, ribs, and stems should be crisp and firm.

Pick lower leaves first and work up the stem. Always leave the terminal bud – located in the center of plants – and a few upper leaves in place for continuous production.

Any leaves that are blemished, brown, wilted, yellowing, or show signs of insect damage should be discarded or placed on the compost pile.

All Hail Kale

Now that you’re savvy about growing kale in containers, will you be planting some of this super veggie yourself?

You don’t need a lot of space to enjoy a bountiful harvest!

A close up of four terra cotta pots with Tuscan and curly kale growing in the bright sunshine on a balcony. The plants have large leaves in various shades of green, the background is white railings and a house behind.

So, this year, plant up a pot or two. You can enjoy the beauty and nutrition of this versatile cabbage anywhere – and you’ll love what a robust performer it is.

Do you have questions about growing this cool-weather veggie in your small space? Drop us a line in the comments below.

And if you enjoyed reading about growing kale in containers, be sure to check out our other kale growing and care guides. Here are a few suggestions:

Photos by Lorna Kring © Ask the Experts, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. See our TOS for more details. Product photos via Burpee, Eden Brothers, and True Leaf Market. Uncredited photos: Shutterstock. Additional writing and editing by Clare Groom and Allison Sidhu.

Photo of author


A writer, artist, and entrepreneur, Lorna is also a long-time gardener who got hooked on organic and natural gardening methods at an early age. These days, her vegetable garden is smaller to make room for decorative landscapes filled with color, fragrance, art, and hidden treasures. Cultivating and designing the ideal garden spot is one of her favorite activities – especially for gathering with family and friends for good times and good food (straight from the garden, of course)!

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Fazia (@guest_12147)
3 years ago

Great information. This is my first time planting kale. Do I put one seedling in a 16 inch pot?

John Chukwunyere
John Chukwunyere (@guest_14186)
2 years ago

I leave in Nigeria. I actually want to cultivate this vegetable. Could you give me some help on how I can do that taking into consideration the tropical nature of my climate.

zim (@guest_31935)
1 year ago

The article says, “it prefers neutral to slightly alkaline soil with a pH of 6.0-7.0″ but under 7 is acidic, not alkaline. Do you mean it prefers slightly acidic soil or should the pH range be modified to 7.0-8.0? My wife has never been able to grow kale since we moved to zone 9 because something always eats the seedlings. I’m going to give it a go and I don’t want to make a simple mistake like messing up the dirt.