How to Grow and Care for Azalea Bushes

A close up horizontal image of bright pink azalea flowers growing in the garden pictured in light sunshine.

Brightly colored with long-lasting flowers, azaleas make a striking statement in the garden. Ideal for borders, beds, and foundation plantings, these shrubs provide months of vibrant blooms, with sweet or spicy fragrance, and pretty fall foliage as well. Learn how to grow and care for azaleas in this guide. Read more now.

How and When to Transplant Grape Hyacinths

A horizontal image of blue and white grape hyacinth flowers growing in the garden.

Petite, pretty flowers in the early spring garden, grape hyacinths multiply rapidly via bulb offsets and seeds. If they become overcrowded, or spread freely into areas where they’re not wanted, you may wish to lift and move them to a better site. Read our guide now to learn how and when to transplant grape hyacinths.

27 of the Best Lily Varieties with a Guide to Divisions

White Madonna lilies in bloom.

With bold blooms, bright colors, and sweet perfume, lilies are valued by the gardener and florist alike. Stately and striking, the beauty of many species can be easily enjoyed at home. Learn about how the different types of lily are classified into nine Divisions, and discover 27 of our favorite varieties for the garden.

17 of the Best Cherry Tomatoes to Plant in Your Garden

A close up of a variety of different colored cherry tomatoes, freshly harvested. There are red, green, and yellow fruits, pictured on a soft focus background.

Freshly picked cherry tomatoes are the perfect healthy snack, and they’re great in salads or roasted on the grill. Easily cultivated, the vigorous plants produce abundant clusters of fruit in containers on the patio or out in the garden. Don’t miss our guide to 17 of the best cherry tomatoes to plant in your garden.

How to Grow Grape Hyacinth in Containers

A close up horizontal image of light blue Muscari aka grape hyacinth flowers growing in a container outdoors pictured in light filtered sunshine.

Colorful gems in the early spring garden, the bright blue, mauve, purple, and white flowers of grape hyacinth are an excellent choice for containers as well. Mass them alone for a gorgeous cloud of color or add them to mixed plantings with other bulbs and perennials. Learn how to grow muscari in containers now.

17 of the Best Flowering Houseplants to Brighten Up Your Home

A close up horizontal image of bright red pelargonium flowers growing indoors on a windowsill.

Houseplants add a calm and soothing ambience to our homes, with lush foliage, pretty shapes, and interesting textures. And types that flower add an exciting bonus with bright colors and even sweet perfume. For an attractive, bold punch to enliven your interiors, discover 17 of our favorite flowering houseplants. Read more.

4 Easy Ways to Compost Banana Peels

A close up horizontal image of a bunch of bananas ripening on the tree pictured on a soft focus background.

Using kitchen scraps like nutritious banana peels to feed your plants is smart, easy, and a sustainable step toward zero waste. Breaking down quickly in compost bins, worm farms, and garden mulch, they can be brewed into a liquid fertilizer or dried for slow-release flakes. Discover 4 easy ways to compost banana peels.

How to Grow Grass Indoors

A close up horizontal image of a cat and a kitten munching on grass growing in a pot indoors.

Striking in the garden and yard, many varieties of grass can be grown successfully as indoor houseplants too. From green, lawn-like grains to fiery-colored carex and quirky rushes, they’re easy to cultivate, low maintenance, and suit a myriad of interior settings. Join us for a look at how to grow grass houseplants.

How to Make Your Own Potting Soil for Succulents

A close up horizontal image of succulents growing in a terra cotta pot in a DIY homemade potting mix.

Attractive, colorful, and unique plants, cacti and succulents are fabulous in containers, and require little care or maintenance. But these shallow-rooted, fleshy plants do need special soil to really thrive – one that’s fast-draining with a sandy, porous texture. Find the best DIY succulent potting soil recipe here.

How to Stake Amaryllis Flowers for Support

A close up horizontal image of a bright pink double amaryllis flower pictured on a soft focus background.

Beloved for their large, colorful blooms, amaryllis sometimes needs to be staked to keep those magnificent flowerheads upright – and plants forced indoors in small pots are most likely to be top heavy. To easily create your own stakes and loops, or find ones designed for the job, read our guide to staking amaryllis.

How to Force Grape Hyacinth (Muscari) Bulbs to Bloom Indoors

A close up horizontal image of white grape hyacinth flowers growing in a container indoors.

Grape hyacinths appear in late winter to early spring, adding beautiful blue and purple flowers with sweet perfume throughout the garden as it emerges from dormancy. But you don’t have to wait for the seasons to change to enjoy these charming blooms. Learn how to force grape hyacinth bulbs indoors over winter now.

How to Care for Amaryllis After Flowering

A close up horizontal image of a bright red amaryllis flower growing in the garden pictured on a soft focus background.

Colorful flowers grown indoors over winter, amaryllis bulbs are easy to save for many repeat performances. If treated as foliage plants until the end of summer, they’ll rebloom next winter after a period of dormancy – or plant them in gardens with mild winters. Learn how to care for amaryllis after flowering now.

When and How to Fertilize Peace Lilies

A close up horizontal image of a peace lily in a small white pot set on a wooden surface with a collection of other houseplants.

Peace lilies are easy-care and moderately quick-growing houseplants with soothing, lush green foliage and beautiful, flag-like white spathes. Keep your plants looking their best with a regular feeding routine throughout the growing season. Here are all the steps on how and when to fertilize peace lilies.

When and How to Prune Dracaena

A close up horizontal image of a dragon tree aka Dracaena with red and green variegated foliage growing indoors pictured on a dark background.

Dracaena species are stylish tropicals, popular houseplants that can also grow in gardens with mild winters. And these tree-like shrubs are easy to prune, branching to produce ample new foliage where cut. Keep your plants manageable and looking good with these easy steps to prune dracaena in the home and garden.

How to Force Amaryllis Bulbs to Bloom Indoors

A close up horizontal image of red and white amaryllis flowers growing indoors pictured on a soft focus background.

Large tropical flowers on tall, sturdy stems, bold and beautiful amaryllis brightens our winter decor with a long flowering time. These long-lived perennials are easily cultivated and can be saved for years of continuous enjoyment. Learn all the necessary steps to force amaryllis indoors in this guide. Read more now.

13 of the Best Grow Lights for Indoor Plants and Seedlings

A close up horizontal image of a collection of houseplants growing under grow lights indoors.

For vigorous indoor gardens, grow lights can provide what plants need – a reliable energy source to mimic the spectrum of colors found in natural sunshine. An economical solution to cultivate greens, herbs, houseplants, and seedlings, here’s our list of 13 of the best grow lights for strong and healthy indoor plants.

How to Care for Spirea Shrubs in Winter

A close up horizontal image of the white flowers of spirea pictured on a soft focus background.

Spirea are deciduous ornamental shrubs loaded with beautiful, showy flower clusters in either spring or summer, depending on the variety. These tough, durable, deciduous plants are cold-hardy and able to withstand a variety of harsh seasonal weather conditions. Learn how to care for spirea shrubs in winter in this guide.

Tips for Growing Mint Indoors

A close up horizontal image of a mint plant growing in a large pot in a sunny window pictured on a soft focus background.

Aromatic and zesty, refreshing mint is used to flavor a variety of beverages and foods from mojitos to ice cream. Plants are easily cultivated in the garden and go dormant in cold weather – but you can still enjoy this tasty herb year-round by growing plants inside. Learn the easy steps to grow mint indoors now.

How to Prepare and Store Bulbs for Winter

A close up horizontal image of a large pile of different bulbs lifted in preparation to store for winter set on a wooden surface.

Bulbs quickly add fabulous, colorful flowers throughout the garden, but many of the tender, summer-flowering varieties can’t survive freezing temperatures. To ensure their floral displays last for years, learn the easy steps to prepare and store bulbs for winter right now on Gardener’s Path. #bulbs #gardenerspath

13 of the Best Trees and Shrubs for Orange Fall Color

A close up horizontal image of the bright orange foliage of a Japanese maple tree growing in the garden pictured in bright sunshine.

As summer gives way to autumn, the leaves of deciduous trees and shrubs provide a fabulous, colorful display of fall foliage. If your favorite color is orange, you’re in luck! In this guide, we take a look at 13 of the best landscape trees and shrubs that produce outstanding orange foliage in fall. Read more now.

Tips for Growing German White Garlic

A close up horizontal image of 'German White' garlic bulbs freshly harvested and cured.

Flavorful, nutritious, and easily grown, German White garlic belongs to the Porcelain group of hardneck varieties. With good storage life, this popular choice is a fall-planted variety that requires cold vernalization for big, tasty bulbs that are harvested in early summer. Learn how to grow German White garlic now.

How to Winterize Your Herb Garden

A horizontal image of a large rosemary shrub with blue flowers growing on a hillside with the sea in the background.

Protecting heat-loving herbs through the short days and cold temperatures of winter is a smart move that results in the return of healthy, vibrant plants in spring. Learn which plants to bring indoors and which can stay outside with the right protection. In a few simple steps, learn how to winterize your herb garden.

How to Overwinter Lilies

A close up horizontal image of pink and white oriental lilies growing in the summer garden pictured on a soft focus background.

Lilies are summer-flowering bulbs that are tough enough to endure harsh winters in the ground or in containers. They readily survive hard frosts and freezing temperatures, but can’t abide wet, soggy conditions. Bulbs can also be lifted and stored if needed. Learn how to overwinter lilies in this guide. Read more now.

19 of the Best Fragrant Flowers and Shrubs to Grow in the Garden

A close up horizontal image of a vase filled with fragrant sweet william flowers set on a concrete surface.

Are you looking for scented flowers to grow in your garden or liven up your patio containers? Heady, intoxicating, sweet, fruity, and spicy, the scent of a flower is incomparable! In this guide, we roundup 19 of the best annuals, perennials, and shrubs that provide incomparable scent when they are in bloom. Read more now.

How to Grow and Care for Mondo Grass

A close up horizontal image of green mondo grass (Ophiopogon japonicas) growing in a rocky spot in the garden.

Darkly distinctive, mondo grass is a handsomely unique, sod-forming perennial with graceful, arching foliage. Commonly used in borders and containers, as ground cover, and for underplanting. Highly versatile and low maintenance, it’s useful in both sunny and shade gardens. Learn how to grow mondo grass in this guide.

How to Plant and Grow Butternut Squash

A close up horizontal image of butternut squash (Cucurbita moschata) growing vertically, with fruits ripening on the vine.

Delicious and nutrient-rich, butternut squash are pretty, tan-colored gourds with dense flesh that are grown as warm-season annuals. The trailing vines are cultivated in mounds or hills, but compact varieties are also suited for containers and small gardens. Learn how to plant and grow for butternut squash in this guide.

Tips for Growing Ornamental Grass in Containers

A horizontal image of a container garden scene with a colorful variety of different flowers and ornamental grasses.

Growing showy grasses in pots and planters is an easy way to add unique color, motion, and texture to balconies, decks, patios, and small space gardens. Plus, they’re easy to grow and are wonderfully low maintenance. Learn all about how to grow and care for ornamental grass in containers in this guide. Read more now.

11 of the Best Lavender Varieties for Hot Climates

A close up horizontal image of a large clump of lavender growing in a hot location, thriving in the garden.

Are you looking to add lovely lavender into your hot climate (Zone 9 and above) garden? There are a number of varieties of this fragrant Mediterranean herb that can flourish in your region, whether it’s dry heat or steamy and humid. Discover 11 of the best lavender varieties for hot climates in this guide. Read more now.

11 of the Best Cold-Hardy Lavender Varieties for Cooler Climates

A horizontal image of a border with purple and white lavender growing in a formal garden.

With pretty purple flowers and a soothing scent, lavender is an excellent addition to many garden settings. And though they’re from the warm Mediterranean, there are plenty of superb selections that can overwinter through freezing temperatures and snow. Discover 11 of the best cold-hardy lavenders for cooler climates.

13 Popular Types of Jasmine Vines and Shrubs

A close up horizontal image of jasmine flowers growing in the garden pictured in light sunshine on a soft focus background.

Dainty, starry flowers and sweetly soothing fragrance highlight jasmine’s tender, climbing vines and sprawling shrubs. A perfumed must-have for patios, seating areas, and under windows, container plants can overwinter indoors in cold regions. Learn about 13 popular types of jasmine vines and shrubs for the garden.

How and When to Prune Spirea Shrubs

A close up horizontal image of pink Japanese spirea growing in the garden pictured in light evening sunshine.

Ornamental spring- or summer-flowering shrubs, spirea need an annual pruning to look their best with full foliage and abundant flowers. But with different flowering times, the two types have different maintenance regimes. To keep your shrubs in top form, here are the details on how to prune spirea. Read more.

When and How to Prune Lavender for Lush, Showy Plants

A close up horizontal image of lavender flowers growing en masse in the garden fading to soft focus in the background.

Lavender is at its fragrant best when plants have ample, dense foliage and plenty of flowers. To keep them that way, regular pruning is needed, otherwise they can become leggy, overgrown, or woody, and flower production dwindles. We’ve got all the details on how to prune lavender for lush, showy plants in this guide.

How to Plant and Grow Jasmine

A horizontal image of jasmine growing on a wooden arbor in a cottage garden.

Beloved for its heady scent and dainty, pinwheel flowers, jasmine is best known as a tender perennial vine that makes an excellent climbing specimen in the summer garden. But it can also grow indoors and there are winter-flowering species as well. Learn how to grow jasmine in the garden in this guide. Read more now.

How to Grow and Care for Clematis

A close up horizontal image of purple 'Princess Charlotte' clematis growing on the outside of a residence.

Clematis are beautiful climbing vines covered with masses of flowers in the spring, summer, or fall garden, depending on the type. Fast-growing, they’re also easy to care for but need annual pruning for gorgeous floral displays. Find all the cultivation details right here, in our complete clematis growing guide.

How to Grow Parsley in Containers

A close up horizontal image of parsley growing in a large terra cotta pot set on a wooden deck.

Parsley is a nutritious, highly aromatic, and richly flavored herb, with tasty leaves that are used in a wide variety of savory dishes to brighten and balance flavors. The pretty foliage is a must-have for convenient kitchen gardens and is easily grown in pots. Learn how to grow parsley in containers in this guide.

How to Propagate Basil from Seed

A close up horizontal image of freshly harvested basil leaves set on a white surface.

Basil is an aromatic herb loved for its sweetly spicy flavor. And this fast-growing annual is easy to start from seed and cultivate in the home garden. Propagating your own plants is fun, economical, and highly rewarding as well. To enjoy a steady harvest all summer, here are the details on how to grow basil from seed.

How to Plant and Grow Genovese Basil

A close up horizontal image of 'Genovese' basil growing in bright sunshine.

A highly fragrant herb with a full, zesty flavor, the leaves of ‘Genovese’ basil are widely used fresh and in sauces, pasta, pizza, and more. These fast-growing plants are easily cultivated and highly rewarding, producing more leaves the more they’re harvested. Read more now to learn how to grow ‘Genovese’ basil.

9 of the Best Types of Spirea Shrubs for Your Garden

A close up horizontal image of a large 'Bridal Wreath' spirea shrub covered in white flowers.

Spirea are flowering woody shrubs in a variety of shapes and sizes, offering multi-season interest for gardens and landscapes. The pretty pink, red, or white flowers appear in summer or fall, and many have color-changing foliage with fantastic fall hues. Read about 9 different types of spirea shrubs for your garden.

How to Grow and Care for Alpine Pinks

A close up horizontal image of alpine pinks (Dianthus alpinus) growing in the garden.

Alpine pinks are compact plants with evergreen foliage and colorful, fragrant flowers that bloom late spring and rebloom in summer. The delicate-looking plants are tough, cold hardy, and heat resistant, making them a favorite in garden beds, containers, and rockeries. Learn how to grow Dianthus alpinus in this guide.

How to Prune Clematis Vines for Copious Flowers

A close up horizontal image of purple clematis vines growing up a brick wall.

Clematis are beautiful, showy vines with pretty flowers in bold colors. Easy to cultivate, they flower in spring, summer, or fall, depending on the type – and each type has specific pruning requirements for the most floriferous displays. Learn how to prune clematis for strong, healthy vines with copious flowers. Read more.

Calla Lily Hardiness: Will Zantedeschia Come Back In Spring?

A close up horizontal image of colorful calla lilies growing in the garden.

Calla lilies feature distinctive flowers that add striking elegance to garden beds, containers, and water gardens. Some varieties can overwinter in areas with mild climates, but many can’t survive cold temperatures and must be lifted. To learn which varieties come back in spring, read about calla lily hardiness here.

How to Grow and Care for Firewitch Dianthus

A close up horizontal image of a large swath of pink 'Firewitch' dianthus flowers growing in a sunny garden.

A perennial evergreen, ‘Firewitch’ features dainty fringed flowers with an enticing perfume and a long growing season beginning in late spring. The easy-care plants are cold and heat resistant, and the pretty pink flowers rebloom after deadheading. Learn how to grow and care for ‘Firewitch’ dianthus in this guide.

How to Grow and Care for Cheddar Pinks

A close up horizontal image of vibrant pink Dianthus gratianopolitanus (Cheddar pinks) flowers growing in a sunny garden.

Charming and dainty but renowned for their toughness, Cheddar pinks feature an abundance of brightly colored, fringed flowers in late spring. Blooms have a spicy-sweet fragrance and sit atop handsome cushions of needlelike, steel blue foliage. Learn how to plant and grow Dianthus gratianopolitanus in this guide.

How to Plant and Grow Sweet Williams

A close up horizontal image of pink and white sweet williams flowers pictured on a soft focus background.

With bright colors and a lovely, sweetly spicy scent of cloves, sweet williams are a welcome addition to beds and borders, flowering in late spring and reblooming lightly through summer. And they make excellent, long-lasting cut flowers as well. Learn how to plant and grow Dianthus barbatus in this guide. Read more now.

How to Train Clematis to Grow Vertically Up Poles or Trees

A close up horizontal image of a bright pink clematis vine covering the side of a residence.

Clematis vines are loved for their spectacular floral displays and give the most impressive show when trained to grow up pergolas, poles, or trees. But they can’t grow upright without a supportive trellis, and it needs to be the right size for the leaf stems to grasp onto. Learn how to train clematis to grow vertically.

11 of the Best Fruiting Pear Varieties to Grow at Home

Pear (Pyrus communis) fruits hanging from a branch ready for harvest.

European pear trees provide showy spring blossoms, beautiful fall colors, as well as delicious fruit with a soft, buttery texture and a sweet flavor. There are a number of different cultivars available for home gardeners. Learn about 11 of the best common pear varieties to grow in this guide. Read more now.

How to Grow and Care for China Pink Dianthus

A close up horizontal image of pink and white China pinks growing in the garden.

China pink dianthus has beautifully patterned flowers in saturated colors with a sweet-spicy fragrance that’s welcome in any garden. Easily cultivated with a long growing season, they’re highly rewarding and make superb cut flowers too. Join us now to learn how to grow and care for China pink dianthus. Read more.

How to Grow and Care for Large Pinks

A close up horizontal image of large pinks growing in a garden border.

Beloved for their vivid colors, fanciful fringes, and sweetly spicy fragrance, large pinks are short-lived perennials in the Dianthus genus. Easily cultivated, they add charm to garden settings from ground covers to rockeries and make fantastic cut flowers. Learn how to plant and grow large pinks in this guide.

11 of the Best Porch Swings for Your Outdoor Space

A close up of a white hanging bench overlooking a summer garden scene with lawns and shrubs in the background.

Comfortable and relaxing, porch swings are the perfect option to spend a little down time lounging outdoors. Styles and sizes vary from single-seaters to sumptuous daybeds – and some come with their own stands, so technically, you don’t even need a porch! Check out our review of 11 of the best porch swings now.

13 of the Best Spring-Flowering Clematis Varieties (Group 1)

A close up horizontal image of pink clematis spilling over a brick wall.

Reliable perennials with masses of pretty and sometimes fragrant flowers, Group 1 clematis are deciduous or evergreen and bloom from winter to mid-spring. Depending on the variety, these easy-care vines tower on trellises or scramble down slopes and require no pruning. Here are 13 of the best spring-flowering clematis.

Types of Clematis and How to Identify Your Vines

A close up horizontal image of clematis growing up a wooden fence.

Clematis are stunning vines in a huge variety of flower colors, sizes, bloom times, and growth habits in both evergreen and deciduous varieties. And when you know what group they belong to, they’re easily grown with an abundance of flowers. Learn the different types of clematis and how to identify your vines here.

How to Grow Lilacs in Pots and Planters

A close up horizontal image of a bouquet of purple lilacs in a vase indoors.

With generous panicles of beautiful, fragrant flowers, the allure of lilacs is powerful. If you don’t have the space for a mature, 30-foot specimen, a good option is to grow dwarf varieties in containers – a smart solution for decks, patios, and other small spaces. Learn how to grow lilacs in pots and planters here.

15 of the Best Cover Crops for the Home Garden

A close up horizontal image of a spade digging a green manure crop into the soil.

Cover crops are easy, low maintenance plantings that produce fast, effective improvements to your garden soil. Among the many benefits, they prevent erosion, cycle important nutrients, improve soil texture, provide mulch, break pest cycles, and suppress weeds. Here are 15 of the best cover crops for the home garden.

Tips for Calla Lily Winter Care

A close up horizontal image of purple and white call lilies growing in the garden.

Colorful and elegant, calla lilies are tender herbaceous perennials that can stay in-ground in areas with mild temperatures but must be lifted in cold weather. Easy to grow with bright blooms and a long flowering season, winterizing these rhizomes is simple as well. Learn all about calla lily winter care right here.

How to Overwinter Cold-Hardy Swiss Chard

A close up horizontal image of Swiss chard growing in the fall garden.

Nutritious, prolific, and easy to grow, Swiss chard is a productive biennial that can be overwintered and harvested for a second growing season in areas with cool or mild winters. But they do best with a little outside help to ensure survival in frigid conditions. Learn how to overwinter cold-hardy Swiss chard here.

5 Easy Steps to Store Iris Rhizomes In Winter

A close up horizontal image of iris flowers growing in the garden.

Irises add sumptuous colors, fragrance, and stately elegance to the garden and have excellent cold hardiness. But sometimes we end up with rhizomes that weren’t planted in the garden before freezing temperatures set in. To keep those roots healthy over winter, learn 5 easy steps to store iris rhizomes in winter now.

The Best Gear Bags for Gardening: Garden Tote Bag Review

Gardening Tote Bag Cover |

As any gardener worth their dirt will tell you, a good tote bag is an important component for saving time and staying organized. It will hold your hand tools and accessories, and keep personal items like a phone, water bottle, and keys safe and easy to access. But not all gear bags are of the same quality. To save you the time and effort, we’ve culled those that don’t make the grade, and sourced only the cream of the crop. Keep reading on Gardener’s Path to find out which ones get our seal of approval!

How to Harvest Swiss Chard

A close up horizontal image of freshly harvested 'Rainbow Lights' Swiss chard.

With exceptional nutritional value, Swiss chard is an easily grown super green that features heat and cold tolerance, glossy savoyed leaves, and bright, colorful stalks. And it offers an extra-long growing season when the leaves are harvested correctly. Join us right now to learn the best ways to harvest Swiss chard.

How and When to Plant Cold Weather Cover Crops

A close up horizontal image of crops growing in a winter garden surrounded by snow.

Cover crops aren’t just for farmers. They’re easy, economical, and efficient for the home garden too. With many benefits, they’re a smart, natural method of protecting the soil, improving its structure, and increasing nutrients all at the same time. Learn how and when to plant cold weather cover crops. Read more now.

Make Soothing Herbal Tea for Coughs, Colds, and the Flu

A close up horizontal image of a cup of hot herbal tea.

Why suffer through the miserable symptoms of a cough, cold, or the flu when you can find fast relief with an easy-to-make batch of soothing herbal tea? Prepared with fresh, natural ingredients, you can start feeling better in just 10 minutes with a steaming mugful of this brew. Find the step-by-step guide right here.

Combat Cold Season Naturally with Herbs and Plants from the Garden

A close up of the ingredients of a herbal apoethecary.

Herbs, flowers, and fruits have been used for millennia to provide natural, wholesome relief from the discomfort of cold and flu symptoms – and many can be grown in your own garden. Join us now for a look at some of the most popular and easily grown plant-based medicinals to combat cold season naturally with herbs.

21 of the Best Calla Lilies for Sensational Summer Blooms

A close up horizontal image of colorful calla lilies.

Calla lilies are loved for their attractive, trumpet-like flowers and upright foliage. Classic white is the standard bearer, but today’s hybrids offer fantastic colors as well as a long flowering time – perfect in the garden or for floral arrangements. Learn about 21 of the best calla lilies for the garden right here.

How to Grow Calla Lilies for Easy Sophistication

A close up horizontal image of colorful calla lilies growing in the garden.

Calla lilies are loved for their gorgeous colorful flowers and handsome upright foliage that looks good all season long. A knockout as a specimen plant, these easy-to-grow rhizomes also look terrific mixed in perennial beds and patio pots. Learn how to grow calla lilies for easy sophistication right here. Read more.

How to Divide and Transplant Irises

A close up horizontal image of light purple iris flowers growing in the garden.

A garden favorite, irises add elegant beauty and fragrance wherever they’re planted. Upright and clump forming, they look terrific in beds, borders, and containers. But to keep plants vibrantly flowering, they benefit from regular division every three or four years. Learn how to divide and transplant irises now.

Tips for Growing Bulbous Iris in the Garden

A close up horizontal image of blue and yellow bicolored bulbous iris flowers growing in the garden.

To extend your iris flowering season, an easy solution is to add a selection of bulb varieties to your beds and containers. Blooming in late winter, spring, and late spring to midsummer, they’re a perfect way to continue the beauty for months. Read on and learn how to grow bulbous iris for the garden in this guide.

Easy Landscaping with Ornamental Grasses: Simple Tips for Carefree Success

Potted ornamental grasses. |

Hardy, long lasting, and carefree to grow, ornamental grasses are a mainstay in professionally designed landscapes. With a superb diversity of textures, color, shapes, and sizes they can add drama and flair, or subtle softness. Their applications in the garden are many, and they’re one of the best plants to bring out your inner designer. Discover for yourself how readily these plants will work in your garden with our best tips and tricks.

When and How to Harvest Tarragon

A close up horizontal image of fresh and chopped tarragon on a wooden chopping board.

With a sweet anise-like flavor, tarragon is a delightful addition to French cooking and in a wide variety of dishes. An easily cultivated, herbaceous perennial it makes an early appearance in the garden and can be harvested from March to September. Learn how to enjoy a continuous harvest of tarragon in this guide.

10 Garlic Families to Know About for the Garden

A close up horizontal image of garlic growing in the garden with a wooden fence in the background.

Garlic is a must-have for the kitchen with flavors that vary from sweetly nutty to pungently spicy, and heat levels from mild to wasabi-like. And it’s easily grown, with varieties suitable for both cold and mild winter locations. To best match your needs, check out the 10 garlic families to know about for the garden.

Tips for Growing an Abundant Edible Herb Garden

A close up horizontal image of an abundant herb garden growing a variety of different plants.

Highly aromatic and flavorful for beverages, cooking, and the grill, herbs also have pretty flowers that attract important pollinators. And they’re among the best companion plants for keeping flower and veggie patches healthy and pest free. Join us now and read all the best tips for edible herb gardens in this guide.

When and How to Harvest Garlic

A close up horizontal image of garlic harvested from the garden set on a wooden surface in the sunshine.

Knowing when to lift garlic for large, flavorful bulbs that also store well is a critical skill that’s well worth learning. Pull them too soon and you’ll have skimpy little cloves. But pull them too late and they can burst their tunics, dry out, or spoil. Learn all about the best time to harvest garlic bulbs now.

Types of Irises: A Guide to Iris Classification and Flowering Sequence

A close up horizontal image of colorful iris flowers growing in the garden pictured in bright sunshine on a soft focus background.

Irises are loved for their bright, bold colors and stately flowers. But did you know there are many different varieties of these garden favorites? With the right selection, you can enjoy flowers from early spring through to midsummer. Learn about the different types of irises and their flowering sequence in this guide.

How to Grow and Care for French Tarragon

A close up horizontal image of French tarragon growing in the garden pictured on a soft focus background.

French tarragon is a mainstay of the kitchen herb garden, with a sweet, licorice-like flavor used in a variety of dishes and French cuisine. An herbaceous perennial, cool spring temperatures and afternoon shade in summer produce a bounty of flavorful leaves. Learn all about how to plant French tarragon in this guide.

Planting Your First Vegetable Garden: A Beginner’s Guide

Colorful vegetable garden with marigolds for companion planting.

If you’re new to the world of vegetable gardening, you’re in for a treat! Fresh veggies have a flavor that can’t be beat, and they’re healthy and nutritious. Plus, growing your own is friendly on the budget, and gardening is an excellent way to reduce stress. Learn all about these positive benefits right here on Gardener’s Path.

How to Grow Irises for Fragrance and Color

A close up horizontal image of bright blue irises growing in the spring garden.

With an elegant form, sumptuous colors, a delicate fragrance, and elaborate blossoms, the iris is a delightful specimen of early summer. Named after a goddess and used as a symbol of royalty, this flower is easy to grow and multiplies readily. Learn how to enjoy this divine beauty in your garden with this guide.

Dahlia Flower Types: A Guide to Groups and Classification

A close up horizontal image of a number of different types of dahlia flowers.

Dahlias are bright, beautiful flowers that are much loved in the late season garden. And with such a marvelous selection of colors, forms, and sizes to choose from, deciding which type is best for your garden can be tough. Learn about the different types of dahlias and how they are classified in this guide. Read more now.

How to Grow Delightful Dahlias: A Late Summer Standard

A close up horizontal image of a garden filled with late summer blooming dahlias in a variety of different shapes and colors.

Looking for reliable, bold color for the late season garden? Delightful dahlias are a perfect fit. From dwarf cultivars to jumbo dinner plates, and in almost every imaginable color, these dazzling tubers flower consistently from summer until they’re felled by frost. Read all about how to plant and grow dahlias now.

How to Propagate Azaleas for Gorgeous New Shrubs

A close up horizontal image of azaleas blooming in the garden in a mixed planting with lawn in soft focus in the background.

Because hybrid cultivars don’t grow true from seed, three smart ways to increase and enjoy beautiful azaleas in your yard or garden is to multiply them vegetatively through cuttings or by stem or air layering. Learn how to propagate azaleas for gorgeous new shrubs in this step by step guide. Read more now.

21 of the Best Cotoneaster Varieties for Ground Covers, Hedges, and More

A close up horizontal image of red cotoneaster growing next to a path as ground cover.

Cotoneaster is a multi-season plant loved for its vivid fall colors, bright red winter berries, and wonderful versatility in the landscape. From ground covers to hedges to slope stabilizers and even bonsai, there’s a species suitable for most locations. Learn about 21 of the best cotoneaster varieties in this guide.

How to Change the Color of Hydrangea Flowers

A close up horizontal image of a flowering shrub growing in the garden with a park bench in the background, pictured in light filtered sunshine.

Certain species of hydrangea have the unique ability to change color from blue to pink and vice versa. With a bit of patience and diligent application of certain soil amendments, you can encourage your hydrangea flowers to change color. Learn why hydrangeas change color and how you can do it at home in this guide.

How to Plant and Grow Anemone Flowers

A close up horizontal image of colorful anemone flowers growing in a container in front of a metal fence.

Anemone is a genus of flowering perennials that lend reliable color and allure to gardens from spring to fall. Easy and versatile, they suit a wide range of locations and thrive in full or part sun, a valuable addition to shade and sun gardens alike. Learn all about how to plant and grow anemone flowers right here.

15 of the Best Anemone Varieties for Spring, Summer, and Fall

A close up horizontal image of different colored anemone flowers in a mass planting in a meadow, pictured in bright sunshine.

Anemones are easy to care for and produce long-lasting, bright flowers, some are daisy-like while others resemble poppies. Depending on the variety, they flower in spring, summer, and fall, can be planted in sun or light shade, and make wonderful cut flowers. Learn about 15 of the best anemone varieties now.

How to Plant and Grow Grecian Windflowers (Balkan Anemones)

A close up horizontal image of Balkan anemones growing en masse in a sunny garden.

If you like low-maintenance plants that deliver mats of bright color, you’ll love the cheery, daisy-like flowers of Grecian windflowers, Anemone blanda. These low-growing charmers reliably spread into blankets of blooms that appear very early in the season. Learn how to plant and grow Balkan anemones in this guide.

How to Lift Dahlias for Winter Storage

A close up horizontal image of a variety of dahlia flowers in a garden border pictured in light sunshine on a soft focus background.

Dahlias are spectacular, long-lasting flowers that add reliable color to the late season garden. But these plants are frost tender and don’t like wet feet. They need to lifted for winter storage and benefit from having their tubers divided in spring. Learn how to lift and store your dahlias during winter in this guide.

How to Propagate Grape Hyacinth Bulbs and Seeds

A close up horizontal image of a small grape hyacinth plant with several bright blue flowers in a wooden raised garden bed.

Grape hyacinth bulbs add bright splashes of color to the early spring garden, and a sweet fragrance. Easy and dependable, they’re striking in beds, containers, and naturalized settings and multiply readily so you can quickly expand your collection. Learn all about grape hyacinth propagation for bulbs and seeds now.

How to Grow Cherry Tomatoes

A close up of a ripe cherry tomato plant with water droplets in the sun with green foliage.

Do you fancy the idea of picking tasty, tangy cherry tomatoes fresh from the vine? Easy to grow and vigorous, they produce an abundance of bite-sized fruit in an array of beautiful colors. Among the earliest to ripen, they deliver a long season as well. Get all the best tips for growing cherry tomatoes right here.

How to Grow Herbs in Containers

A close up of a variety of different herbs growing in small colorful pots outdoors on a wooden surface.

For incomparable fresh flavors, a container herb garden provides a quick, efficient, and affordable way to grow your own, even in the smallest space. They’re attractive with pretty flowers and delightfully fragrant. And once planted, they’re low-maintenance, fast growing, and highly rewarding. Find our easy tips here.

13 Favorite Basil Varieties for the Garden

A close up of two different varieties of Ocimum basilicum, the top of the frame shows a green-leaved type, and at the bottom a cultivar with dark purple foliage.

Tasty and fragrant, basil is a delicious ingredient when eaten fresh or added to recipes. Its lush growth and pretty flowers have great ornamental appeal. Did you know that there are a number of different basil cultivars available? Learn about 13 of our favorite basil varieties to add to your herb garden. Read more now.

How to Grow Parsley in Your Home Herb Garden

Use curly leaf parsley as an accent plant in your landscape |

Parsley has a rich and storied history, and its substantial health properties and usefulness as a garden herb are timeless. Easy to grow and propagate, this attractive herb is a welcome addition to veggie patches and flower containers, and storage of surplus stock is simple as well. Get all the details on how to grow and enjoy parsley – read more now on Gardener’s Path.

9 of the Best Grape Hyacinth Varieties for Your Garden

A close up of bright blue Muscari flowers growing in the spring garden in bright sunshine fading to soft focus in the background.

For an easy pop of bright color and sweet perfume, muscari bulbs are a great plant-and-forget solution. Wonderfully low-maintenance and reliable, they send up stands of rich blue, purple, and white flowers in the early spring garden. Read all about the 9 best grape hyacinth varieties for the garden right here.

How to Grow and Care for Hyacinth Flowers

A close up horizontal image of pink, blue, and white fragrant hyacinth flowers.

Mmm, what’s that lovely smell? With their heady perfume and rich colors, hyacinths make a wonderful addition to the spring garden,  or a very welcome indoor feature during the dreary winter months. Join us for a look at the best care and growing tips for this flowering favorite – read more now on Gardener’s Path.

Will Kale Grow in Containers? Tips for Growing Your Crop in Pots

A close up of four terra cotta pots with Tuscan and curly kale growing in the bright sunshine on a balcony. The plants have large leaves in various shades of green, the background is white railings and a house behind.

Kale is a frost hardy annual that’s grown for its nutritious, flavorful leaves in fantastic colors and fanciful shapes. And it’s just as easy to grow in pots or containers as in the ground. Learn how to plant up a few pots for the kitchen garden right now, then enjoy its beauty and health benefits well into winter.

27 of the Best Cold Hardy Clematis Varieties

A close up of a clematis vine with light and dark purple flowers with green leaves behind them, against a green metal fence. In the background are trees and vegetation in soft focus.

Looking for a tough, reliable vine to survive your cold winters? One that puts on a gorgeous display of flowers in spring and summer, and that can handle the rigors of sub-zero temperatures and drying, frigid winds? You’ll love our list of the best cold hardy clematis varieties for Zones 3 and 4. Read more now.

How to Grow Parsley in Winter

A close up of a small parsley plant growing in dark rich soil with bright green curly leaves in soft sunlight.

If you mourn the loss of garden-fresh herbs with the arrival of cold weather, take heart. There are a few that still continue to produce leaves in winter, and parsley’s one of them – so you can enjoy their fresh taste in your favorite recipes all year. Join us as we dish the dirt on how to grow parsley in winter.

11 of the Best Cold Temperature Ornamental Plants for the Fall Garden

Close up of red berries from the winterberry holly covered in frost.

Do you mourn the loss of color when summer ends? Well, instead of living in the gray zone for six months, add some bold, vibrant color to the late season garden. We’ve rounded up 11 of the best ornamental plants that will add interest and vibrant hues to your fall garden. Join us now for a closer look.

How to Grow Hydrangeas for Big Blossomed Beauty

Pink, purple, and blue hydrangeas in bloom in the morning sun.

Many of us know the familiar mophead hydrangea, and its pretty flowers. But did you know this beauty comes in dwarf, container-plant sizes to sprawling 50-foot vines? All have lovely, large flowers and most have good autumn color too. Interested? Then, here’s the details on how to grow hydrangea for your garden.

How to Grow Garden Pinks for Old-Fashioned Charm

Pretty colors, a knockout fragrance, and easy growth are the hallmarks of garden pinks. Old-fashioned favorites, new cultivars add to their charm with improved growth, a longer bloom period, and vibrant color combos in pink, red, and white. Learn how to grow these enchanting flowers here on Gardeners Path.

How to Grow and Care for Delightful Daffodils

Daffodils in bloom with white petals and yellow centers.

For a bright end to the dreary winter, daffodils are an easy-to-grow spring favorite, providing up to four months of delightful color and perfume. Lovely as a fragrant, long-lasting cut flower, bulbs can even be forced to bloom early indoors . Join us now for a look at all the details on narcissus care and cultivation.

Plant Your Salad Greens Early: Tips for Growing Lettuce and Microgreens

Small lettuce plants growing in straw mulched garden.

Fresh, crisp, and succulent, salad greens are best suited to grow in the early days of spring. But with a little planning and ingenuity, you can enjoy these tasty morsels almost every month of the year. Get all the details right here on the best growing conditions and environment for a steady harvest!