How to Grow and Care for Peace Lilies

Spathiphyllum spp.

Some say the plants in this genus are commonly called the peace lilies because the white spathe of their flowers looks like a flag of surrender.

I think the combination of columnar central spadix and spathe looks like a candle flame flickering peacefully on a dark night.

Regardless of what you might think of the name, you have to admit that there’s something gentle and peaceful about the peace lily.

A close up vertical image of a large peace lily plant with dark green foliage and large white spathes, pictured on a soft focus background. To the top and bottom of the frame is green and white printed text.

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These evergreen herbaceous perennials shine as houseplants and are an excellent option for beginners, due to their low light and water requirements.

If you love houseplants and you want to add a flowering plant with lush green leaves to your indoor space, this guide will tell you everything you need to know.

Are you ready to get started?

What Are Peace Lilies?

These beauties are native to parts of the Tropics in Mexico, Central and South America, and Southeast Asia.

They thrive outdoors in the warm climates of USDA Hardiness Zones 11 and 12, in Puerto Rico and parts of Hawaii, but they can’t withstand the cold elsewhere in the US or its territories year round.

A close up horizontal image of a Spathiphyllum growing outdoors with dark green foliage and white spathes.

Instead, you may grow them indoors as houseplants. Temperatures must remain between 65 and 80°F in order for them to thrive.

There are a range of nearly 50 different species and dozens of varieties to choose from, but all feature a spathe – a large, pointed bract meant to attract pollinators, and what we might consider the “flower” – and spadix.

The spadix is the spur that rises along with the spathe, housing tiny, visually insignificant flowers.

Peace lilies bloom in the spring, and the white spathes and straight spadices can last for up to two months.

A close up vertical image of Spathiphyllum growing in the garden pictured on a dark soft focus background.

If you take extra-good care of your houseplant, it might bloom (aka produce a spathe) for you again in the fall. During the winter, it won’t bloom – but the glossy evergreen leaves are attractive year round.

And while true lilies are moderately toxic to humans and dogs and highly toxic to cats, Spathiphyllum species are not actually related to lilies, which are members of the Liliaceae family.

Spathiphyllum are in the subfamily Monsteroideae of the Araceae family. Calla lilies are also part of the Araceae family, and they’re also not true lilies.

Despite the alarming subfamily name, there’s nothing monstrous about peace lilies. The plants are mildly toxic if ingested, causing irritation to the mouth and, potentially, nausea. It’s best to keep them away from kids and pets like cats.

Indoor greenery can help to boost your mood, so it’s a great idea to acquire a few new houseplants during the cold and dark winter months.

Have I convinced you that you should add one of these to your collection? Keep reading to learn more about these popular plants, and how to care for them.

Cultivation and History

The genus name Spathiphyllum comes from the Greek words for spoon (spath) and leaf (phyllon), referring to the spoon-like spathe.

The plant was brought to Europe in the 1870s, by Gustav Wallis, a plant hunter working for James Veitch and Sons in London. One of the species, S. wallisii, is named after him.

But each variety shares one defining feature: that spathe.

Not all members of the genus go by the common name “peace lily,” but many do. Some of the most popular species among home gardeners include S. cochlearispathum, S. floribundum, S. montanum, and S. wallisii.

You can read more about these in the Cultivars and Species section below.


You can’t propagate a peace lily from a cutting, and growing it from seed takes years. But thankfully, there’s a reliable and easy way to propagate this type of plant: by division!

First, you’ll need to find an existing plant, preferably a mature one with several crowns. Maybe a friend of yours has a Spathiphyllum that could use dividing.

A close up horizontal image of a Spathiphyllum plant growing in a ceramic pot on a wooden surface next to a window.

Choose a six to eight-inch pot with drainage holes, and a draining dish to fit beneath it.

Fill the pot with a potting mix intended for houseplants, like this one from Miracle-Gro, available at the Home Depot.

A close up of the packaging of MiracleGro Indoor Potting Mix on a white background.

Miracle-Gro Indoor Potting Mix

Over a disposable tablecloth or newspapers, gently release the parent plant from its container. Choose a section of crown with at least two leaves and a healthy root system attached.

Using your fingers or a knife, if needed, pry the crown away from the mother plant.

Replace the original lily in her container and add a bit of potting mix if needed. Take your divided crown and plant it in your prepared six to eight-inch pot, tucking the mix in around the roots.

A close up horizontal image of a small Spathiphyllum plant growing in a ceramic pot on a kitchen counter next to a window.

Water thoroughly and place in a location in your home that receives indirect sunlight.

And voila! You’re done.

How to Grow

If you bring home a potted plant, it’s easy to transplant it into a larger container.

Select a six to eight-inch (or slightly larger, if you prefer) ceramic or plastic pot with drainage holes and a draining tray, and fill it with potting mix.

Loosen the edges of the nursery plant with a butterknife, remove it, and replant it in the new container.

Peace lilies are famously easy to grow. You’ll want to water the plant about once a week, allowing the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings. If you don’t give your plant enough moisture, it will tell you about it as it will start to droop. This won’t hurt it. Just give it a good soaking.

A close up horizontal image of a person to the left of the frame holding a yellow watering can applying water to a peace lily plant growing in a ceramic pot.

Keep the plant in an area that receives about six to eight hours of filtered or indirect sunlight per day.

Peace lilies can tolerate complete shade, but they won’t give you nearly as many flowers if they don’t receive enough indirect sunlight.

During the spring and summer, fertilize once a month according to package instructions.

A close up vertical picture of a bottle of MiracleGro Indoor Plant Food set on a kitchen counter with a houseplant in a white pot in the background.

Miracle-Grow Indoor Plant Food

I like to use this liquid houseplant fertilizer from Miracle-Gro, available via the Home Depot.

During the fall and winter, you don’t need to fertilize your plant. This is its time to slow down, grow less vigorously, and rest.

Growing Tips

Pruning and Maintenance

This easy-care plant doesn’t require a whole lot of pruning, but do make sure to remove broken or dead leaves when you see them. If a plant becomes rootbound and grows to be too large for its container, transplant it into a larger pot.

A close up vertical image of a peace lily plant growing in a white plastic pot set on a pile of books pictured on a white background.

Signs that it’s becoming rootbound are: roots beginning to stick out of the drainage holes, water collecting on the surface of the potting mix because it has become too compacted for good drainage, and slowed growth even during the spring and summer.

This is also a good time to divide the plant. Take one to three crowns and give them their own new containers, following the directions outlined above.

The young plants make excellent gifts for apartment-dwelling friends!

If you notice the leaves turning yellow, it’s likely that the plant is receiving too much light, or perhaps not enough of it.

Try moving the container to an area near a window if you suspect the latter. If you think it’s receiving too much light, move it a little further away from nearby windows.

During the winter, watch out for brown-tipped leaves. Since Spathiphyllum originates in humid rainforests, it stands to reason that these plants don’t like dry winter air.

To keep them happy, spray the leaves once or twice a day during the dry days of winter, and once or twice a week during the spring and summer, if humidity levels are low.

A close up horizontal image of a girl to the right of the frame misting a peace lily plant set in a kitchen sink with red flowers in the background.

Every week, wipe the leaves gently with a damp cloth to remove dust. This will also help keep the leaves healthy and free of pests and disease, and it’s a great task to give the kids in your life. Get them started on plant care early!

Species and Cultivars to Select

The most popular species of peace lily that you are likely to find in nurseries and garden centers are the following:

S. cochlearispathum

Also known as the Cupido peace lily, – which is Spanish for Cupid – this species is native to southern Mexico and grows to between three and six feet tall, though it will rarely attain such a height except under extremely favorable conditions.

A close up vertical image of S. cochlearispathum growing outdoors in a tropical garden.
Photo by Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz, Wikimedia Commons, via CC BY-SA.

A favorite with horticulturists, S. cochlearispathum has been cultivated into many popular varieties. The leaves are long, ribbed, and pointed at the ends.

S. floribundum

Often called the “snowflower,” this species features a green-tinged spathe and narrow, round-tipped, ribbed leaves.

A close up vertical image of the green upright spathe of Spathiphyllum floribundum growing outside a windowsill.
Photo by Raul654, Wikimedia Commons, via CC BY-SA.

Native to northwestern South America, this species and its cultivars can (and often do) grow up to six feet tall.

S. montanum

Native to Panama and Costa Rica, S. montanum sports long, pointed, glossy green, ribbed leaves and a snow-white spadix.

S. wallisii

This popular species has produced dozens of varieties. The botanical name comes from 19th-century German plant collector Gustav Wallis. Many of the cultivars available today are derived from this species.

A close up square image of a peace lily plant growing in a small black container set on a wooden surface on a dark gray background.

S. wallisii

You can find S. wallisii plants available from Nature Hills Nursery.

Available in a range of sizes and colors, now that you’re familiar with four of the most common species, here are three of our favorite Spathiphyllum cultivars to start or expand your houseplant collection:


For a houseplant that provides extra interest with its unique, pointed, speckled leaves, try S. wallisii ‘Domino.’

With lush green foliage and bright white spathes that rise a foot tall, ‘Domino’ has an alluring effect on anyone who sees it.

A close up square image of two peace lily plants with dark green foliage and tall white flower stalks pictured on a white background.


The plant grows and spreads up to two feet tall and wide. You can find it in six-inch containers from Perfect Plants via the Home Depot.

Mauna Loa

This classic cultivar of S. wallisii blooms prolifically in the spring and summer, and grows and spreads up to three feet tall.

The white blooms and glossy, lanceolate, deeply ribbed leaves make this a beloved variety all over the world.

Sweet Chico

If you want to grow a peace lily at home but don’t have tons of space, why not try S. wallisii ‘Sweet Chico’?

This compact cultivar grows just 14-18 inches tall and spreads 12-16 inches.

A close up square image of a peace lily plant growing in a small green plastic pot pictured on a white background.

‘Sweet Chico’

With arching, lanceolate leaves and slender white spathes, ‘Sweet Chico’ is a perfect addition to any home, large or tiny.

Find a four-inch pot containing a live plant online at Burpee.

Managing Pests and Disease

When they’re grown as houseplants, peace lilies don’t typically fall prey to many varieties of pests or diseases. But there are a few things to watch out for.

If you notice a strange sticky substance on the leaves, check for aphids. Wipe off the sticky stuff (aka honeydew) and spray the leaves with neem oil to discourage the pests.

Soft-bodied, white mealybugs can also bother these plants, leaving cottony webs all over the leaves and stems. Wipe these off, and remove any visible mealybugs – they’re typically about 1/5 of an inch long – and spray the plant with neem oil or insecticidal soap.

If you see brown spots, webbing, and dozens of tiny insects on the leaves, you’re probably dealing with spider mites. Remove any damaged leaves, wipe off the webbing, and spray the entire plant with neem oil or insecticidal soap to get rid of them.

A close up horizontal image of a web created by spider mites on a leaf of a plant pictured on a soft focus background.

If you notice little black insects hopping around, they’re probably just fungus gnats. An infestation is a sign that you’re watering the plant too much, or that the potting mix isn’t draining quickly enough and standing water is attracting the gnats.

As for diseases, watch out for pythium root rot caused by the water mold Pythium spp.

If the leaves turn yellowish and wilt, and refuse to be revived, take the plant out of its pot and remove any orange, brown, or yellowish roots.

Spray the rest of the root system with copper fungicide to help prevent further spread, then sterilize the container and repot in clean soil. You can prevent this disease by not overwatering your plant.

Read more about identifying and treating the diseases of peace lilies here.

Best Uses

If you have a young gardener in your life, the peace lily is an ideal first-time houseplant because it is so easy to care for.

A close up horizontal image of a peace lily growing in a wicker basket, set on a wooden floor next to a radiator in a residence.

Plus, growing peace lilies indoors can brighten long, dreary winters, and potted plants make excellent holiday gifts.

Quick Reference Growing Guide

Plant Type:Herbaceous evergreen perennialFoliage Color:White, green, pink, red / green
Native to:Mexico, Central and South America, Southeast AsiaMaintenance:Low
Hardiness (USDA Zone):11-12 (outdoor)Soil Type:Loose
Bloom Time / Season:Spring and summerSoil pH:5.0-6.5
Exposure:Indirect sunlightSoil Drainage:Well-draining
Time to Maturity:3-5 yearsCompanion Planting:Amaryllis, bird’s nest fern, swiss cheese plant
Planting Depth:Same depth as root ballUses:Houseplant (excellent gift or starter plant)
Height:1-6 feetOrder:Araceae
Spread:1-6 feetFamily:Monsteroideae
Tolerance:Some shadeGenus:Spathiphyllum
Water Needs:LowSpecies:cochlearispathum, floribundum, montanum, wallisii
Common Pests:Aphids, gnats, mealybugs, spider mitesCommon Diseases:Pythium root rot

Create a Peaceful Household

Nothing is better than a houseplant that is easy to care for, while adding beauty to your home. The only question now is which type you will choose, and then it’s up to you to pick a location and get growing!

Have you ever grown a peace lily? Please share your stories and questions in the comment section below.

In the meantime, check out these articles on growing amazing houseplants next:

© Ask the Experts, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. See our TOS for more details. Product photos via Burpee, Miracle-Gro, Nature Hills Nursery, and Perfect Plants. Uncredited photos: Shutterstock. With additional writing and editing by Allison Sidhu.

Photo of author
Laura Ojeda Melchor grew up helping her mom in the garden in Montana, and as an adult she’s brought her cold-weather gardening skills with her to her home in Alaska. She’s especially proud of the flowerbeds she and her three-year-old son built with rocks dug up from their little Alaska homestead. As a freelance writer, she contributes to several websites and blogs across the web. Laura also writes novels and holds an MFA in writing from Vermont College of Fine Arts.

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Cheryl Hodgson
Cheryl Hodgson (@guest_11137)
3 years ago

I love my peace lily. Ive had this one for about 5 months and repotted it once. Its growing wider and taller. It has bloomed twice and Im getting ready to repot it again into a 10 inch pot, when I will give it its first application of indoor plant food. I so enjoy my indoor plant garden…and the joy it brings!

3 years ago


Pat (@guest_12567)
3 years ago

My peace lily is not doing well at all. Leaves are dying at a fast pace.
I read you how to but I think I’m doing right by it.
Any other suggestions?

Justyna Nowak
Justyna Nowak (@guest_15005)
2 years ago

The tips of my peace lilies’ leaves are getting brown and soft, and gradually all of the leaf is drying and dying. What is the reason for this and how to prevent it?

Liz anderson
Liz anderson (@guest_15116)
2 years ago

Hi, I have a very large peace lily, had for over 8 years.

Donald Cozzone
Donald Cozzone (@guest_15991)
2 years ago

I have had my peace lily for approximately 5 years now. We keep it on a small table beside or stairs it get the bright morning sun for about 2 hours and the rest of the day is just bright light without the sun, i spray the leaves every morning at 6am none fail. Its had two babies since then one is doing great the other is hanging in there. One thing, it only bloomed the first year. I also talk to it when i clean the leaves, Once a week.

Evonda Williams
Evonda Williams (@guest_23727)
1 year ago

I just read about why some of the leaves on my peace lily are turning brown. I have two of them. I got both of them over a year ago after the death of my relatives. I keep them in my office at work and I water them once a week. I didn’t know that was how often I needed to water them, I used my intuition to tell me. They have really grown and I have repotted them once. I took them to a professional to have it done because this is my first time really caring for plants.… Read more »

Kristine Lofgren
Kristine Lofgren(@kristinelofgren)
Gardening Writer
Reply to  Evonda Williams
1 year ago

Hi Evonda, it sounds like you’re the perfect plant parent. If you want to branch out, Monsteras, pothos, and most philodendrons tend to be awesome for beginners. The guides I’ve provided links to here can help to get you started if you’re interested.

Mika (@guest_27501)
1 year ago

My Peace Lilies are 17 years old. I separated to two pots after some years later, and changed to bigger size pots later on. Now it is 4 ft tall and 2.5 ft wide. Unless leaves or a flower die, it is still there. My question is can I prune the leaves are too large (1 ft) and keep younger leaves? There are 10 of them from 2006 and looks healthy otherwise.
If I prune them, where am I supposed to cut?

Kristine Lofgren
Kristine Lofgren(@kristinelofgren)
Gardening Writer
Reply to  Mika
1 year ago

Hi Mika, you can absolutely cut the older leaves. Often, plants will drop these naturally, but you can help them with the process, as well. Cut the entire stem down to the soil or cut the individual leaf back to the nearest stem if you don’t want to remove the whole stem.