Close up of spider plant leaves.

Spider Plants

Do you have a brown thumb? Are you afraid to try and grow plants because you don’t want to kill them? Well, forget about all of that! Try growing a spider plant or three. These houseplants are easy to care for and are perfect for beginners. Use our guides down below to find out all you need to know to grow and care for them, find advice on potential problems, and learn propagation techniques to multiply your spider plants right at home!

5 Spider Plant Diseases and Disorders and How to Solve Them

A close up horizontal image of a variegated spider plant in a terra cotta pot set on a windowsill pictured on a soft focus background.

Spider plants are generally known for being easy-going and trouble-free, but that doesn’t mean they can’t ever have problems. They can suffer from a few different diseases and physiological disorders. Learn about 5 diseases and disorders that can affect your spider plants, and what to do, in this guide. Read more now.

When and How to Divide Spider Plants

A close up horizontal image of a potted spider plant set on a windowsill.

Spider plants are popular, easy-care houseplants that can quickly outgrow their containers. By dividing your spider plant, you not only rejuvenate it and keep it at a manageable size, but you propagate new plants to add to your collection or share. Learn when and how to divide spider plants in this guide. Read more now.

Why Do Spider Plants Have Thick, White Roots?

A horizontal shot of a pot bound root system of a spider plant lying on its side on a wooden slated table.

If you have noticed fleshy, white roots in your spider plant’s pot, you may be wondering what’s going on with your houseplant. Swollen roots in spider plants serve a purpose, and when you understand this part of your plant’s anatomy, you’ll worry no longer. Learn why spider plants have thick white roots in this guide.

How to Repot Spider Plants in 5 Easy Steps

A horizontal close up shot of the green and white leaves of a spider plant.

Spider plants are fast growers and need frequent repotting. When it’s time to transfer your houseplant to a new container, there are some simple but important steps to follow to keep your plant happy and healthy. Find out more about this indoor gardening task and learn the 5 steps for repotting spider plants. Read more.

When and How to Fertilize Spider Plants

A close up horizontal image of the variegated foliage of a spider ivy (Chlorophytum comosum) growing in a pot indoors.

Spider plants (Chlorophytum comosum) are low maintenance, easy-care houseplants but they can still benefit from fertilizer applied correctly and at the right time. Our guide provides tips about when and how to feed your spider ivy plants and we offer suggestions on the best products to use as well. Read more now.

How to Grow and Care for Spider Plants

A close up horizontal image of a small spider plant growing in a pot set on a wooden table.

The spider plant is loved for its bright foliage and masses of baby plantlets. It’s very resilient, will adapt to different growing conditions, and makes an excellent choice for beginners. And it’s a fast grower, helping you fill your home with greenery quickly. Keep reading to learn more about growing this houseplant.

Do Spider Plants Bloom?

A close up horizontal image of a variegated spider plant with small white flowers on the end of a stolon.

Spider plants are popular houseplants grown for their attractive green or variegated foliage. But do they ever bloom? Yes! In the right conditions, spider plants will produce small white blooms on the ends of the long stolons, where the spiderettes appear. Learn more about these flowers in our guide. Read more now.

Troubleshooting Yellow Leaves on Spider Plants

A close up horizontal image of a variegated spider plant with leaves that are turning yellow.

Spider plants may turn yellow for many reasons, and none of them are good. This is a sign from your plant that something is wrong! But luckily, spider plants are forgiving. Learn how to identify and resolve the problem, whether it’s due to the wrong amount of water, light, or fertilizer, pests, or something else.

Why Do Spider Plants Fade or Lose Their Variegation?

A close up horizontal image of a spider plant growing in a small pot set on a wooden surface.

If your favorite spider plant is turning paler or changing to all green when it was variegated before, you’ll need to act fast to turn things around. We’ll explain what causes fading and reverting, and how to fix it. Common culprits include lighting and watering problems. Read more now in this comprehensive guide.

Propagating Spider Plant Babies: 3 Methods to Root Spiderettes

A close up horizontal image of a hand holding a spiderette that has formed roots ready for planting.

Propagating spiderettes, the little babies that grow on spider plants, is an easy way to grow new plants. Whether rooting them in water, soil, or through layering, these plantlets make a fun indoor gardening project. Keep reading to learn more about the three different methods you can use to propagate spiderettes.

7 Tips to Get Rid of Fungus Gnats on Spider Plants

A close up horizontal image of a fungus gnat pictured on a soft focus background.

Are your spider plants plagued with fungus gnats? You’re not alone. The tiny black flying adults may be simply a nuisance, but their maggots can turn into root-chewing menaces if populations get out of control. Our simple tips will help you safely and effectively reduce larvae and adult numbers in your home.

Are Spider Plants Toxic to Cats?

A close up horizontal image of a dark gray tabby with wide green eyes looking up at the camera with a guilty expression.

Some cats love to nibble on spider plants, so you may be wondering whether it’s safe for them to chew on this grass-like houseplant. You may also wonder why your feline companion is so obsessed with this particular plant. Learn whether spider plants are toxic to cats and how to protect your plant from being chewed to a nub.

How to Revive a Wilting Spider Plant

A close up horizontal image of a spider plant that has turned brown and is starting to wilt set on a concrete surface.

Feeling stumped on what to do when a spider plant wilts? Imprecise levels of water and sunlight, insufficient nutrients, and cramped pots can all lead to unhappy withered plants. Continue on for the information you need to identify common causes of wilting in spider plants, and learn how to revive drooping foliage.