15 of the Best Morning Glory Varieties for Home Gardeners

Morning glories are the radish of the flowering vine family, easy to grow and fast, to boot.

Most of the types of common morning glory, or Ipomoea purpurea, that you’re going to find grow as annuals, unless you’re in USDA Hardiness Zone 10 or 11.

However, they are happy (and eager) to self-seed for a repeat performance next year.

If you want to avoid that sometimes aggressive self-seeding process, remove the plants entirely from an area in the late fall, before they become crispy and ready to shoot seeds everywhere.

A wooden fence with the delicate blue and white flowers of the morning glory flower. To the center and bottom of the frame is green and white text.

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All morning glory varieties benefit from the same basic growing conditions. Here’s a brief primer:

These flowers need full sun, not too much water, and pretty much any type of soil you have to offer.

Check out our complete morning glory growing guide to brush up on what you need to know to get this colorful flower growing at its best in more detail, then pick your favorite variety below to start planting!

A close up of a blue morning glory flower growing up a wooden fence.
Photo by Allison Sidhu.

Let’s take a look at some of our top picks, for stunning blooms to cover a fence or trellis.

There are a number of different cultivars available, in a variety of colors. Let’s take a look!

1. Caprice

Sky blue with a lavender star at the center, ‘Caprice’ is a real monster of a grower, even among morning glories. The vines can reach up to twenty feet in length, enabling it to cover vast amounts of space.

The color combinations here practically glow in intensity, with a pleasing spectrum of saturation.


It pairs well with groundcover vinca vine, and this pair is among your best options for those areas that gotta get covered, and fast!

Luckily ‘Caprice’ can tolerate partial shade as well.

Find seeds in a variety of packets sizes, available from Outsidepride via Amazon.

2. Carnevale di Venezia

For a hint of blue or purplish pink, ‘Carnevale di Venezia’ won’t disappoint. The petals have streaks of color on a white background and are all different, adding a bit of variety.

It will reach a spread of up to 10 feet and about 16 feet in height at maturity. This is a vigorous grower, that’s for sure!

A close up of delicate bicolored purple and white flowers of Ipomoea purpurea 'Carnivale di Venezia,' pictured on a green soft focus background.

‘Carnevale di Venezia’

I’ve found flowers with this two-tone hue comprised of white and another color work best when paired with solid colors, rather than adding more variegated or two-toned mixes to the garden.

Petunias would also work here, but some upright black-eyed Susans and lupine can be game changers when paired with these flowers.

The seeds from a plant this size will self-sow en masse, so don’t worry about starting afresh the following season.

Packets of 10 seeds are available at Burpee.

3. Celestial Mix

Can’t make up your mind on what to grow? Why not try the ‘Celestial’ mix?

You’ll find whites, blues, and purples in this mix, and after you sow the seeds you’ll have a random kaleidoscope of color to enjoy – there’s really no way to tell what they’re going to look like until they bloom.

Even seeds saved from these plants will likely deviate from their original color and develop new color patterns.

A close up of white, light- and dark purple Ipomoea purpurea 'Celestial' growing in the garden with foliage in the background.

‘Celestial’ Mix

It’ll be hard to know exactly how big the vines are going to grow, but you can expect them to reach somewhere around nine feet in total length. That’s a good size to cover a fence, a trellis, or an arbor.

Planting this cultivar is a roll of the dice because you just don’t know what you’re going to get, but that’s part of the fun! Boasting blooms with a range somewhere between blue and purple and with a white mix sometimes thrown in, they’re guaranteed to complement each other.

Find packets of 50 seeds available at Burpee.

4. Crimson Rambler

Pinkish-red, intensely hued flowers are what you’ll get if you choose ‘Crimson Rambler.’ And that name is on the nose for these vines in terms of habit as well, since they grow up to fifteen feet in length.

That whole “crimson rambler” thing also makes me think of that similarly named automobile from the 60s, like the one my aunt had parked in her driveway collecting rust for about thirty years. It’s those little details that instill certain plants with qualities that make them our favorites.

‘Crimson Rambler’

This morning glory can tolerate partial shade, but I’d argue those blooms will look their best if grown in full sun.

This type is a natural pair with roses or common geraniums. Include a hummingbird feeder to attract swarms of those hovering birds, and butterflies alike; they’ll come for the feeder but stay for the flowers!

Find seeds in a variety of packet sizes from Outsidepride via Amazon.

5. Early Call Mix

The ‘Early Call’ Mix is an exercise in pastel colors. Talk about some gorgeous blooms here! They practically melt into each other, and are highlighted by that occasional white border on a flower.

The vines reach a length of about 15 feet and the plant can fortunately tolerate some partial shade. The more sun the plant has, the larger it gets, so in shadier conditions expect it to reach about 10 feet.

A close up of the delicate, light purple and pink flowers of Ipomoea purpurea 'Early Call' growing in the garden with foliage in the background.

‘Early Call’ Mix

I’d argue the ‘Early Call’ mix should be kept at a lower height and trained to run along a fence, or halfway up one. I base that suggestion entirely on how spectacular the flowers are and my belief that sometimes, less is more. Including a pastel carpet (or low-growing wall) of morning glories is as good-looking as a garden can get.

Find seeds in packages ranging from less than an ounce up to a 1-pound sack available at Eden Brothers.

6. Ensign Royal

If you want deep blue flowers with the perfect yellow center with white edges, ‘Ensign Royal’ might be the perfect choice. It’s also a dwarf variety that creates mounds of beautiful foliage lower down on your trellis or fence.

‘Ensign Royal’

The bloom season is quite long, from late spring through the first frost in autumn. Grow in full sun to partial shade.

Find seeds from Outsidepride via Amazon.

7. Fieldgrown Mix

White, pink, and purple flowers, oh my! The ‘Fieldgrown’ mix is a shining example of colorful, vibrant flowers.

These morning glories tolerate partial shade and can bring a rich display to otherwise shady areas.

The vines reach a respectable length of about ten feet. Upright phlox makes a suitable pairing with these colors.

A close up of various bicolored Ipomoea purpurea 'Fieldgrown' growing in the summer garden with foliage in the background.

‘Fieldgrown’ Mix

The ‘Fieldgrown’ Mix is another one of those roll-of-the-dice options, resulting in colorful flowers in a variety of hues that are impossible to predetermine. You’ll just have to wait and see what you get.

Find seeds in a variety of packet sizes available at Eden Brothers.

8. Flying Saucers

Subtlety isn’t a quality that springs to mind when I think of morning glories, but ‘Flying Saucers’ manages to pull this off with gusto.

You’re probably asking yourself, can subtlety be pulled off with gusto? Lay your eyes on these flowers and see it in action.

A close up of a blue flower with white streaks, on a dark soft focus background. Ipomoea purpurea 'Flying Saucers.'

‘Flying Saucers’

Every flower is a summery sky blue, with streaks of white and a sunny yellow center. It’s like marrying the sky to the ground, creating a beautiful partnership. And the vines can climb up to about fifteen feet.

A notable quality to ‘Flying Saucers’ is their tolerance for partial sun, allowing you to plant these somewhere that gets a bit of shade throughout the day. Talk about a lifeline for those of us without perfect light!

White geraniums and gardenias would pair delightfully with ‘Flying Saucers.’

Seeds are available in a variety of packet sizes from Eden Brothers.

9. Grandpa Ott

I like this one for its name alone. ‘Grandpa Ott’ is a familiar sight among morning glory fans. Dark purple blossoms with a red star-shaped throat mark this as an iconic and familiar flower.

A close up of the dark purple, bicolored flowers of 'Grandpa Ott' morning glory, with foliage in the background.

‘Grandpa Ott’

Or maybe this type is new to you? Either way, it makes a stunning addition to the garden.

This cultivar grows vines up to fifteen feet long, making it perfect for covering a wall or fence with profuse purple flowers. Those flowers are a few inches across, nice and big for a good show.

For a serious display of color you could double these up with hyacinth beans, but be prepared for some messy vines to remove after the season is through!

Seeds are available from Eden Brothers.

10. Harlequin Mix

Striped white, pink, andpurple flowers identify the ‘Harlequin’ Mix. A random array of bluish, purplish stripes on a white petal offer unique flowers on each vine.

You can expect it to reach lengths of up to twelve feet or so, a nice distance for covering arbors from bottom to top.

A close up of two bicolored morning glory flowers pictured on a soft focus green background.

‘Harlequin’ Mix

One of my favorite gardens has a simple fountain with a rock wall covered in ‘Harlequin’ morning glories, with no other plant pairings. Sometimes these flowers are displayed to their best advantage when they’re alone and allowed to be the sole showmen.

Seeds are available in a variety of package sizes up to 1/4-pound packages at Eden Brothers.

11. Heavenly Blue

The ‘Heavenly Blue’ cultivar is an heirloom variety, the plant that “started it all” in launching the US morning glory craze.

You can’t beat that blue, can you?

Expect this variety to spread as far as six to eight feet over the season, reaching heights of up to twelve feet! Such a vigorous grower is at its best on a trellis or fence.

This annual plant should be cut back and removed in the late fall.

A close up of the blue flowers of Ipomoea purpurea 'Heavenly Blue' cultivar, growing in the garden on a soft focus background.

‘Heavenly Blue’

Consider combining ‘Heavenly Blue’ with some similarly hued lobelia and forget-me-nots, to keep that blue vibe cruisin’.

Or, combine it with pink and purple petunias to offer some complementary color that plays off their soft hue.

You can find seeds in a variety of packet sizes available from Eden Brothers.

12. Inkspots

With beautiful bicolored flowers in shades of purple, blue, and white, ‘Inkspots’ is a prolific bloomer. The trumpet-shaped flowers are ideal for growing up fences and trellises.

A close up of the purple, pink, and white bicolored flowers of morning glory 'Inkspots' with foliage in the background.


A fast-growing variety, vines reach up to 10 feet long, and will tolerate partial shade.

Find seeds in a packets of various sizes available at Eden Brothers.

13. Knowlians Black

Not quite black, you will enjoy the deep purple blooms of ‘Knowlians Black.’ All I can say here is, “Wow, what a flower.”

This intense color is exceptional and instantly garners my attention. It surely will grab the gaze of anyone walking by.

Also, that name – ‘Knowlians’? Love that, probably because New Orleans is one of my favorite places on earth.

A close up of the dramatic dark flowers of 'Knowlians Black' morning glory variety, growing in the garden with foliage and blue sky in the background.

‘Knowlians Black’

The vines will reach lengths of about eight feet and are slower growing than other morning glories, which can be a good thing for the busy gardener. A slower growing plant means less maintenance. This variety also tolerates some partial shade.

The seeds are available in a variety of package sizes at Eden Brothers.

14. Party Dress

Magenta blooms are in the spotlight with ‘Party Dress.’ It’s the white center that contrasts with that rich magenta that really sells it to me.

Modest for a morning glory, these vines reach lengths of about six feet and are good candidates for covering smaller areas, or if you want a vine that won’t grow beyond its intended boundaries.

A close up of the delicate pink flowers of 'Party Dress' variety of Ipomoea purpurea with foliage and blue sky in the background.

‘Party Dress’

This strikes me as a good choice for fences, mailboxes, and lampposts.

That color is easily partnered with any other full-sun-loving annual like geraniums and petunias, and it is a perfect pair with echinacea.

Packets of 50 seeds are available at Burpee.

15. Pearly Gates

Simple white blooms that seem to glow against dark foliage identify the ‘Pearly Gates’ morning glory. White or yellow flowers are my favorite, and the white shades of this flower are just right.

There are no secondary colors to demand attention, only modest white flowers that allow the eyes to relax a bit . That allows the profuse flowers of this morning glory to act as a backdrop to other plants in the garden.

‘Pearly Gates’

The vines can reach a length of about ten feet and this plant tolerates partial shade – not a bad deal!

Seeds are available in a range of various package sizes from Outsidepride via Amazon.

Glory, Morning, Noon, and Night

Morning glories offer plenty of variety to choose from, and you’re just about guaranteed to find one with the colors and traits you are looking for. Their easy-to-grow quality is yet another bonus.

Close up of a blue morning glory flower with a yellow and white center.

Are you growing morning glories? What’s your favorite variety? Let us know in the comments below and feel free to share a photo or two!

And for more information about growing vines in your garden, you’ll need the following guides next:

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Matt Suwak was reared by the bear and the bobcat and the coyote of rural Pennsylvania. This upbringing keeps him permanently affixed to the outdoors where most of his personal time is invested in gardening, bird watching, and hiking. He presently resides in Philadelphia and works under the sun as a landscaper and gardener, and by moonlight as a writer. An incessant questioning of “Why?” affords him countless opportunities to ponder the (in)significance of the great and the small. He considers folksy adages priceless treasures and is fueled almost entirely by beer and hot sauce.

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jj lastname
jj lastname (@guest_20859)
1 year ago

We have a pile of dirt in our front yard from where we expanded our driveway, and it quickly became covered in morning glories. It looks almost like somebody put seeds for the Fieldgrown mix all over the pile, since we have the exact same colors even though we’ve never planted Fieldgrown ourselves. We used to have a few vines on the side of our driveway, but they stopped coming back unfortunately. Imagine my surprise when all these gorgeous flowers came springing up all over our dirt pile! Truly a gift from God.

jj lastname
jj lastname (@guest_20861)
Reply to  jj lastname
1 year ago

There are also a couple of Heavenly Blues hiding under the others. I love pushing back the leaves and seeing little blue flowers peeking out at me 🙂

jim allan
jim allan (@guest_28237)
1 year ago

Is the Ensign Royal the same as Convulvus Tricolour?

Allison Sidhu
Allison Sidhu(@allison-sidhu)
Reply to  jim allan
1 year ago

‘Royal Ensign’ or ‘Engisn Royal’ is a cultivar of the species Convolvulus tricolor. This is a type of dwarf morning glory.

C carpenter
C carpenter (@guest_34396)
10 months ago

I started Mount Fuji mix this season from seeds. I was surprised with the rose color. The photo doesn’t give it true uniqueness

Clare Groom
Clare Groom(@clareg)
Reply to  C carpenter
10 months ago

Those are beautiful, thank you for sharing!