A flower bed full of yellow daffodils.


Having daffodils in your garden is always a delight! These white and yellow flowers are some of the first to bloom in the spring. To get the most out of growing these cheery bulbs, use our collection of guides. You’ll find everything you need to know about propagating them, caring for them, and more. Happy gardening!

How to Lift, Cure, and Store Daffodil Bulbs

A close up horizontal image of yellow and orange daffodil flowers growing in the garden pictured on a soft focus background.

With bright yellow flowers and a delightful fragrance, daffodils are among the first flowers to break winter’s drab spell. And while these robust bulbs are fully winter hardy, there are certain times when you’ll want to lift and store them for replanting in the fall. Here’s how to dig, cure, and store daffodil bulbs.

5 Reasons Why Your Daffodils Aren’t Blooming

A close up horizontal image of bright yellow daffodils growing in the garden pictured in light sunshine on a soft focus background.

If you’re anticipating a springtime bounty of daffodils, there’s nothing worse than watching your plants fail to bloom. Or maybe the leaves never poked out of the ground at all. In this guide, find out the 5 most common reasons for this sad occurrence and learn how to prevent it from happening again. Read more.

7 Reasons Why Daffodil Foliage Turns Yellow

A close up horizontal image of bright yellow daffodils growing in the garden.

Yellowing leaves are often a cause for concern, but in daffodils, they could be caused by something as simple as normal aging. Are your bulbs diseased? Read on to determine what the culprit may be, how to spot early warning signs of disease, and find steps to prevent premature yellowing of daffodil foliage.

How to Divide and Transplant Daffodil Bulbs

A close up horizontal image of bulbs and a trowel and a pair of gloves set on a wooden surface.

Daffodils are early spring bulbs that readily naturalize, especially in woodland settings. Sometimes they spread so much that you may want to thin them out – also known as dividing them. Read on to learn how and when to divide overcrowded daffodils, plus other reasons why this may be a good gardening practice to adopt.

How and When to Fertilize Daffodils

A close up horizontal image of a swath of yellow and orange daffodils growing in the garden.

Daffodil bulbs may contain all they need for their first glorious bloom, but what about next year and the year after that? Read on and learn why applying fertilizer may help to support mature daffodils, types of products available, and when and how they are applied. We’re exploring fertilizing daffodils in this guide.

The Best Companion Plants for Daffodils

A horizontal image of formal garden borders planted with a variety of different colored spring-flowering bulbs, in full bloom, with a path meandering through it beneath trees.

Daffodils do best with companion plants that will look great while they’re both in bloom. Good companions will also cover the unattractive faded daffodil leaves at season’s end. Check out the best flowering plants and veggies to grow with your daffodils, and the ones to keep far away from these spring-blooming bulbs.

15 of the Best Daffodil Cultivars for Naturalized Plantings

A close up horizontal image of white daffodils with orange centers growing in the garden surrounded by foliage with yellow flowers in soft focus in the background, pictured in light sunshine.

Are you designing a landscape filled with drifts of naturalized daffodils? Make sure you choose the best cultivars for your planting to succeed. You’ll need vigorous bulbs, and varieties that you’ll be happy to see each spring for decades to come. To discover 15 of the best daffodils for naturalizing, keep reading.

How to Create a Naturalized Daffodil Planting

A close up horizontal image of bright yellow daffodils growing in a lawn, blooming in the springtime.

Naturalized daffodils are great for hard-to-landscape areas and can last for decades, providing springtime color year after year. To make these drifts of flowers look like they were designed by nature’s hand rather than your own, you’ll want to plan your layout before you plant in the fall. Keep reading to learn more.

How to Grow and Care for Delightful Daffodils

Daffodils in bloom with white petals and yellow centers.

For a bright end to the dreary winter, daffodils are an easy-to-grow spring favorite, providing up to four months of delightful color and perfume. Lovely as a fragrant, long-lasting cut flower, bulbs can even be forced to bloom early indoors . Join us now for a look at all the details on narcissus care and cultivation.