Close up of the leaves of variegated snake plant (Sansevieria Trifasciata)

Snake Plant (Sansevieria)

Sansevieria is a genus that includes around 70 species of succulents in the Asparagaceae family. Most species are native to tropical Africa including the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, and adjacent countries. Although a few species are native to India and other regions in Asia.

Most have thick robust roots and long, erect and narrow basil leaves which contain strong, water-resistant fibers. Some varieties are used to create ropes and other fiber, and many have attractive qualities that make them suitable as houseplants.

Sansevieria ornamentals are often called mother-in-laws’s tongue or snake plant (S. trifasciata). Hundreds of subspecies, varieties and cultivars are sold as houseplants. See all of our articles below for Sansevieria growing, identification, and care guides. New to snake plants? Start here.

How to Manage Invasive Snake Plants Outdoors

A horizontal image of a stand of Dracaena snake plants growing next to a sidewalk on a building site.

Too much of a good thing can become a bad thing. Exhibit A: snake plants in the garden. While gorgeous, a snake plant’s aggressive spread under certain conditions can cause problems, both for your garden and the environment. In this guide, you’ll learn how to manage snake plants effectively! Read more now.

How to Propagate Snake Plants

A close up horizontal image of Dracaena trifasciata leaf cuttings taking root in a jar of water, surrounded by decorative pebbles.

Want lots more snake plants? Of course, we can hardly blame you! They’re fantastic plants to have around. The process itself is easy, though it requires some patience and knowing the right tricks. This guide will explain several methods of propagating snake plants, including division and rooting cuttings in water.

Reasons and Fixes for Snake Plant Leaves Curling

A close up horizontal image of three snake plants (Dracaena trifasciata) planted in pots set on a wooden table with a sash window in the background and a watering can beside them.

Curled leaves on your snake plant are a cry for help. This is a signal that something’s wrong with your plant, caused by temperatures that are too cold, a pest or disease, too much light, or watering issues. Our guide will help you figure out what the problem is and how to resolve it to make your plant happy once more.

How to Encourage Indoor Snake Plants to Bloom

A close up horizontal image of variegated snake plants in bloom pictured on a soft focus background.

Snake plants have fantastic foliage, but their flowers are interesting enough to warrant your gardening efforts. In our guide to coaxing a snake plant to bloom, we go in depth on what mother-in-law’s tongue needs in order to flower, the conditions you’ll have to provide, and how to deadhead the flowers after blooming.

21 Different Varieties of Snake Plants to Grow Indoors

A close up horizontal image of three different types of snake plants growing in pots indoors set on a wooden surface.

The Sansevieria genus, now classified as Dracaena, contains many lovely specimens – with a few surprises. Some of the forms and colors available are distinctive and stunning, and many species make excellent houseplants. We’ve chosen 21 of the best snake plants to add interest, greenery, and shape to your collection.

What Are the Different Types of Snake Plants?

A close up horizontal image of a small potted snake plant on a windowsill indoors.

Snake plants are an old standby with houseplant lovers, but despite their popularity, some of their most unique and dramatic forms have flown under the radar. In fact, some are so different that they may seem unrelated! We’ll look at the various forms available on the market today and discuss what makes them special.

How to Grow and Care for Snake Plants

Six small variegated green snake plants in black containers.

Snake plants are a guaranteed winner for anybody, anywhere. Practically impossible to kill, sansevieria is a great addition to any home. Read about these hardy plants perfect for whatever shade of your green your thumb is here in our snake plant growing guide.