Purple, white, and yellow passionflowers blooming on the vine.


Passionflowers are known for their beautiful and fragrant purple, yellow, or red blooms that often adorn garden trellises in warmer climates. Besides producing showy flowers, they also bear tasty fruit. In our guides down below, we give you tips on how to grow and care for passionflowers and advice on cultivar selection, disease and pest control, fruit harvesting, propagation, and a whole lot more!

How to Propagate Passionflower Vines

A horizontal close up photo of a passionflower bloom with red petals and a bright purple center.

If you love passionflowers, why not start more vines of your own at home? If you’re coveting a neighbor’s plant or would like to clone one or more of your own, there are a few ways to go about it. Learn how to propagate passionflower vines from seed, via cuttings, layering, and grafting in this guide. Read more now.

How to Grow and Care for Passionflowers

A close up of a passionflower growing on the vine with light colored petals and a blue, white, and red crown, surrounded by foliage.

Passionflower has a long history of cultivation for the unique beauty of its blooms and delicious, tropical fruits. This fast-growing vine will reward you with beautiful blooms from spring through fall and attract pollinators to your garden. Learn how to plant and grow passionflower in your garden. Read more now.

How to Overwinter Passionflower Vines Inside or Outdoors

A close up horizontal image of a passionflower growing on the vine with foliage in soft focus in the background.

Want to keep your passionflowers going in the garden even though you live in a cold climate? You don’t have to give up on your dreams of enjoying this subtropical, multi-purpose beauty as a perennial. Passionflowers can be overwintered indoors or protected outdoors to help them survive the cold. Read more now.

Why Isn’t My Passionflower Producing Fruit?

A close up horizontal image of a green developing passion fruit pictured in light evening sunshine.

Passionflowers, also known as passion fruit, are usually simple to grow. They’re low-maintenance and fairly tough. But if your passionflowers aren’t producing fruit, something isn’t right with their growing conditions. Whether it’s sun exposure, fertilizer, or pollination issues, a little change can help a lot.

7 Common Reasons Why Passionflower Fails to Bloom

A close up horizontal image of a white and purple passionflower pictured on a soft focus background.

Passionflowers are known for their incredible blossoms. It’s right there in the name! But when things go wrong, your vine might fail to put on that display. Plus, no flowers means no fruit – it’s a terrible chain reaction. To fix the problem, you have to determine the cause. That’s what this guide aims to help you do.

17 of the Best Passionflower Species and Hybrids to Grow at Home

A close up horizontal image of two passionflowers growing on the vine with foliage in soft focus in the background.

With nearly 600 known species of passionflowers, there is a lot of variety out there, from plants with massive red blossoms to those with petite purple ones. You can find vines that produce long, banana-shaped fruits and others with the familiar egg shape. From the rare to the common, we share some of the best options.

Fertilize Your Passionflower Vines to Boost Growth and Production

A close up horizontal image of a passionflower vine with bright purple flowers growing in the garden.

If you’re growing passionflower and your vine isn’t productive or is looking mediocre, it may need feeding – but how can you tell? In this guide we look at the basic needs of passionflower and cover when and how to fertilize your vines for optimum health, glorious blooms, and tasty fruit. Read more now.