How to Deal with Common Sago Palm Pests and Diseases

Closeup closely cropped horizontal image of green king sago fronds with small white flecks, evidence of a scale infestation.

Sago palm makes a sturdy addition to the garden in warm climates. But what should you do if pests and disease plague your cycads? Whether you’re dealing with scale, rot, yellowing, or mold, a nutrient deficiency, or a simple case of overwatering, we’re here to help with our pro tips! Read more now on Gardener’s Path.

How to Grow and Care for Sago Palm

Horizontal image of a green feathery cycad.

Learn from Gardener’s Path how you can add a dose of prehistoric drama to your landscape, home, or patio with sago, an ancient plant from Japan that looks like a palm but is actually related to conifer trees.