How to Grow and Care for Spotted Joe-Pye Weed

A close up horizontal image of the flowers of spotted joe-pye weed (Eutrochium maculatum) growing in the garden.

Perfect for a rain garden or the back of a border, spotted joe-pye weed is an easy-to-grow native perennial suited to a variety of soils, and its giant clusters of pink flowers attract a myriad of pollinators. Requiring little to no maintenance to thrive, it’s a go-to choice for low impact, eco-friendly gardening.

How to Grow Joe-Pye Weed in Your Landscape or Garden

A close up horizontal image of pink joe-pye weed flowers growing in the garden.

Joe-pye weed is a tall, easy-to-grow native wildflower that shares its name with a Mohican chief. With vanilla-scented flowers, it draws hummingbirds, songbirds, and pollinating insects. Read our guide now to learn how to propagate, care for, and maintain this late-fall bloomer in a border, meadow, or cottage garden.