How to Identify and Control Hollyhock Weevils

A close up horizontal image of a single, black hollyhock weevil (Rhopalapion longirostre) on the surface of a leaf.

Hollyhock weevils are common garden pests and an infestation can turn your plants into a damaged mess. These small weevils feed on hollyhock foliage and flowers, then lay their eggs in the seed pods, resulting in ugly plants. Learn how to identify and eliminate these annoying pests in this guide. Read more now.

How to Winterize Hollyhocks

A close up horizontal image of seed capsules of a hollyhock plant covered in ice crystals pictured on a soft focus background.

A little mulch, a quick prune, and your hollyhocks will be looking better than ever. These cottage garden staples are low-maintenance, but it never hurts to provide some extra care to ensure they’ll be at their best. Winterizing is especially important if you live in a region with wide temperature variation in winter.

How and When to Deadhead Hollyhocks

A close up horizontal image of a bed of beautiful hollyhock flowers with a residence in soft focus in the background.

Deadheading your hollyhocks isn’t required, but it can be useful if done right. Removing the faded flowers can give you a second round of blossoms – but it can also ruin next year’s show. That’s because hollyhocks are self-seeding biennials, and removing the flowers also prevents the seeds from spreading. Read more.

How to Grow and Care for Hollyhocks

A close up horizontal image of a stand of bright hollyhocks pictured on a blue sky background in bright sunshine.

Growing hollyhocks is rewarding for people and pollinators. They offer a beautiful spectrum of picturesque petals, making them a must-have for any floral garden! And you only need to plant them once to see them return for years to come, via self-sowing or seed saving. Learn how to grow and care for your own hollyhocks.