9 Common Causes of Celosia Plant Death

A close up horizontal image of colorful celosia growing in a mixed garden border.

Uncover the various factors leading to celosia plant death. Explore common issues such as Botrytis blight, leaf spot, root rot, and powdery mildew. Learn how soluble salts, cold damage, and overwatering can impact your plants. Discover effective strategies to prevent common pests. And get tips to avoid problems.

Crazy, Colorful Celosia: A Growing Guide

Red, yellow, and pink colored celosia flowers in a mass planting.

A denizen of hot and well-drained gardens, celosia offers a kaleidoscopic array of colors and flower styles. From fan-shaped flowers to colorful plumes straight out of a Dr. Seuss story, you’re sure to find one just for you. Read on to learn how to care for this colorful flower for all-season color.